It had to be Jessica

It had to be Jessica

160,441 6,528 21

Waking up as a 12 year old girl was never on my to do list. Especially since I had already gone through puberty, I didn't want to have to do that all over again. Leaving behind my family and living in a fiction world was never something I wanted to do. I didn't want to fall in love. But it all happened anyway. And this is that story.The day I woke up it started like any other. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and an alarm was blaring Britney Spears in my ears. I woke up, yawned, and stretched before realizing that something was very... Wrong.... (I'm so sorry for the sucky summary. I tried my best.)Chapters will be uploaded every other Monday!…

My Sweet Cakes

My Sweet Cakes

5,225 162 14

YoonFany naman daw. HAHAHAHAHHA…

Forca E Dashuris

Forca E Dashuris

29,055 2,359 55

Nje histori ku realiteti është ndryshe per shume njerezNje histori e mbushur me intriga dhe lakmi Nje histori ku tregon se jeta ka te papritura se jeta eshte e mbushur me surpriza qe ti as nuk i pret Ajo nje vajze e lindur ne nje familje te nje shtrese te mesme E rritur ne nje familje ku primare eshte dashuria dhe lumturia e cdo pjesëtari Esra nje studente e cila e dashuron shkollen nje vajze qe ka ambicie dhe dëshiron qe te arrij cdo qellim qe i vendos vetes Nje vajze qe asnjeher nuk dorezohet dhe mundohet qe gjithmon te jet krenaria e familjes se saj Ndersa ai i lindur ne nje familje te pasur Djali i nje nga biznesmenëve me njohur ne vend por i rritur ne nje famije ku pushteti dhe parat jan primareNe nje famije ku ka mesuar se gjithcka qe ai do behet e tija me cdo kusht Liami nje biznesmen i njohur , nje njeri i zgjuar , nje donzhuan dhe nje nga djemt qe ishte endrra e shume vajzave qe e shikonin ne rruge dhe neper cdo portal te mundshem Nje histori ku dy bote te ndryshme do te kryqezohen ne nje moment Nje histori ku ata te dy nuk kan asgje te përbashkët me njeri- tjetrin Nje histori ku do te tregoj se ateher kur mendojn se kan jetuar gjithcka kuptojn se akoma nuk kan filluar te jetojn sepse atehere do te njohin dashurin qe do ti bej edhe me te fort se me pare Ata te dy do te jen forca e njeri- tjetritPor a do te arrij dashuria e tyre t'ju bej ball te gjithe intrigave dhe kundershtimeve qe do te ken nga ata qe i rrethojnë Gjithcka varet nga ata dhe forca e tyre Gjithcka varet se sa shume do te luftojnë ata per ta mbrojtur ate dashuri ku do te jen vetme ata te dy kundra te gjitheveA do te arrij FORCA E DASHURIS te triumfoj ne fund ?…

A Eshte Dashuria Mbi Gjithcka ?

A Eshte Dashuria Mbi Gjithcka ?

16,405 1,097 40

Dea nje vajze qe e dashuron jeten nje vajze me synime te qarta ne jet por qe papritur njeh dashurin dhe endrra e saj me e madhe eshte te jet me njeriun e zemresDuke triumfuar ne dashurin e saj ajo shnderrohet ne nje grua dhe nje nene shembullore Ajo kishte nje familje perfekt ku mbizoteronte harmonia, lumturia dhe mbi te gjitha dashuria por jo gjithcka eshte sikur duket gjithmon eshte dicka e fshehur qe ti nuk e shikon papritur lumturia kthehet ne dhimbje e ndersa buzeqeshja ne lot nje tradheti e ben ate te kuptoj se disa gjera kishin qen thjesht fasada ajo tradheti e ben te dyshoj ne gjithcka madje dhe ne dashurin qe ata kishin A falet tradhetia? eshte kjo pyetja qe cdo njeri e mendon te pakten njeher ne jet dhe ne e kemi te qarte ate pergjigje tradhetia nuk falet sepse ai qe te tradheton nje here e ben perseri Kur e mendojm na duket e thjesht ajo gje por kur ndodhe te ben te mendohesh gjate per ate pergjigje Por si do te arrij ajo te vazhdoj perpara si nje nene beqare? A do te arrij te jet e zonja e vetes? Frika nga ndryshimi dhe nga ideja e te jetuarit pa te do ta bejn te stepetpor djali I saj do te jet ai qe do ti jap kurajon qe te vazhdoj perpara sepse ajo eshte e fort dhe nuk ka nevoj per askend qe te mbijetoj ne kete bote mizore por a do te arrij ajo ta ndaloj zemren qe te rrah perseri per ate njeri ? A do arrij dashuria e tyre te jet mbi gjithcka apo tradhetia do ta vras ate ?…



