𓆲 Into the Shadows 𓆲

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           ꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱

  As she settled into her makeshift workspace, hidden away in a derelict building on the outskirts of Paradis City, the world outside seemed to fade into a distant hum. The rain continued its steady rhythm against the cracked windows, a soothing backdrop to her focused mind. She cleared a small table, brushing away the dust and debris, and set up the portable terminal.

Her fingers flew over the keyboard of her terminal, the rapid keystrokes echoing in the narrow alley. The rain fell in a steady rhythm, mingling with the distant hum of traffic and the occasional shout from a nearby bar. She hacked into the city's surveillance network, trying to stay one step ahead of her pursuers. But it wasn't the police that worried her now—it was the shadowy organization known as the Survey Corps.

Taking a deep breath, she let her surroundings slip away, mind honing in on the task at hand. The act of hacking was an art form to her, a dance of fingers over keys, each stroke deliberate and precise. She powered up the terminal, the screen casting a soft glow that illuminated her features.

[E/C] eyes, deep and stormy, flickered with a mix of determination and anticipation. She rolled her shoulders, easing the tension that had built up during her escape. With a steady hand, she plugged in a series of cables, linking the terminal to a network of hidden servers scattered throughout the city.

She's always been good with computers, even as a child. Her parents never quite understood why she preferred to spend hours on end in front of a screen instead of playing with other kids, but she didn't really care. She was content, absorbed in a world where the only limitations were those of her imagination. It wasn't until she were a teen that she realized she could use her skills for more than just entertainment. It wasn't until she was a teen that she needed to use her skills for more than just entertainment.

Fingers moved with practiced ease, tapping out complex sequences of code. Each line was a key to unlocking the digital vaults that held the city's darkest secrets. Images and data streamed across the screen, a cascade of information that only she could decipher. Breathing slowed, her focus narrowing to a razor-sharp point. A soft notification beep drew her attention to a new window. She had successfully breached the first layer of security. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips, a flicker of satisfaction in her otherwise composed demeanor. This was her element, a realm where her skills shone brightest.

As a teenager, she got into some minor trouble with the law. It wasn't anything serious, just a few petty thefts here and there to pay for her own computer equipment and maybe so she could buy some cute clothes, like all girls her age did. So, the judge gave her a two choices: go to juvenile detention or attend a program for at-risk youth. She chose the latter, mostly because it meant she could stay out of prison and still have access to a computer.

The young woman's fingers danced across the keyboard, navigating firewalls and encryption protocols with the ease of a virtuoso playing a familiar melody. Each keystroke brought her closer to her goal, peeling back layers of digital defenses like an archaeologist uncovering ancient relics. As she delved deeper into the labyrinthine network of Paradis City's digital underworld, she uncovered a trove of information that painted a stark, complex picture of the Survey Corps. The data, stored in fragmented pieces across various encrypted servers, began to coalesce into a coherent narrative as she meticulously pieced it together.

''Holy shit,'' a gasp escaped her mouth as soon as she saw it.

No, not the first layer of information that revealed the public face of the Survey Corps: a paramilitary organization ostensibly devoted to maintaining order and protecting the city from internal and external threats. Their official reports detailed numerous operations against rival criminal syndicates, efforts to curb government corruption, and initiatives aimed at protecting the city's most vulnerable citizens.

The first shocking revelation was a series of covert operations targeting high-ranking government officials. These operations, known only to a select few within the Corps, aimed to expose and dismantle the deep-seated corruption that plagued the city's leadership. The files detailed surveillance activities, blackmail schemes, and even assassinations, all orchestrated with military precision.

''Wait, I thought they were a mafia?'' The realization hit her like a punch to the gut. Everything she had believed about the Survey Corps was suddenly turned on its head. The public perception, the rumors, the whispered tales of an organized crime syndicate wielding power in the darkness—all of it was only a fragment of the truth.

[E/C] eyes flickered back to the terminal, scanning the decrypted files again with renewed urgency. The operations against government officials, the blackmail, the assassinations—it all fit the profile of a ruthless mafia. But there was so much more...

The next layer of information uncovered the intricate web of alliances and rivalries that defined the Corps' interactions with other criminal organizations. The Survey Corps had forged uneasy alliances with certain syndicates, leveraging their resources and influence to further their own goals. At the same time, they were engaged in a brutal, shadow war with other factions, a conflict that spilled into the city's streets with alarming frequency. One particular file caught the reader's attention: a dossier on a notorious traitor within the Corps' ranks. This individual, a trusted member, had been feeding critical information to rival factions, jeopardizing numerous operations and leading to significant losses. The dossier included surveillance photos, intercepted communications, and a detailed psychological profile, all pointing to a betrayal that ran deep within the organization. 'Do they know there's a snitch between them?', she thought, intrigued.

Her heart pounded as she uncovered another layer of the Corps' operations, this time focused on recruitment. The files contained profiles of potential recruits, individuals with unique skills and backgrounds deemed valuable to the Corps' mission. To her shock, the girl found her own profile among these files. Detailed notes outlined her hacking abilities, past activities, and even personal details that had been meticulously gathered.

