Read Stories Benefits of kalvenji oil (black seed oil/nigella seeds) - TeenFic.Net




Benefits of kalvenji oil (black seed oil/nigella seeds)

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Hazrat Abu Hurairah States - “I have heard from the Rasool of Allah (S.A.W) that there is cure for every disease in black seeds except death and black seeds are shooneez.” Salim Bin Abdullah narrates with reference to his father Hazrat Abdullah Bin Omar that Rasool Allah (Pbuh) said, “Let fall these black seeds upon you, these contain cure for all diseases except death.” An annual herbaceous plant, black seed (Nigella sativa) is believed to be indigenous to the Mediterranean region but has been cultivated into other parts of the world including Saudi Arabia, northern Africa and parts of Asia. Seeds are triangular in shape, black in colour and possess a severe pungent smell, contain a considerable amount of oil. Kalonji refers to the small black seeds of the Love-in-a-Mist plant. Sometimes they are confused with "onion" seeds or black cumin or caraway. The seeds are deep black and sharp-cornered. Nigella sativa and its black seed are known by other names, varying between places. Some call it black caraway, others call it black cumin (Kalonji), or even coriander seeds. In English, the Nigella sativa plant is commonly referred to as "Love in a Mist". Nevertheless, this is Nigella sativa, which has been known and used from ancient times and is also known in Persian as Shonaiz. The many uses of black seed have earned for this medicinal herb the Arabic approbation habbatul barakah, meaning "the seed of blessing." Black seed, in its complete, natural form, acts on the principle of assisting the body's own natural healing process in overcoming illness or maintaining health. It works on the part or system of the body affected without disturbing its natural balance elsewhere.
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