You Complete Me (Merome one-shot)

You Complete Me (Merome one-shot)

1,412 46 2

"Mitch, im home!" I heard a panicked little 'get out' as I walked into the kitchen. A nasty sight on the kitchen counter made everything drop from my hands and me down to my knees. Why does this happen to me, only me. Jasmine now Mitch? "Wh...why," was all I could stutter out. Mitch sitting on the floor with me, "you don't understand," he yelled. I held my spinning head from anymore complications. Picking up my bags from the floor I ran to my room and locked the door. Repetitive bangs came from outside, while zippers and breaking was heard in here. Slowly the hitting stopped and a small sliding sound was barley noticeable. "Five years Mitch.." I whispered. "I come home to see you cheating on me with him, really?" I open the door, but not easily. Mitch was leaning on it, tears soaked into his face.I wanted to hug him so bad and tell him it would be okay. But not this time, it would never be okay. Can't trust women so I move onto men, looks like they're not reliable either. He grabbed for my hand and held it for a minute. "Jerome, let me explain! It wasn't me, I didn't want this to happen. He forced me onto the counter, I promise! I swear! Hope to die if not the truth is spoken," he mumbled the last part, making it almost believable. You'd need to convince me a lot more than that. Hope to die if not the truth spoken, what does that even mean? "Please," he pleaded. "No Mitch, not this time, not ever!" I shouted back. The bags were heavy but I'd make it to my car fine enough. As long as that psycho wasn't in my life, I'd be just fine. Find out by reading - You Complete Me.…

Tor Cat Book Series

Tor Cat Book Series

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The Tor Cat Book Series is a Fantasy-Fiction-Supernatural-Contemporary-Adventure-Series. The series currently consists of 3 books that follow the adventures of a mysterious black & white immortal cat named Tor and the impact he has on the lives of the people he encounters. Each book consists of its own unique storyline. Though the books share characters, it is not critical to read them in any particular order. Book I in the Series is titled, "Tor & The Immortals." In this book Tor meets Ryan Anderson, a young successful advertising executive and aspiring musician whose life is forever changed after a fateful encounter with a mysterious stranger. After Ryan learns the truth about who he really is, Ryan and Tor are forced to go on the run in an attempt to evade an ancient society of Immortals determined to hunt Ryan down and eliminate him before he grows too powerful... Book II in the Series is titled, "Tor." In this story Tor meets 86-year-old Emma Perkins in the sunset of her life. After taking in the mysterious stray cat, Emma notices drastic changes in her physical condition. Empowered with renewed strength and energy, Emma embarks on a journey to revitalize her long neglected neighborhood. Unfortunately, other corrupt conspirators have different plans for Emma's part of the city and resent her involvement. Determined to eliminate Emma at all costs, these conspirators are unaware Emma has a powerful friend and ally in Tor... Book III in the series is titled "Tor & The Neighbor." In this story Tor meets seven-year-old Cindy Collins. Cindy's life has been forever tragically changed after her police officer father was killed in the line of duty. After befriending the little girl, Tor realizes Cindy herself is in danger. Her father's killer is closer than anyone realizes and has set his sights on Cindy...…

❤To love an Animator❤// Spencer x Kidnapped! Reader

❤To love an Animator❤// Spencer x Kidnapped! Reader

32 2 2

You've been kidnapped by famous internet celebrity LuckySpark42! Oh crumbs! He's kind of hot tho................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…

Discover the Power of BitBSE: The Ultimate Crypto Exchange Platform.

Discover the Power of BitBSE: The Ultimate Crypto Exchange Platform.

