Bella Afton has a good life with her husband, Michael Schmidt and her young sister-in-law, Abby. Even though the couple are living paycheck to paycheck most of the time, they are trying to make the best life for Abby. Mike's abrasive Aunt Jane is trying her hardest to gain custody of her niece and is working relentlessly to prove that Mike and Bella aren't fit guardians. However, Bella and Mike are determined to provide a loving home for Abby and are not going down without a fight.
Name: Bella Schmidt (maiden name: Afton)
Birthday: October 1977
Age: 23
Height: 5'2
Hair color: dark blonde
Eye color: green
Occupation: after and in school tutor
William Afton (father)
Clara Afton (mother)
Vanessa Afton (older sister)
Michael Afton (older brother)
Evan Afton (older brother)
Elizabeth Afton (older sister)
Marital family:
Mrs. Schmidt (mother-in-law)
Mr. Schmidt (father-in-law)
Mike Schmidt (husband)
Garrett Schmidt (brother-in-law)
Abby Schmidt (sister-in-law)
Jane (aunt-in-law)
Friends/Allies: Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie Bunny, Chica Chicken, Carl the Cupcake, and Foxy the Pirate Fox.
Bella is a young woman with a big heart. She is kind to everyone and attempts to maintain her composure for the sake of her young sister-in-law, Abby. When she and Mike first started dating, he emphasized the importance his sister had to him and Bella accepted the condition with no hesitation or complaints. She loved Abby like her own little sister.
Mike and Bella met when they were going to community college and immediately clicked after having class together. They dated for a year before he finally proposed to her and she gladly accepted. The couple were married that summer. Despite not having a lot of money, they were happy together.
Bella wanted to have a better life for herself after growing up in the Afton family.
She has been reliving the Bite of '83 in her nightmares among others of the bloodstained history of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria.