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Teen Fiction



Best friend's brother and his babies

42 likes / 1,819 reads
Ranked #4 in Annabella
Ranked #9 in babymomma
Annabella is a normal 17 year old high school girl. She has 5 brothers and one sister, but she has a best friend that she considers as a sister. What happens when she starts to fall for her best friend's brother, and better yet what happens when they make one drunken mistake and she ends up pregnant with his baby. Will he help out? Will she stop talking to him? Will she get jealous when he gets back together with his girlfriend? Follow along with Annabella with her journey.


"Because you ruined something that is sacred between us, it was a me and you thing but you go and take your fucking girlfriend there on a fucking date how messed up are you?"

"It is just a place why are you so wrapped up around this?" he says

"Because Jay-"

"Because what?"

"Because I am in love, like out of my fucking mind in love. The same kind of love that makes me want to kill myself every single time I see you with Emma. And I know you don't feel that way either which is why it hurts more. I love you so fucking much you don't even know how much it physically hurts"
He just looks at me and stares after my rant, after a couple of seconds he walks away without no word...he just walks with me on the floor crying my fucking heart out

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