42. Anything For You Hudson, Cute Name By The Way

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You guys get two chapters today cause I want this book to end quickly

This chapter is finally going to turn things around, when Hudson said "why does unexpected shit keep on happening in his life?"

He had a reason


"I'm so happy that we are done with this exam and shit." Moon said stretching his leg on the hood of his car.

"Yeah me too." I said sipping the coffee in my hand.

"What is taking Deborah and Dana so long? They should be done writing by now." Moon complained and groaned.

"Your such an inpatient being, it's been only 6 minutes."

"Yeah it feels like six years." He retorted. "Look I'm hungry, I gotta eat, if they don't come out in the next 30 seconds, I swear, I'll go. Deborah's car is there for you guys to ride anyways."

"She didn't bring her car today cause you drive all of us and if you go now Moon, your gonna pay for your food, no one but you." I said as he let out a frustrated groan and looked at me.

"I fucking hate that your right." He mumbled quietly but loud enough for me to hear him.

"Yeah. Get it through your thick fucking skull Moon." I smiled and looked at the entrance of the school as I saw D and D walking out of school with Tacos in their hands. "Their they come."

"Where?" He said and looked at the entrance to school and came down from his car good. "Where the fuck have you guys been? Do you know how hungry I am?" He sounded like he was going explode shit out of his ass... That his a very disgusting description.

"Yeah, we know, that's why we got Tacos from the cafeteria, numb skull." Dana retorted.

"Y'all damn Tacos won't be enough! I need a whole fucking meal!" Moon was literally going crazy right now.

"Ugh, your so fucking annoying when your hungry." Dana said keeping her face like she wanted to beat him up.

"Whatever let's go." He said and got inside the car as we followed. I turned around to enter when I saw someone wearing all black, with a hat and glasses.

The person was looking at me from across the street and I looked back beginning to wonder who it was.

Who the fuck if that?

"Hudson, you coming in or not?" Moon said as I looked at him, but I turned my head back to the direction of where the person in all black was standing, only to see that there was no one there. "What the are you looking at?!" Moon shouted startling me.

"Calm down dude, I thought I saw something."

"Well your hallucinating cause you haven't eaten and that is why we need to go!" I rolled my eyes, annoyed by his demands and got inside the car, closing the door as I entered.

"Hallucinations don't work like that and your car smells like sweaty sex." I covered my nose by the bad smell in the car.

"Well a guy's paid me money so he can take his crush out for a date with my car and they later had sex inside, when I specifically told him not to. And your sitting right where they fucked." Moon said as I almost threw up in his car, including Dana.

"Babe, eww!" Deborah shouted with disgust on her face as he drove out of the school parking lot.

"Deborah please, spray this car with your perfume please." Dana request as Deborah hastily brought out a perfume from her purse and began spraying the car, ridding it from the bad smell.

"Babe don't drive like a maniac and kill us because of your hunger." Deborah said playing with his hair after she was done spraying the car.


We arrived at a diner as Moon parked the car by the road as we came rushing out of his car.

"You need to wash your car or I am never entering it again." I said as Moon rolled his eyes. I looked over at the diner and saw Andrew already their waiting for us. "Hey, there's Andrew." I said as we saw him and he waved at us and we approached the diner with Moon already ahead of three of us.

"Hey guy- "

"Move it." Moon cut him off as he walked passed him and entered the diner like some hungry animal or some shit.

"Let me guess... He's hungry." Andrew said raising one of his eyebrows.

"Yep." Dana said walking into the diner.

"Exactly." Followed by Deborah.

"Remind me not to hang out with Moon when he is hungry." Andrew said as I laughed and he opened his arms for me to hook my through his, as I did and we both walked into the diner.

We sat at the empty table by the glass walls or whatever they call it. Giving us a nice view of the road.

"Okay, your right I am hungry, Moon hurry up and order." I said smacking him on his shoulder for no reason.

"Oww." He said then a guy working in the diner came to our table.

"What can I get for you this fine afternoon?" The guy said looking directly at me as I felt awkward because my friends kept on looking at the guy and back at me, then him them me again.

"Uh, Hudson he asked a question." Deborah said as I realized myself.

