Read Stories Beautiful Mistakes (Nino Nakano x Male Reader) - TeenFic.Net




Beautiful Mistakes (Nino Nakano x Male Reader)

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The story begins with (Y/N) mustering up the courage to ask Nakano Nino out on a date. To his surprise, Nino doesn't immediately reject him. Instead, she gives him a condition to become her boyfriend: he must follow her orders. (Y/N) agrees to the terms in order to win Nino's heart.

Their relationship progresses with (Y/N) obediently carrying out Nino's commands, but an unexpected incident occurs in (Y/N)'s life, which forces him to leave school. This event causes (Y/N) to reflect on his past and his actions with Nino and her sisters.

Four years later, (Y/N) and Nino reunite at Asahiyama High School, where Futaro is attending as well. As Futaro needs (Y/N) to improve the relationship with the quintuplets and help them with their studies, he cannot ignore Nino that easily. Their reunion brings up unresolved feelings and tensions between the two.

The incident that made (Y/N) leave his middle school and rethink his decision to accept Nino's offer is a mystery. It could be anything from a family emergency, to a personal struggle, or a misunderstanding with Nino or her sisters.

I don't own The Quintessential Quintuplets or/and any videos/images used. They belong to their rightful owners.
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