Read Stories arcan| wts | i. lahey - TeenFic.Net




arcan| wts | i. lahey

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ophelia marie argent has always been a stone cold bitch, she would be kind to no one other than her family. why? because when she was 6 she was in the hale house fire. she met cora in her class and became close friends with her and her family without her family's knowledge. she went to do a project not knowing her grandfather would traumatize her forever that night. she tried to save as many people as she can but being only 6 she could only save two and she would take the identities to the grave. now years later her family moves back to beacon hills but she decided to stay behind for a few months until her and her sister decide to come to town. read to find out what happens when all of her family and friends including herself react to the huntresses falling for their prey.
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