Tags: poetry
Dreams : a poetry collection .

Dreams : a poetry collection .

109 42 33

What are your dreams in life ?this is about a young girl's journey to discover her dreams and what she really expects in life .Without dreams really life itself can be meaningless .You are welcome to dive in , the unending sea of dreams as long as you promise to be polite to whatever you shall find .…

I can't control it-a BFDI and inanimate insanity fan fiction

I can't control it-a BFDI and inanimate insanity fan fiction

15,156 216 27

I wanted to write a long and funny description, but apparently there is a certain amount of characters you have to use, and I accidentally went over the limit, so here is this instead:All of bfdi are objects (as you know) with superpowers (which you probably didn't know, mainly as this is only true for this story ), but they used to be humans(muse specifically kids) until they were kidnapped and experimented on(and had their memories erased so they wouldn't try to escape). This story is very dark when you think about it. But not all hope is lost, there is 1 who remembers; Leafy. Let's just ignore the fact that for whatever reason everyone gets over their hatred for her really quickly, and even though if this was realistic, right now in chapter 12 they would still hate her, and let's just act like it's normal to forgive her almost straight away, just like it's normal to break the 4th wall XDSo basically, she has to make everyone remember, and then they all have to get back home, but she is too scared to as she thinks they will think she's crazy. I mean to be fair, they probably would. She's got no evidence and is claiming on her own to 30 people that everything they've ever known is a lie. Also, she and Firey must deal with their crushes on each other, because they can never touch as if they do he will accidentally set her on fire and kill her.I hope you don't all get confused by the......confusing story, or taken back by 1-how cringy the first few chapters are or 2-how long the chapters/authors notes are. To be fair they are pretty longAlso, I nearly forgot to say, but inanimate insanity is also in this. And other things that are interesting are in this book but you have to read to find out what they areSo yeah, this is my book. I hope you all enjoy it.

Withering Ties ✔

Withering Ties ✔

625 86 41

"Being disillusioned is realizing that the boy you changed your religion for did not love his god as much as you thought...and he'll never love you either."A writer is not only characterized by their bestselling novel. A writer is somebody who dreams with their eyes open, that creates entire worlds with a pen and paper (or these days, a keyboard).But most of the time, writers are just storytellers. And I have got a couple stories to share with you. This anthology depicts how I have grown as a writer and I hope it inspires you to never give up, to never think your writing is "bad" and to just keep telling your story.You may read this book in any order- skip some stories or poems or whatever. In the end I just hope you enjoy.Favour.…

Dry Rain: The Remedial Program, Set to Poetry

Dry Rain: The Remedial Program, Set to Poetry

9 0 3

This is a character study that's partly set to poetry. Whatever past trauma they've faced, children want to be children. This can be a little wonky (a highly technical term) -- especially if they have both superpowers and lethal combat skills!😟My superhero project was still forming while I wrote this. Therefore, while editing this, I made a few changes -- but fewer still to the poetry. I hope you like this.🙂…

Poems For The Lost Saddened Souls...

Poems For The Lost Saddened Souls...

98 48 9

A series of poems for those who have a deep sadness locked inside. Maybe it's because of a past love.Maybe it's because of a current.Maybe it's because of family and friends. Maybe it's because you feel as though you don't have any. Whatever the reason, I hope you feel a little less sad and more seen from these poems...♡…

Dramatic Poetry

Dramatic Poetry

2,159 86 46

The purpose of art in whatever from be it poetry, drama, sculpture, or others, is to COMMUNICATE and not EXHIBIT.Poetry is thoughts and strong emotions conveyed in words.Dramatic poetry is thoughts in dramatic form. (dunno why that really came to mind #smiles)Either way, enjoy. I hope I pass a message to you.I hope you can relate.I write for you and me!!!#100%love.…

