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Alphas Run Away Mate

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I felt a wave of pain wash over my as those words left his lips. I reached up pressing my hand over my chest biting down on my lip harder than before. I could taste the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I closed my eyes for a moment then opened them when I heard him gasp. He looked at me has if he regretted those words that left his lips just a moment ago.

"Okay." I simply, replied to him. I gave him a weak smile before I started to make my way out of the room. I could hear him calling my name as I left. He was apologizing repeatedly. All I could think of right now was run. Run as fast as I could out of here.

Run. Run Vivian as fast as you can. Run. Howled my wolf in pain.


Rejected, alone and scared. Vivian runs off away from her pack. Her mate and anything else that was holding her back. She settles into this world where she goes through motions that is until another Alpha shows up to claim her as his. Will she give into him or run away like before?
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