"Oh, I will take um, Dana what are you ordering?" I asked her having no idea what I wanted to order, because I was to being acknowledge by the guy that came to our table and he couldn't stop looking at me and smirking... Damn, I am that attractive, and I thought I was ugly as fuck.

"Okay, I'll have an avocado toast with egg and bacon on the side and one black coffee." She said as the guy didn't even break eye contact. He's definitely older than me, his newly shaved beard was enough to tell me that. I see why people are obsessed with older guys, because... Why not.

"Yeah, I'll have what she had but instead of black coffee, I'll have a Cappuccino, thank you." I said and smiled running my fingers through my hair.

"Anything for you Hudson, cute name by the way." He said as my friends started ohhing and shit.

Okay this guy is literally flirting with me... Obviously. "Okay, yeah thanks." He nods and walks away, as everyone stayed silent, looking a each other.

"Okay what just happened?" Deborah said breaking the silence.

"I think Hudson just found himself a hot man." Moon said in an Texan accent.

"Why are guys suddenly attracted to me? I am not that fine, like Andrew and Moon are definitely a 10, while I'm a 5."

"You got that part right dude we are 10's aren't we?" Andrew said.

"Of course yeah." Moon said as they fist bump into each other.

"You should be happy that people see you and His, you are not a 5, why would you even say that, have you looked in the mirror? You are hot as fuck and the best part is your not even skinny, your muscles are almost the same size as Moon's muscles... Almost." Deborah said complimenting and insulting me at the same time.

"Well, whatever... I am fine, thank God." I said as Moon shouted and I jumped on my seat looking at him. "Why?" Was all I said.

"The guys, didn't take my order, I totally forgot the reason I was here." Moon said, making us roll our eyes at him.

"Do you guys know one person that was never attracted to me, that it was even so hard for me to communicate with him?" I said getting their attention. "Blue." I mentioned and they nod their heard agreeing with me.

"That is true, he is so hardcore." Andrew said, even Andrew knew... Surprisingly.

"I swear there's something about that dude that I can never quite put a finger on." Moon added.

"Well, too bad we won't be seeing him anymore." Andrew said as my eyebrows knitted.

"What?" I said looking at him.

"You guys didn't know? I thought you knew."

"Knew what exactly?" Dana asked.

"He and his family moved away and sold their house, that was on Tuesday." Andrew said as my jaw dropped.

What? Blue's no longer here in Brooklyn?

No wonder he wrote all his exams on Monday, he just left without saying goodbye after he admits that we're friends, he moves away.

"Wait how did you know?" I asked.

"Someone from school told me that they saw him and his family moved their things into a big black vehicle, with Three Gold Stirpes, by the side of the vehicle and under the logo he saw a company name." Andrew said as we all just sat there flabbergasted and I hid my necklace so they won't recognize it.

"Wow, that's some news." I said slumping down on my chair.

"At least it's not a bad news, or whatever." Deborah added.

"I'm hungry!" Moon said sipping the bottle of water that was on the table.

Okay, now I now that I wanna know about his past, he moves away and this logo that I am wearing on around my neck is a company logo? This just got more interesting and I totally forgot to enter that site that Blue told me to get a little information from, I will have to check it today when I go home.


To cut everything short, we are and had fun in the diner and we were done eating our lunch and dinner combine, mostly Moon.

Andrew drove home with his car after we left the diner, while we once again got into Moon's smelly sweaty sex car, but the smell had reduced cause we kept the windows open while we were dining in the diner.

After dropping Dana off, some minutes he dropped me off at mine and we said our goodbyes before he drove off and I went into the house.

My Dad was in the living room when I entered inside the house and my mom was resting on his shoulder. I didn't know if they were sleeping so I decided to check but before I could even go further I heard snoring which was enough evidence for me to know that they are long gone.

I smiled and decided to go to my room and let them rest, after all I didn't come home late, so I won't be in trouble the morning.

I got into my room as I dropped my bag and the chair and took off my shoes before jumping on my bed.

I didn't realize I was this exhausted until I later on my bed. I was about to sleep before I remembered about the site that Blue told me to check out.

I quickly came down my bed, removing my bag from the chair and putting it on the desk as I turned in my computer. Before it will be done loading, I went to my wardrobe to find I hid the black M&M pack that I hid with the glasses.

