Treasure || reactions, scenarios and imagines

Treasure || reactions, scenarios and imagines

24,782 303 11

YG's Treasure imagines.I'm willing to do reactions/imagines/scenarios to those members who didn't made it into the final list.Request are open…

One Stop Yaoi, The First Stop (Editing)

One Stop Yaoi, The First Stop (Editing)

210,904 2,398 410

Hey guys! Just like what the title says, this is a one stop list of yaoi.. be it anime, manga, live action, or bl games. I also added android app games.The mangas in this list are highly recommended, I already read them and I really enjoyed them and hoping that someday it will turn into anime.There are also animes that I enjoyed and most of them are my personal favorites, they are on the top list.So I hope you'll check them out and enjoyed them as much as I do.Thank you for visiting.Love lots, Rainbhel.…



4,699 208 196
