Sunny Beam; 'final applyfic close'
Sunny BeamA young girl Stella Sol, who was born in the heavens of the sun eclipses, has royal blood of her late father Seth, the king who saves the solar nation against the Neptune kingdom which is owned by his evil step brother Nico, who's the king.There's a girl group known as Sunny Day, which manage by Solar Entertainment that's runs by the solar king sister Mei, in order to gather Solar Beam girls who can restore justice and peace to their Solar Universal System.It seems the remainder of her evil uncle army is still obsession for war since their king kill by the Solar king. It seems the soldiers form their own group of villains and went on a rampage destroying some part of the universal planets living their people in misery now the Solar kingdom is taking in all the survivors hoping to get the Solar Beam to put and end to the Seven Curses.…