Read Stories Ars Alogia - TeenFic.Net




Ars Alogia

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In Eith Arador, a world of magic, ancient powers litter the wilds long abandoned and forgotten. Having been at the mercy of devils once before, Maico is cautious despite his youth, and plans for future challenges just as threatening. And there are more than just demons waking from their slumber.

There are celestial alignments, places of cataclysmic power, and artefacts that might warp the fundament of reality itself within this world. The greatest trophies are either cursed or guarded by immortal entities. You would need a thousand measures against thousands of contingencies to survive. Many fall victim to even the most unassuming of traps, but Maico is different. If you are reading this, you will come to know him.

He appraises items, and then he fixes them.


Author's Note:
This is something I've started writing as a way of getting over what was basically writer's block from a previous story. It's very slow paced and I don't do much to avoid breaking any conventional writing "rules". Case in point, there has been zero dialogue throughout my draft thus far. I'm posting it on Wattpad to get more feedback but I'm also editing it slightly before posting here. Posts are very short and are basically every day, so this is very much a drip feed way of story telling. Feel free to point out the flaws, because there are a lot of them!
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