Read Stories Bonds Beyond Eternity: The War For the Realms - TeenFic.Net




Bonds Beyond Eternity: The War For the Realms

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After living a legendary life as the King of Games, Yugi Muto died and took his title with him to the grave. In the afterlife, everyone we knew from the Yugioh franchise is gathered together forever in paradise. All seems to be normal - Yugi and Atem enjoy their domestic life together in a marvelous palace where they live with all their monster companions; Joey and Kaiba experience marital dysfunction yet somehow manage to love one another; Tristan adopts a peculiar, little monster called Thunder Kid that causes his spouse much annoyance; Jack Atlas looks as brilliant as ever in his ostentatious fashion choices; Jaden Yuki can never seem to stop having a good time even if it somehow gets him in trouble, much to the worry of his husband Jesse and of his best friend Syrus; Yuma is as enthusiastic as ever; and Pegasus - Yes. That Pegasus - is always the only one who can crash a party by showing up a half hour late and still be adored and beloved by everyone. All seems to be well until a disturbance occurs in the Shadow Realm that the gods fear could possibly be the return of Zorc, whom for years had been laying in a dormant state of near non-existence, elusively contemplating his potential comeback and his conquest of all the realms - including the Duel Monsters Spirit World, both Astral and Barian Worlds, and yes, even the realm of Heaven itself. An all-out war erupts where the Pharaoh Atem, with the help of Yugi and all their friends, must lead an army against the Dark One and his minions, among them being the Great Leviathan, Nightshroud, the Earthbound Immortals, and Don Thousand. I proudly present the epic story where love, friendship, loyalty, redemption, vengeance, and betrayal all feature and the boundaries of good and of evil seem to be far more intertwined than ever thought possible. Here it is - Yugioh! Bonds Beyond Eternity: The War For the Realms.
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