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Teen Fiction



Back To You

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#144 in Teen Fiction 4/8/16

Ten year old Natalia Johnson was the shy girl who usually kept to herself. The only person who could even remotely get her out of her shell was her best friend Andrew Vasquez, who she spent every day with. But one day her life took a dramatic turn when her parents announced that they would be moving to a different state. Now, six years later, she's back and eager to catch up with her old friend Andrew.

Finding normality in a completely new life seems hard enough, but with ghosts from the past coming back to haunt her and a mysterious new prankster causing trouble, Natalia struggles to separate the truth from the lies.

This was written by a child. (Me as a high school freshman) I am leaving it as is, no editing or re-writing.
Read at your own risk.

Cover made by me :)

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"I really cannot see how this story isn't number one yet. It's amazing!"

"Omg plot twist extreme"

"Rereading it and I'm going to miss the characters. I've become so attached to them it's not even funny but it's okay cuz I'll read it again."
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