Read Stories Because, I Love You. (Neji x Reader) - TeenFic.Net




Because, I Love You. (Neji x Reader)

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"G-God damn it! Why? Why (y/n)?"

"I...I did it because.. I love you."

. . .

You and Neji weren't always on great terms. Neji disliked you with all his heart while you loved him with all your heart. However; there was a time when the tables turned and you begin to dislike Neji just as much as he used to dislike you. Although, that was also the time when Neji fell in love with you, thus the statement, "when the tables turned." Eventually, after many ups and downs, you and Neji finally get on the same page, but what happens when catastrophe strikes and rips the page, leaving you on one side while Neji is on the other?

. . .
**I DO NOT own any character from the Naruto Universe and all rights go to the creators of Naruto/ Naruto Shippuden. Photo found from Google and edited using Canva on Wattpad.
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