Read Stories An Unlikely Pair *LOTR FanFic* - TeenFic.Net




An Unlikely Pair *LOTR FanFic*

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"If her race was so powerful how come they're all gone?" Boromir questioned as he pointed at young girl. Elrond went to defend the her, but she cut him off by stabbing her knife into the wooden table that was beside her.
"My parents wanted peace. They refused to fight, even when they broke down our walls, they refused to shed blood, and my people followed. They surrendered, and they were slaughtered."
"So how would a pacifist help us on this journey to destroy evil? Especially when she sits beside the enemy!" Gimli pointed out.
"I said my parents wanted to peace. As Boromir pointed out so kindly, all my people are gone. I'm the only one left of them, and I want to see their killers' heads on spikes. And Dur is not your enemy. He saved me, he killed hundreds of his own kind to get me to safety. I trust him, that's why I stand beside him."
"Why would an orc help a child?" Aragorn finally asked, and Durmragha looked down at his little companion and she nodded.
"Little Lady people surrender, and my people killed. No honor. Little Lady fought. Little lady killed to defend, Little Lady fought with honor. Defend honor, kill the honorless."
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