Read Stories BigBstatZ Murder Mystery - TeenFic.Net




BigBstatZ Murder Mystery

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Ten little detectives going out to dine
The murderer poisoned one and the there was nine

Nine little detectives following some bait
The murderer set a trap off and then there was eight

Eight little detectives going to room eleven, the murderer set a fire and then there was seven

Seven little detectives had a generator to fix, the murderer made it malfunction and then there was six

Six little detectives going for a dive
The murderer drowned one and then there was five

Five little detectives amazed by what they saw, the murderer surprised them and then there was four

Four little detectives climbing up a tree
The murderer chopped it down and then there was three

Three little detectives learning kung fu
The murderer chopped one in half and then there was two

Two little detectives studying some guns, the murderer shot one, and then there was one
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