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Welcome to BitBSE, your global gateway to the exciting world of cryptocurrency! Based in India, BitBSE is a secure and user-friendly crypto exchange platform that enables you to effortlessly buy, sell, and trade popular digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, MTG, Green Gold, and more. Dive into the world of secure and seamless crypto transactions with BitBSE - your trusted partner in cryptocurrency exploration and investment! 🌐💰 #BitBSE #CryptoExchange #DigitalCurrencyKey Features of BitBSE Exchange 1- Signup Bonus Bonanza, Are you new to BitBSE? Join now to get a huge welcome bonus worth Rs. 1,000 in MTG and an incredible Rs. 1,000,000 in Shiba! Start your crypto adventure off right with this amazing bonus increase.2- Lots of digital choices to check out.BitBSE offers support for six main blockchains, such as TRC-20, ERC-20, Bitcoin, Doge coin, XRP, and more, so you may explore a wide range of digital assets. Explore the rich and broad world of cryptocurrencies with simplicity.3- Transactions are Quick and Easy! ⚡💸With fast and easy options for both INR and cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals, enjoy seamless trading. You can now transact more quickly and conveniently than ever before.4- Quick KYC, No More Hold-Ups! 🕒🛡️Say goodbye to waiting times! With BitBSE's Fast and Easy KYC and bank verification process, you can begin trading without having to deal with any extra hassles.5- Upgraded Layers of Security!The most important thing is your safety. With 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication), SMS OTP, and Mail OTP, BitBSE provides an additional layer of security, offering complete protection for your money and data.Join BitBSE today and unlock a world of exciting features that make your crypto journey simple, secure, and incredibly rewarding! 🌐💰 #BitBSE #CryptoFeatures #DigitalSecurity #TradingFreedomVisit Website - App -…

Things To Know Before Joining NDA Coaching

Things To Know Before Joining NDA Coaching

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To join India's military, one must pass the National Defense Academy exam, also known as the NDA exam.The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) does these examinations twice a year.To achieve their ideal job, aspirants must pass the Service Selection Board or National Defense Academy exams. Nationwide, there are numerous coaching institutions that provide NDA exam preparation.We also have top-notch facilities that provide a thorough NDA coaching institute in chandigarh to support students in passing the selection procedure and getting their ideal jobs.You should be aware of a few things before pursuing NDA coaching.Eligibility:Students should be between the ages of 16 to 19 to be accepted into the Defence Academy.The UPSC generally informs the age restrictions after receiving notification.For the Navy, physics and math requirements are mandatory in high school or its equivalent degree. This also applies to the Airforce, despite the fact that they are not required in the Army.Preparation:Despite the fact that there are many publications available today to support students in their preparation for these tests,it is advisable to enroll in a reliable NDA exam coaching institution.It offers aspiring students professional advice and thorough preparation to succeed in these exams. Participants in the 20-year-old Combined Defense Service Exam must be over the age of 19. There is no need to fear, but to take this test, applicants must have received their diploma.Article Source:…

Life in Hell

Life in Hell

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Hey, what are these markings? I can't tell, seems like some log:RHIgTGluZ3Rvbg== :VGhleSd2ZSBiZWVuIGluIHRvbyBsb25nLCB0aGVyZSBzZWVtcyB0byBiZSBhIGh1Z2UgZGlzdG9ydGlvbiwgbWF5YmUgd2Ugc2hvdWxkIGRyb3AgdGhlbSBvdXQuRHIuIFdvcmluZw== :SSdtIHN1cmUgdGhpcyBwcm9qZWN0IHdpbGwgYmUgd29ydGggY29udGludWluZywgdGhpcyBpcyBhbGwganVzdCBhIHNpbXVsYXRpb24sIGl0J3MgYWxsIGZha2UuRHIgTGluZ3Rvbg== :QnV0IFdvcmluZywgdGhlIHN5bnRob2lkcyBhcmUgcmVhbCwgd2hhdCdzIGV2ZW4gdGhlIHBvaW50IG9mIHB1c2hpbmcgdGhlc2UgbWVuPw==RHIuIFdvcmluZw== :Q29uZ3Jlc3MgcGFzc2VkIHRoaXMgYWJpbGl0eSBmb3IgbWUgdG8gZG8gdGhpcywgdGhlIGluZm9ybWF0aW9uIHN0YXlzIHdpdGggbWUsIGFuZCB3ZSB3aWxsIGNvbnRpbnVlIHRoaXMgdGVzdC4gSnVzdCBzaXQgYmFjayBhbmQgd2F0Y2ggZm9yIHRoZSBiZXR0ZXIgd2VhcG9uLg==…

Let's talk...

Let's talk...

55 1 1


Life of a Wild WriterSpeller

Life of a Wild WriterSpeller

4,134 467 200

"No one seems to appreciate the rarities in the world except the rarities themselves." --MeWOAH DID I MAKE A QUOTE?!!Cover by @pweetyrainbows…