Read Stories Are You Really... A Demiwizard??  »»COMPLETED 10•06•17«« - TeenFic.Net




Are You Really... A Demiwizard?? »»COMPLETED 10•06•17««

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Percy Jackson and the seven arrive at Hogwarts where they learn their wizards and witches! How exciting is that? They find it really cool as well, but in the mist of all this, will they come to threat at hand? Or will they fail? Leaving the world as they know it, to die?

All rights belong to J.K. Rowling and Rick Riordan

Began: October 7 2016
Ended: October 6 2017

*after hearing my girlfriend read this out loud, I never want to look at this again. this is a dark part of my past. i don't read comments at all. I do not care.
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