Read Stories After Responding Seriously To A MarriagePromise, I MarriedMyCuteChildhoodFriend  - TeenFic.Net




After Responding Seriously To A MarriagePromise, I MarriedMyCuteChildhoodFriend

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"After I grow older, I'll become Mii-kun's wife!"

It was an innocent declaration by Kurashiki Kouri, the kindergartner. In response to those words, Mii-kun, or Kudou Michihisa, the recipient of those words-

"Kouri-chan. Before becoming a wife, we have to be lovers, right?"

Gave a serious reply. Kouri and Michihisa have been dating ever since.
A couple with 15 years of dating history.

With such an important promise with her, on his eighteenth birthday, Michihisa and Kouri registered their marriage together. They became a high school married couple.

However, with the couple's marriage, their parents proposed two requirements. Live independently and manage things financially on their own.

With that, the two of them begin their happy fulfilling life as a married couple while worrying over their household budget.

"I was happy to be able to flirt with Mii-kun every day! I thought."

"So you aren't happy?"

"I am happy, but happiness doesn't make you full."

This story is about a newly married couple, living a life while saving money and flirting. In other words, a story about them using money saving as an excuse to flirt with each other.

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Alt Title : 小さい頃の結婚の約束にマジレスしたら、可愛い幼馴染と結婚していた件

Author: Shinichi Kuno / 久野真一
Writing status: Completed
Chapters: 74
kind: Original Novel
Original Publisher: Kakuyomu, Syosetu

DISCLAIMER : I Do Not own this story, All credits goes to the original author..

I just want to share this fluff to everyone, so if you're interested come and enjoy the read 😊

P. S.
(I edited the grammar to be somewhat understandable, to save my brain from mtl as I read along, huhu😭 Also the other translator didn't update this for a very long time, so I put it in here, so that I could reread whenever I need some sugar/fluff in my bitter life ehehe..)

You can read chapters 1-9 here 👇
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