Spiderman Oneshots

Spiderman Oneshots

615,449 22,403 181

Will include:✨identity reveals✨✨soulmates✨✨AUs✨✨texting✨✨fluff✨✨fix-it's✨✨General Shenanigans✨✨requests✨Please leave a request at any time, vote, comment and don't forget to enjoy!…

The Wino of Skid Row

The Wino of Skid Row

47 4 1

Wino #1We know Andrey's and Seymour's story backwards and forwards. But what's going on with the laying homeless man who drinks cheap wine in the background?Cover belongs to me.Rating: +16•Depression (very little).•Drinking.•Sexually suggestive comments/ actions.DISCLAIMER: This short made up story has nothing to do with the movie/ musical/ or play of Little Shop of Horrors.…

Eren Jaeger's Playlist

Eren Jaeger's Playlist

16,056 432 178

Songs and Music Eren would listen to.Mostly it's rock and heavy metal, but I'll mix it up a bit.Number of songs: 189 (and still increasing)I do not own the rights to the songs or music.Warning, some of the songs may have some swearing or cursing in them. Then again, this is Eren we're talking about.Feel free to check out my Attack on Titan React to... and EreHisu(or Erekuri) Playlist…

Dawn of the Epoch

Dawn of the Epoch

2,589,911 51,563 100

Hunter called himself an archaeologist, but he was a modern day treasure hunter. Tiyana was a scientist devoted to her craft. They were passionate people, wholly devoted to their work. Neither of them had time for love. Neither of them could resist it when it happened. Neither of them knew that the world would need the two of them to save it from a tyrannical pre-historic overlord, his cyborg vampire paramour, and their army of mindless drudges.Dawn of the Epoch is an epic science fiction novel about dark matter, death rays, nuclear warfare, and the Large Hadron Collider, but it is also a fantasy novel about medieval warriors, alchemy, and ancient gods. Dawn of the Epoch blends fantasy with reality, bringing mythology to life today. It is also an apocalyptic thriller spanning the globe from the Pyramids of Egypt to the heart of Africa to the majesty of the Himalayas. It is an epic hybrid-genre story with intense action sequences, magic, mythology, suspenseful plot twists, countless obstacles for the protagonists to overcome, and an utterly Machiavellian supernatural villain.Testimonials:"Probably one of my favorite books I've read to date. Brilliantly complex, adoringly rendered and quizzically intense. A must read and one I plan to revisit, and share!"- Amgwatts, Wattpad Reader"This has to be one of the most original and well written novels I have had the pleasure to read, on Wattpad and in general. It was captivating, interesting, immersive and above all, fantastic. I was left in awe of the beings, history and world you created. It was never dull, dry or predicable and it was a nice change from what seems to be the ever popular teen romance with vampires or werewolves or 'bad boys that are actually romantic good boys.' In the end it was a very pleasant surprise."-IridescentLies, Wattpad Readerhttp://dawnoftheepoch.weebly.com…



2,202 169 200

The true story of the " civil war" and how it should be called Lincoln's War, War of Southern Independence, and War of Northern AggressionThis book is loving memory President Jefferson Davis and his cabinetThis is also in honor of each Confederate solider wore the greyIn memory of the 2 MILLION SOUTHERNERS ( 1 in every 8 southern white died, which was 12.5 percent of all Southern whites, 1 in every four African Americans died, which was 25 percent of all African American Southerners along with thousands of Southerner Asian, Native American and Hispanic) who perished in the war of Northern Aggression. This is also in honor of General Winfield Scott Hancock who survived the war and General John Sedgwick who died in 1864 on May 9th. Although both of these Generals fought for the north and wore blue, Hancock and Sedgwick were decent, ethnical and good. Hancock and Sedgwick did not commit war crimes nor were they war criminals. In fact, after the war Winfield Scott Hancock spoke up against the war crimes that were done to the southBut this book is ESPECIALLY in honor CSA General and civil rights advocate Nathan Bedford Forrest:Confederate HeroAmerican legendCivil rights advocateAbolisher of the first ( non racist) KKK53 victories out of 54 battles Gone but never forgotten Once a hero always a heroRespecter and defender of women and children First with the most Rest easy and fly highJuly 13th 1821-October 29th 1877This book is also in honor of all my Pro Confederate best friends. All of you are the best and I love all of you so much 1. Jack 2. Brail3. MelaniaLyraLestrange4. ShadowCanada4. TechSummit5. ParanoidShark6. 1-800-HELL-ANGEL7. XxArkansasxX 8. -redchaos 9. ABigPJFan10. SouthernRebel4511. inkyfrosting321712. -badthingscoming 13. All of my pro Confederate friends on discord 14. nikolai1015615. JustAsBrokenAsYou…

The Life of a Fangirl, Basically

The Life of a Fangirl, Basically

1,122,054 84,808 463

So, yeah. This is a book (well, not actually technically a book, but whatever) all about book nerds! If you belong in one or more fandom (especially, Harry Potter, Rick Riordan, Hunger Games and Divergent), then CONTINUE to have a laugh :)…

Harry Potter Facts

Harry Potter Facts

92,266 2,827 200

All the fun and interesting facts every TRUE Harry Potter fan has to know!…