Supreme 5 Scenerios

Supreme 5 Scenerios

277,063 12,506 192

Lui: I never agreed to this.Xander: Well, when you think about it, we really didn't have a choice...Zac: Who cares, I'll be in the spotlight! Again!Free: *yawns* As long as I don't do stupid things.Shu: Have you read the last two books? Author-chan made us do nothing BUT stupid things.Lui: I'd say enjoy, but I guarantee this won't end well.Zac: *already singing*…

200 Secrets Of Success

200 Secrets Of Success

47,563 1,104 74

The 200 Secrets of Success and the Pillars of Self-Mastery by Robin S. Sharma (you might remember his book, "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"), is a wonderful list of practical ideas that you can incorporate into your own daily life.The booklet has 200 top actions to support living a more focused, relaxed and powerful life.Here are just two sample tips that you will find inside this book!"...to enhance your concentration and powers of focus, count your steps when you walk. This is a particularly strong technique. Take six steps while taking a long inhale, hold your breath for another six steps, and then exhale for six steps. If six steps is too long for the breaths, do whatever you feel comfortable with. You will feel very alert, refreshed, internally quiet and centered after this exercise. So many people allow their minds to be filled with mental chatter. All peak performers appreciate the power of a quiet, clear mind which will concentrate steadily on all important tasks.""...no one can insult or hurt you without your permission. One of the golden keys to happiness and great success is the way you interpret events which unfold before you. Highly successful people are master interpreters. People who have attained greatness have an ability which they have developed to interpret negative or disempowering events as positive challenges which will assist them in growing and moving even farther up the ladder of success. There are no negative experiences only experiences which aid in your development and toughen your character so that you may soar to new heights. There are no failures, only lessons."Read the remaining 198......THIS BOOK IS ON COPYRIGHT.PLEASE DON'T STEAL.I'M SERIOUS!!…



36,676 2,789 199

A collection of Poems by the newest members to our ever growing family. These poems are first contributions to the Poets Pub. Please welcome these newest regulars. (Title created by @ Metaphysicsplz)…

Queer Church

Queer Church

323 22 32

Growing up queer in a religious environment and other things from a queer kid.…

Soulful Words From A Broken Spirit

Soulful Words From A Broken Spirit

9,495 1,250 175

Take a trip with me as I show you the inner thoughts I bury. This is a book of raw emotions meeting creativity to make you feel emotions on different levels. So I invite you to walk with me as I give you a tour of my soulful words from a broken spirit.…



4,655 169 198

This book contains reviews of published books (paperback) and interviews of the respective authors.....…

Drizzles and Hurricanes

Drizzles and Hurricanes

20,199 2,853 42

ǁ A collection of Poetry and whatevers inspired by the rain...and all the feelings that come with it. ǁ #48 on 11/21/15…



686 212 36

I... Actually write. Granted, I can't write, and yes, none of them are stories... I'm less self conscious about my poetry than my stories so I figured- why not give it a go?! It should be fun... Right? So here's some poems. Some are peaceful, some are borderline happy, some are pure nonsense, but a lot are pretty.... Deep. You've been warned. So yeah, read if you want your life your time do whatever.*CLARIFY: Not all of them are poems. Some are just poetic. They don't have versus and don't rhyme sometimes, but they're poetic. In my opinion. So... Gah, I'm even awkward over digital letters. How? I must have a superpower.So yeah.*Another side note: Sorry if you were looking for Sebaciel fic, it's just such a pretty art style. If you don't know what that is I'd recommend avoiding the fandom tunnel which will destroy your life.…

On the dark side of the moon

On the dark side of the moon

39 1 1

Does it really matter what you see? After all it is hard being me. Secluded to the darkness, away from you all. One more step off the ledge and I will fall.…

Thoughtless Wonders

Thoughtless Wonders

8 0 7

Sometimes thoughts just appear, maybe it blooms into a story or it stands alone as a simple memory. I hope that you enjoy these wonders that have appeared at moments when I have "thought" the least. There are poems, excerpts, scenes, and maybe a short story. Sometimes the greatest things we experience come to us in words at the most random moments.Some may not make sense, everyone sees it and hears it differently. I hope whatever it is you see, adds some thoughtless wonders to your mind.…