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adopted by falling in reverse

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A girl named Alex gets adopted by ronnie radke and her best friend Kat us adopted by Ferard. the description of the characters are below.

favourite color-purple and metal blue
favourite bands - fir, bvb,ptv,sws,mcr,p!atd,swpb and many more
tattoos or peircings - snake bites,nose ring(septum),size 2 spacers,and belly button. has the batman symbol on the inside of her left arm.

age 17 1/2
favourite colour - red
favorite bands - same as Alex but also like tpr
tattoos or peircings - ears, lip ring and nose stud. "na na nan" onthe outside of her right ankle.

age 18
favourite colour - red
favourite bands- same as kat
tattoos or peircings- lip and nose ring and size 2 spacers. has "unbreakable" on his left shoulder blade.
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