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A Second Chance in Love (Erik X OC)

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The great fire, it cost Erik everything he ever knew. His house, his only love... everything. He roamed the streets for almost four years, staying hidden in the shadows he made himself familiar with only to find his way back to the abandon and burnt opera house.

He stayed there and the first few months were nothing but peace, silence and his inner demons ripping him apart. He had no power for life anymore, no muse to write songs and compose miracles.

He simply spent his days looking at the cave walls, not able to think, to see, to feel.

All that changed when his ear perked the sound of a child's laughter, informing him of people entering his house but he had no power to kick them out. He saw no reason too. The Phantom was dead after all.

He assumed they were the new owners, a word he heard a few times during the past 2 weeks. He mentally scoffed, wondering what they would do with the destroyed opera. Open it again? Fix it? He could care less.

All he wanted was his solitude.

#1 in phantomoftheopera (10/3/21)
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