Read Stories Apocalypse - TeenFic.Net





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Daniel Abrams loses everything in the blink of an eye. His wife and infant son disappear with billions of people at the stroke of midnight. Why his loved ones vanished and where they went, drives him to make sense of their faith, something he didn't share. Soon, there's Marshall Law, curfews, new executive orders, and threats of imprisonment and death. The United States of America is no longer the home of the free and the land of the brave, but a nation bent on power and control. That's not the least of Daniel's worries as he realizes the first seal of the book of Revelation has been opened, unleashing seven years of the worst imaginable times on earth... the apocalypse, the end of the age. Nothing can stop what's coming, but there is hope to all who dare to believe.

A Fictional Tale Based on the Book of Revelation.

Note: This is a Christian Fiction story with a biblical Worldview.
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