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A Heart without a Beat

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Natalie Mayan used to be a normal 15 year old girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, In love with the high school jock Braiden McCoy, dating him for 11 months everything turns out perfect for them. He proposed to her, excitedly she exclaims YES! 2 weeks into the engagement Natalie was shopping in Bayer with her best friend Lindy when she receives a call from Braiden's sister Courtney, hesitantly Courtney says holding back tears "Braiden's been in a accident on the football field, they said there's nothing they can do but wait, hes in a coma Natalie. Natalie bursted into tears, dropping her phone and the product she was holding and fell to the floor. Her best friend Brianna immediately comes to her need screaming "What's wrong?!", Natalie pointed towards her phone, Brianna picks up the phone and answers "Hello?", "Hello" was the reply back "What"s wrong with Braiden?" "He's in a coma and we have to wait." "We"ll be right there" Brianna hangs up the phone, picks Natalie's stuff up and the product she's going to buy. And helps Natalie up. "We're going to pay for this, then going to the hospital." They purchase the products and head to the hospital. They are immediately sent to the room where Braiden's unconscious body laid.Natalie walks into the room by Braiden and touches his face singing part of "Here comes goodbye" By Rascal Flats. Touching his face she whispers "Baby, I love you" all of a sudden the machine Braiden is hooked up to goes haywire, beeping neurotically. Doctors rush in and the machine stops.Then sadly the doctor says i'm sorry, he's gone. Then with a recorder he turns to speak. "Braiden McCoy pronounced dead, DOB:9-28-96 Age:17 COD:Brain damage with the nerve.Time:7:49
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