2,577 261 12

Meski telah berdamai dengan kerajaan bumi, sebagai Raja Angin, Taeyeon mendapatkan tantangan dari Dewa Api untuk merebut wilayah kerajaan bumi dan membaginya dengan Dewa Api. Namun, kerjasama itu berubah menjadi sebuah perang yang dipicu karena kemarahan Dewa Api. Taeyeon dituntut untuk bisa membuat keadaan kembali stabil dan damai. Dengan segala keterbatasannya, Ia melakukan hal besar yang membawanya bertemu dengan takdir hidupnya.…

In A Beautiful Way

In A Beautiful Way

4,479 278 16

What if Hyunwoo arrived earlier and got to meet Haein before she left? Where an earnest boy from Yongduri falls in love with the Queens heiress.…

Zaustavimo smjer grijeha - Stop the direction of sin

Zaustavimo smjer grijeha - Stop the direction of sin

94 0 30

• Zbirka pjesama "Zaustavimo smjer grijeha" je iz lipnja 2024.godine u sklopu Pjesničke panorame Karola Jurišića• The collection of poems "Stop the direction of sin" is from June 2024 as part of Karol Jurišić's Poetic Panorama.…

The Heart Of Life

The Heart Of Life

48,226 1,793 10

'Two weeks before leaving for Switzerland, Se-ri finds herself sick. She's claimed over by an unexpected wave of nausea every morning, and attributes it to a stomach bug, or the stress she's undergoing for the new store launch, or even the lack of sleep and regular meals she's been skipping sometimes, unbeknownst to Jeong-hyuk.'The second part to my first work - Here I Am Again.…

Dreams really do come true

Dreams really do come true

14,262 1,357 38

Neymar i Sara :DCover by: @dmitrijeva_…



44,992 2,388 43

"Qe kur buzet e mia butesisht takuan te tuat...cdo moment gri u ndricua me gezim, fale rrezeve te dashurise nga zemra jote per mua." Kokfortesia e tyre krijoi Dashurine nje volum ne fjale, nje oqean ne nje pike loti, nje turbullire ne nje qeshje, nje mijevjecar ne nje sekonde.Nje romance /komedi / drame…

Unexpected Love

Unexpected Love

22,750 602 7

What happened if 3 popular and coolest girls meets 3 new girls.Would they be friends or they will hate each other?And if there friends, what happened if they fell in love with each other?The popular girls~Applejack ~Rainbow Dash~Pinkie PieThe new girls ~Rarity~Fluttershy~Twilight *hey guys! I'm new here XD . I hope u guys like this story ^.^ . And sorry if there's bad grammars , English is not my first language*…

Genderbent Disney & Dreamworks Characters X Reader

Genderbent Disney & Dreamworks Characters X Reader

607,594 9,635 17

Basically a book of reader inserts about our favorite Disney villains, and heroes as the opposite gender. The art isn't mine. Comment what you would like for me to do and I will try to make it happen as soon as possible.…

Shiun që s'e desha kurrë

Shiun që s'e desha kurrë

22,130 1,513 19

'Per ty jam gati te djeg dhe boten' 'E sheh shiun qe bie rreth nesh? Epo ky shi mund te shuaje zjarrin qe mund te nisesh ti. E une po pres per zjarrin e dikujt tjeter te shkrije akullin e zemres time'…

