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One fateful night, you decide to go out with your friend for a little party, as is how all adventures start. Almost immediately, you are thrust into a situation that you never thought possible; a war between two demons: Darkiplier and Antisepticeye. As the fight between former friends becomes more and more heated, you must choose a side. You are (somehow) the key to ending it, but you don't know which demon is good and which one is using you. Blood will be spilt, treachery is ensured, death is on the horizon, and it could be all your fault.This is my first story, so you will see major plot holes, to be honest with you. It also starts off a bit slow and cliché, but it will get better after five or so chapters (I hope), so I hope you enjoy!Although it says "X Reader", it is not a love story, so I apologize for those of you who were looking for a good romance story. This is not one of them.…