Read Stories An Honest Woman | Female Jaime Lannister | GOT/ASOIAF - TeenFic.Net




An Honest Woman | Female Jaime Lannister | GOT/ASOIAF

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What Jaime Lannister was born a girl and Cersei (Cersen) was born the eldest son? Also, just for fun, Ser Brien of Tarth. Having killed Aerys, Jaime married Stannis after being deemed unsuitable for the king.

Jaime had been allowed near no kind of blade after her display in the Whispering Wood and her hair had grown wild and long. Hanging in unwashed tangles, the mane of curls still glinted gold in the lamplight and made her look like the lion on her house's arms, magnificent even in chains. Her once-fine gown was tattered rags, rotting on her body, her face was pale and wasted, yet the woman still had the nerve to be beautiful. Though that did not disguise the danger.

"There are no women like me. There's only me. What other woman can claim to have killed a king?"

"Kingslayer... And such a king he was!" She lifted her cup mockingly. "To Aerys Targaryen, the Second of His Name. And to the blade that opened his throat. It was a sword, you know. People like to believe that I stabbed him in the back with a dagger having weaselled my way in his bed," She gave a harsh laugh. "He'd likely have preferred it that way, and called me Joanna all the while,"

"Had it been my choice, I would have been the definition of faithful and never have left my brother's side. But we don't always get a choice. You wouldn't understand, you're an honest woman," Her tone was mocking. "I've learnt that most honest women are just lucky. What would you have done if, say, your dear husband's old friend Robert took advantage of you being drunk and alone? He's the king, and a big man, your blows bounce off his chest like nothing and, should you tell anyone, your husband would behead you himself,"

"Ned would never - " Catelyn stopped herself but had said too much, as Jaime's smile grew.

"Ned would never," She said carefully. "I don't doubt it. But Stannis would,"
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