''W-What?'' she stammered, her eyes wide with disbelief. It was one thing for her to have run-ins with the law, but to have the Survey Corps keep tabs on her like this was downright unnerving.

But it was the final layer of information that truly shook the young woman to her core. Hidden within a highly encrypted file was a strategic plan that outlined the Survey Corps' ultimate goal: the complete overthrow of the current government and the establishment of a new order. The plan detailed coordinated attacks, strategic alliances, and the manipulation of public perception, all aimed at igniting a revolution that would reshape Paradis City.

As she leaned back, absorbing the weight of what she had uncovered, she realized the full extent of the danger she was in. She had stumbled upon the heart of a clandestine war, one that threatened to engulf the entire city in chaos. And now, with this knowledge in hand, she found herself caught between the shadows of the past and the uncertain light of the future. The covert missions to dismantle corruption, the alliances forged and broken in the name of a greater cause, and the strategic plan to overthrow a corrupt government revealed an organization driven not by greed, but by a twisted sense of justice and order. She rubbed her temples, trying to piece together the conflicting images of the Survey Corps. The files showed a group operating with the precision and brutality of a mafia, yet their ultimate goal was the liberation of Paradis City from the grip of corruption and tyranny. They were both criminals and revolutionaries, their methods as dark as their intentions were noble.

Suddenly, the screen of the terminal flashed with an incoming message. A single phrase appeared:

"We see you."

Before she could react, a figure stepped out of the shadows, a lean silhouette backlit by the flickering neon lights.

"Impressive work," the figure said, voice cold and composed. "But you're out of your depth."

The woman's heart raced as she recognized the man. His presence was unmistakable—short, with a deadly grace and eyes that cut through the darkness like a blade. This was Levi Ackerman, a name that sent shivers down the spine of anyone who knew the underworld's true power players.

"You've been causing quite a stir," Levi continued, his gaze never wavering. "In another situation, I'd have you disposed of. But you've caught our attention, and that's not something that happens often."

She swallowed hard, her mind racing. This was not how she had planned her night. She had always been careful, meticulous in covering her tracks. But now, face to face with one of the most feared men in the city, her carefully constructed world teetered on the brink of collapse.

"Why me?" she managed to ask, her voice shaky.

Levi tilted his head slightly, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "You have skills we can use. The kind of skills that can either bring down this city or save it. We're offering you a choice: join us, or continue running until someone less forgiving finds you."

She considered her options. Joining the Survey Corps meant stepping into a world of danger and intrigue far beyond her current operations. But it also meant protection, a chance to use her abilities for something greater than petty theft and survival.

"What do you need me to do?" she asked, her resolve hardening. If she were going to dive into this storm, she would face it head-on.

Levi's smirk widened ever so slightly. "Follow me, [Y/N] [L/N]. We have much to discuss."

As they walked through the alleyways, [Y/N]'s mind raced with thoughts of how she had ended up here. Her journey into the underworld had begun out of necessity—parents died when she was barely 20 years old, she was forced to fend for herself in a world that showed no mercy. She had quickly discovered a talent for hacking, a skill that allowed her to carve out a place in the shadows. But with every hack, every stolen file, she had drawn closer to the city's darkest secrets. Now, those secrets were coming to light, and the girl found herself at the center of a conflict that could reshape the city. As she followed Levi into the heart of the Survey Corps' domain, she knew her life would never be the same. But within that danger lay the potential for something greater—a chance to fight back against the corruption that had plagued their city for far too long.

Levi led her to a hidden door, barely noticeable among the graffiti-covered walls. With a quick glance around to ensure they weren't being followed, he tapped a complex code into a hidden panel. The door slid open silently, revealing a narrow staircase that descended into darkness.

"After you," Levi said, motioning with a slight nod.

She hesitated for a moment, then steeled herself and stepped into the unknown. The stairs were steep, and the air grew cooler as they descended. The walls, damp and lined with exposed pipes, seemed to close in around them. At the bottom, another door awaited, this one reinforced with steel and bearing the marks of numerous attempted breaches. Levi tapped another code into a keypad, and the door swung open to reveal a spacious, dimly lit room filled with computer terminals, maps, and tactical gear. Several individuals, some she recognized from their files, were gathered around a large table, deep in discussion. Their conversations hushed as Levi entered the room, their eyes turning to the newcomer.

"This is the hacker I mentioned," Levi announced, his voice carrying a note of authority that brooked no dissent. "She's seen too much to let go, but she has skills we need. She'll be joining us."

One of the men stepped forward, his piercing blue eyes scrutinizing her with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. He was tall, with a commanding presence and an air of strategic genius that marked him as a leader. She knew him from the files—this was Erwin Smith, the brains behind the Survey Corps' most daring plans.

"Welcome," Erwin said, extending a hand. "We've been watching you for some time. Your abilities are impressive."

She shook his hand, feeling the weight of his gaze. "I didn't realize I was on your radar," she replied, her voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside her. Erwin smiled slightly. "You've managed to avoid our notice for a while, which speaks to your skill. But we're always looking for talent that can help us achieve our goals. And right now, we need someone with your expertise."

