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Battle Damage | A CaeJose Story

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After being thrown into a fountain on their first encounter, JoJo is hardly left with pleasant feelings about this Caesar Zeppeli. Hamon adept or not, he's arrogant, uptight, and a complete player, and he knows the Italian thinks about as well of him. But the threat of the pillarmen is one that will take more than one untrained 18-year-old to stop, and the uneasy truce they strike soon becomes camaraderie, then friendship, then something else - something JoJo knows would cost him a friendship to admit, and Caesar is sure JoJo couldn't possibly want. With each fight becoming more desperate and the fate of the Stone in the balance, both need to decide what they want - and what they're willing to risk - before it's too late.
tldr: CaeJose Battle Tendency.
Original cover art by @rawrtist
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