Moment realizacije [Belmin Katana x Peder]

Moment realizacije [Belmin Katana x Peder]

456 36 5

Belmin Katana je oduvijek sebe smatrao savršenom osobom. Kada bi ga neko upitao da opiše odlike savršene osobe, obično bi opisivao svoje - vjernik, ne podržava abortus, smatra da je ženama mjesto u kuhinji, druži se obično s muškarcima, nije peder...Ili bar to on misli. Pridružite se Belminu u njegovom životnom putovanju tokom kojeg će otkriti da je veliki peder!Datum: 1.8.2021 - 2.8.2021Vrijeme: 6 satiAutor: ja/@myuravityCredit: ja/@myuravityZapratite me na tik toku, isti username#idegas#belminpeder…

Mute Ava

Mute Ava

1,729,411 56,008 41

Edited by @kokobycole...."Wait, Collins do you know this girl?""Uhhh yeah I do. You know her?" Collins asks back."She's the mannerless girl I told you about that couldn't even apologize after breaking my IPad" he eyes me scornfully. I give him the glare of the century."No man, she's not like that. She couldn't apologize coz she's MUTE!".Avalon Williams is a beautiful mute 21 year old. She has people who understand her quiteness. She get to meet an arrogant rich handsome guy that insulted her not knowing she was mute..WARNING : CONTAINS MILD ABUSE AND MALTREATMENT.Inspired by 'Ovy's voice'.Cover made by @kokobycoleEnjoy!Check out my other story, His Obsession, leave ur comments I'll reply everyone💕…

Ljubav u pogresno vrijeme

Ljubav u pogresno vrijeme

44 0 10

Ljubav na daljinu…

Gjithçka per ty

Gjithçka per ty

45,395 2,137 48

A eshte vall dashuria aq e madhe sa te heqesh dore vetem qe ai te jet I lumtur ? Te pranosh te vuash ne heshtje dhe te qash cdo nate per mungesen e tij dhe cdo dite te jesh e detyruar te qeshesh e te besh sikur asgje nuk te intereson A mund te vazhdosh te shtiresh gjate gjithe kohes edhe kur te shohesh se ai po vazhdon jeten e tij duke menduar se ti nuk e ke dashuruar kurr A do te jet aq e fort Klea sa te perballoj sfidat e vazhdueshme qe jeta I jep? Po Enea a do te arrij te kuptoj arsyjen e vertete se perse vajza qe ai dashuronte kishte hequr dore nga ai papritur Nje histori dashurie me emocione , lot dhe dhimbje Nje dashuri qe do te kete sfida te medha , sfida te cilat do ti lodhin deri ne ate pike qe ata do te mendojn te dorzohen por qe do te jen zemrat te cilat rrahin per njera - tjetren ata qe nuk do te dorezohen kurr se luftuari per te qen bashke ....…

who made me a non existent princess???

who made me a non existent princess???

403,221 16,312 75

[Complete]I am a 16 years old modern girl who has lived my whole life in the hospital due to an unknown illness. After I've died because of that illness, I've found myself being reborn in my favourite manhwa, I read before dying, that was called "WHO MADE ME A PRINCESS"?? And I've become a character that didn't exist in manhwa, the younger twin sister of my beloved female lead, Ariana Doe Alger Obelia?? what are the chances of a person to be reborn in their favourite manhwa? My goal for this life is to die without any regret. And to fulfil that goal, I'll live my life fangirling my favourite characters......"Athy, I'm going to protect you from any danger that will come."???....."Daddy is shiny and sparkly today as well"??? and other my favourite supporting characters.I'll rewrite the story myself, look forward!!!…

Woso Instagram and oneshots
Woso Oneshots

Woso Oneshots

321,513 5,883 77

I have other books, but sometimes I need a distraction from them, so I have this instead.Please leave your requests for players in the comments! I would rather do the Lionesses and people in the wsl, but I can try with others as well!…