As introductions continued, she met the eyes of the others around the table. Mikasa Ackerman, Levi's cousin, whose silent strength and fierce loyalty were legendary. Jean Kirstein, with his sharp mind and roguish charm, who offered her a nod of acknowledgment. Reiner Braun, whose presence seemed heavier, shadowed by the secrets of his past. 'Huh', [Y/N] thought to herself. 'It's him. Should I say something?' She shook the thoughts away, 'Yeah, if I do I might get my tongue cut off quicker than expected.'

The [H/C] haired girl took a deep breath, feeling the gravity of the moment. She was no longer just a small-time hacker skirting the edges of the underworld. She was now part of something larger, a clandestine war against the corruption that had destroyed so many lives, including her own.

Erwin gestured to an empty seat at the table. "We have much to discuss, and time is of the essence. The government's grip tightens with every passing day, and we must act swiftly if we are to succeed. Your first task will be to help us breach a secure database that holds critical information on their operations."

She sat down, her mind already whirring with possibilities. As plans and strategies were laid out before her, she felt a sense of purpose she hadn't known in years. This was her chance to make a real difference, to use her skills for something greater than herself.

"We need to access the government's primary database," Erwin began, his voice commanding attention. "It holds information on their covert operations, which we can use to undermine their authority and gain the upper hand."

[Y/N] nodded, already forming a plan in her mind. "Their security is tight, but not impenetrable. I'll need access to one of their main terminals, which are located in the Shiganshina district."

Levi, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, spoke up. "We've scouted the area. It's heavily guarded, but we have a window of opportunity during the shift change at midnight."

Mikasa added, her voice steady and calm, "We'll need a distraction to draw the guards away from the terminal room. Something big enough to cause chaos but controlled enough to ensure we can get in and out quickly."

Jean, wanting to be helpful (and totally not impress the [E/C]-eyed girl in the room) suggested, "We could stage a fake attack on one of their supply depots nearby. It would pull their forces away without causing too much damage."

Reiner, his expression unreadable, chimed in, "I'll handle the fake attack. I know the area well and can ensure it's convincing."

[Y/N]'s heart pounded with excitement and nervousness. This was a high-stakes operation, and the success of the mission depended heavily on her ability to breach the database. She took a deep breath and nodded. "I can do this. Just get me to that terminal, and I'll take care of the rest."

''Wait.'' Levi said as soon as the young woman finished her sentence, his expression as stoic as ever. ''Shiganshina district is the home of Armin Arlert. He's working with the police, but his intelligence and potential are wasted there. We need him on our side.''

The hacker leaned forward, intrigued. She had read about Armin in the files—his brilliant mind and unorthodox thinking had marked him as a potential asset. But the police were not easily infiltrated, and recruiting Armin would be no simple task.

Erwin glanced over at [Y/N], sensing her interest. "We have another mission, one that requires your skills. We need to extract Armin from Shiganshina without alerting the authorities. It will be dangerous, but I believe you can handle it." The girl met Erwin's gaze, trying to hide her nervosity. "What's the plan?"

Mikasa stepped forward, laying out the details. "Armin and his childhood friend, Eren Jaeger, both work in the Shiganshina police precinct. Eren is known for his tenacity and loyalty, which makes approaching Armin directly a challenge. We'll need to create a situation where Armin sees the truth about the government's corruption and the necessity of our cause."

Erwin nodded. "Our recent operation has given us access to sensitive information that implicates high-ranking officials in serious crimes. If we can present this evidence to Armin in a way that convinces him of the righteousness of our cause, he may be persuaded to join us."

The young woman considered the plan, the pieces falling into place in her mind. "So, we need to stage an incident that reveals this information to Armin, but we have to be careful not to draw too much attention."

Levi smirked. "Exactly. We'll need your hacking skills to plant the evidence where Armin can find it, and then create a distraction that allows us to approach him without interference from the police."

With a clear plan in mind, the team began their preparations. The hacker spent the next few hours gathering the necessary equipment and studying the layout of the Shiganshina police precinct. She reviewed the files on Armin and Eren, noting their schedules and routines.

The following night, under the cover of darkness, the team made their way to Shiganshina. Levi and [Y/N] took a covert route through the back alleys, avoiding patrols and surveillance cameras. They reached a small building adjacent to the police precinct, where the latter set up her equipment.

Her fingers flew over the keyboard, bypassing security protocols and accessing the police network. She planted the incriminating evidence in a secure folder that Armin would be able to access during his shift. As she worked, Levi kept a vigilant watch, ensuring they remained undetected. Once the evidence was in place, they moved to the next phase of the plan. Reiner, stationed nearby, initiated a staged attack on a government supply convoy. The ensuing chaos drew the attention of the police, pulling officers away from the precinct. Well, except for two of them.

With the distraction in full swing, Levi and [Y/N] slipped into the police building. They navigated the dimly lit corridors, heading towards the records room where Armin was working late.

As they approached, they heard voices—Armin and Eren, deep in

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