Read Stories A Life in New York  - TeenFic.Net

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A Life in New York

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Violet Valencia is a twelve year old girl going in the 7th grade and meets a boy who is new to her school. They instantly become friends and spend a lot of time together. They meet more friends, the Hergenbergs. Months pass and friendships become stronger as they fight through the cold harsh winter together.

I wrote this so long ago, like between 2013-2014. So, of course there's going to be mistakes. This is the edited version, as for the original version, I've got down written on an old journal. The perspective is going to be in 3rd person all throughout the whole book.

I changed the title of my book for reasons and I have enough time to explain why. I changed the ending of this book that had to do with the title, so I changed it now that the ending has been changed, enough said.
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