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Beautiful Nightmare

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Dear reader, I wish that I could tell you that I was pure.

But the truth is, everyone has a little bit of light and dark in them. Even the cruelest people in the world, the people with almost completely black hearts, even they have some good in them. And it is certainly true that the most selfless, kind, peaceful people have a streak of darkness. No matter how well they hide it.

Now, I am willing to guess that you are (for the most part) human. And that means that you are almost entirely grey. Sorry. You are neither wholly good, nor wholly bad. Very few of you are even mostly one or the other. You're all just a big mishmash of everything on the spectrum.

My name is Pearl. And I was created as part of an experiment. You see, about sixteen years ago, some of your best minds came together to find a solution to the human condition. A team of scientists came up with the Genesis Project.

They took the kindest and most selfless humans from your earth and genetically engineered their DNA to produce babies that were (allegedly) 100% Good. They are called Light Sprits. In case you hadn't realised, that's me. One of the 13 Light Spirits created by the Genesis Project.

However, as an unexpected side effect of the experiment, genetic mutations were also produced. All of the bad human characteristics had to go somewhere, I guess? From these mutations came 13 babies that were 100% Evil, called Dark Spirits.

The scientists decided to place all of the Light Spirits on a man-made satellite orbiting Earth, named Halka.
That's my home.

They placed the Dark Spirits on another satellite far away from us, called Gadha. They hoped that we would never cross paths, for fear of their life's work being contaminated.

But last night, everything changed. Due to air pollution of the atmosphere, it became too dangerous for us to stay in our satellites. Our creators sent out an emergency message telling us to evacuate to Earth immediately.

That's where our story starts.
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