I found them behind a bag and I pulled out the M&M pack, closed the wardrobe and went back to my desk.

I entered my password, unlocking the computer as I immediately connected to the house WiFi and went straight to Google.

I checked the website on the pack and typed in what I saw on the search bar, before searching for it.

I saw many different sites but didn't know which to tap and enter, I scrolled down slowly reading the different sites and stuff, I kept on going and going and going until I found something.

It was a very secured site but it wasn't taken down yet, under it I saw the letters TGS and I immediately knew that it stands for Three Gold Stripes.

I tapped on it as the site loaded and after a few seconds it was done loading.

I scrolled down and saw different topics on different companies, rich people and the thing some of them did to get their money and stuff.

I have to be quick before a virus or something happens to my computer before I get tracked.

Then I saw it, Three Gold Stripes (TGS) Company and the secrets behind it. I tapped on that topic but before it could load something popped on the screen, asking if I really want to continue. I tapped yes then it said I should enter a pin that consisted of 6 numbers or letters, I really didn't know.

Pin? What pin? Blue didn't tell me anything about a pin

I started using random numbers and letters, it will load and say, incorrect, I tried another and it said incorrect, I tried and tried and tried before I realized I only had two tries left, and if I get them incorrectly, I will be blocked out of this site.

I groaned frustratedly resting my head on the desk, as the necklace came down to my face and was dangling between my eyes and nose. I stared at it for some time before I saw something written behind the necklace, I raised my head up and unhooked the necklace around my neck to check what was written on it.

I checked just to see the three letters TGS on the back. I sighed and cussed under my breath as my mind came across the shades that was in the box, I did some numbers on it today before I went to school.

I quickly went to my wardrobe and carried the shades from where I carried the M&M pack from.

I saw the shades and brought out closing the wardrobe. I went back to the desk and placed the shades closer to the brightness coming from the screen, trying to remember where I saw the letter and numbers.

After drawing it closer to the light I saw something at the bottom of the rights glass and there it was the numbers and letters.

"271P1Q." I said what I saw and immediately typed it out but I was shocked to see incorrect pin again, leaving me with only one try left, I looked back to the right side of the shades to check the number-letter word. I looked closer to see if I misspelled a letter, it was tiny after all. It was PIQ not P1Q.

I tried again typing 271PIQ, it was scanning and loading and it just suddenly disappeared then some images started popping up on the screen.

All these thing are informations from the TGS company and someone put them on this site before it was secured.

Was the person trying to bring down the company?

It stopped after like 200 images appeared and finally it was time to learn about this company.

I tapped on one of the pop ups and a headline saying, 'The dead body found outside the TGS company' making my eyebrows go up to my forehead.

I looked at the other pop up images, reading different topics and secrets behind the company.

"Damn, this company must have done something for someone to do this." I said reading and reading.

The accident at the TGS company... The TGS company losing money... The SGS company having problems with the TGS company

The SGS company?

It was all interesting to read but I didn't have ti- what's this?

The Mafia family owns the TGS, SGS, Diamond and Sapphire companies, which now have branches all over the world. And the head company is the TGS company which is owned by the Conan family

The Conan family? Why does that name sounds familiar?

I tapped on the images reading the full article.

"These four companies are owned by one of the most dangerous people in the world and the world doesn't know about it, because the government keeps on covering things up. I couldn't take it anymore so I had to post some of their secrets in this site that I know they will find and take down anyways."

"I worked with the Conan family for almost 10 years and didn't know that I was working under Mafia organization. I trusted them until the time I found out what has been going on with the company and stuff. The head of the Conan family, Joseph Conan, warned me not to say anything and tried to buy my silence with money but I didn't agree. I stopped working there and started being hunted down by The Conan finally, luckily I got away but I know they will still find me, if your reading this now... I am either being tortured or I am already dead."

Fuck... The TGS company and the other ones are owned by a Mafia organization? They must be working for the government for people not to know about this.

The pictures of the Conan family

I tapped it the pictures opened up and my eyes widened and my heart was out of my chest. I couldn't have believed it and wouldn't believe it if someone told me.

Blue's family are the Conan family... They own the TGS company.

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