Read Stories As I Fall Asleep- Joshua Bassett - TeenFic.Net




As I Fall Asleep- Joshua Bassett

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My heart drops at the news...

I look across the room at the boy I've only seen on a screen. His tousled brown hair begins to fall in his eyes until he brushes his hand through his hair, attempting to control the locks.

He catches me staring and I blush, looking down at my hands.

He sighs "Looks like we're going to be seeing a lot of each other."

Katie's a normal girl. Some friends at school, a family who loves her, a few insecurities, nothing special. That is until her parents surprised her with a trip to Hawaii. While there, she meets one of her idols, joshua bassett. There's nothing special about the interaction... until disaster strikes. This one event launches the numerous minutes, hours, days, even weeks they must spend together. Being pushed together constantly can take a toll on relationships, feelings, and fights. He's an actor and song artist while she's just an average girl from California. Could he ever want her? More importantly, could she ever want HIM?

** you don't have to know who joshua bassett is, this is also just a cute cringey story about 2 people**

Top ratings:

#1-joshuabassett 3/22
#18- crushing 3/22
#1- lds 8/22
#32- cringe 9/22
#21 sappy 10/22
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