Read Stories Away From Reality/ A Carlos DeVil Story/ - TeenFic.Net




Away From Reality/ A Carlos DeVil Story/

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Payton Pan was a normal student at Auradon Prep. She had top grades, perfect attendance, and had a great personality. When her best friend and soon-too-be-king, Ben makes an announcement that he will be bringing four kids from the Isle of the Lost to Auradon, Payton's life changes for the best and the worst.

20 years ago, all of the villains got banished to the Isle of the Lost. 20 years ago, Felicity Forest disappeared and was never found again. Payton was taken to Auradon, where she would grow up and go to school. Since time stood still on Neverland, she couldn't stay. When Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos arrive in Auradon, Payton gets along with them great seeing how she, is part villain. But when Payton starts to get visions from her mom, she is determined to find her and bring her back.

Sequel to The Blind Alpha

I do not own any of the characters except the new ones!
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