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n. a kind of melancholic trance in which you become completely absorbed in vivid sensory details-raindrops skittering down a window, tall trees leaning in the wind, clouds of cream swirling in your coffee-briefly soaking in the experience of being alive, an act that is done purely for its own sake.Rin has been left in unexpected hands, one trained for killing, but not parenting. Watch her grow and overcome her drawbacks on her journey with some young Demon Slayers!<<Cover art done by me!!>>…



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Lazarus, he used to be a normal kid just like you or me, something happened to him, he changed, he's about 17, but you couldn't tell anymore, he's gone through so much his eyes prove it, nobody thought about him...he has been having problems lately...mainly with his head, maybe he should go to a counselor or something but he doesn't want to...he's afraid to, it's not his fault one day he just woke up like this! he can't feel anymore...all he feels is fear...and anger...he will never be able to taste the sweet taste of death because every time he gets close, his self being brings him back, whether it's a car accident or a stab in the back by a mugger, have i also told you he literally has the worst luck in the world when it comes to dying? Lazarus has a couple of..."unique" features, For instance that he has two patches on the side of his face,or that he has a stitch mark were he had to sew back on his head, he has a slight build from all his "past times" and he doesn't know anything about the slenderman, well...yet at least, he's fairly handsome i guess to some people but otherwise he wears a thin hoodie sweatshirt and dark blue denim pants with a white shirt that occasionally gets blood stains but that doesn't matter, anyways i hope you like him, he's my first oc so it can only get better from this…