Transitional Housing in Royal Oak, Mi

Transitional Housing in Royal Oak, Mi

1 0 1

Transitional housing programs are available to low-income and homeless residents in the City of Royal Oak, Michigan. Many of these programs are supported by the Michigan State Housing Development Authority. The City is trying to help a private developer develop 50-60 units of assisted rental housing through the 70-30 program of the Michigan State Housing Development Authority. It also maintains a local landlord licensing program to ensure the quality of rental units. All rental units are inspected every two years to ensure they meet the requirements of the city.Learn more: who are homeless in Royal Oak can apply for rental assistance through nonprofit organizations and housing authorities. These agencies provide housing assistance and social services to those in need. Oakland County has 26 Adult Foster Care Facilities that are licensed by the Michigan Department of Social Services. These organizations offer residential care and case management for individuals with mental illness.Transitional housing facilities provide affordable, supportive housing for those in need of help. The goal of these programs is to help residents become more self-sufficient by providing housing and appropriate support services. These programs can range from substance abuse treatment to psychological assistance, job training, or domestic violence assistance. Regardless of the type of assistance offered, the cost of housing and the services provided will generally be low enough for many to afford to live in a transitional housing facility.…



53 8 3

Namaku Alana Dibaya Terofa. Umurku 28 tahun. Aku bekerja di salah satu lawyer terkenal di negara paman sam. Sedikit menyebalkan memang, seorang master dengan hasil lulusan cum laude NYU sepertiku hanya tidur 10-17 jam/minggu. Di saat, semua orang bersenang-senang di weekend yang indah mereka, bersiul menaiki sepeda, tersenyum mendengarkan musik sambil berjogging dengan sumringah. Sementara itu, aku malah mengemudi sambil terus mengecek kasus yang harus kuselesaikan, mencocokkan jadwal sidang, menutup mata gelapku dengan foundation, semua itu membuktikan bahwa aku bukan pengemudi yang tertib. Hidupku dihabiskan dengan gerutuan melihat wajah orang-orang yang senang menghabiskan akhir minggu mereka setelah kelelahan bekerja, senyuman mereka menyebalkan di mataku. Dari semua itu, setiap orang terlihat menyebalkan di mataku, tapi aku sadar. Setelah bertemu seorang pria yang super menyebalkan, ternyata semua orang normal, dialah yang gila!…



348 5 2

Just a young nigga with the time like meYou should shine like meRun that nigga, you don't want that niggaBut I need a bad bitch that's hotter than meYou can hardly admitI'm still tryna fuck, with youGirl I wanna fuck with you (with you)Yeah I'm tryna fuck you, girl, I'm tryna fuck with youTryna fuck you girl, I'm tryna fuck with youI wanna fuck you girl, you know I fuck with youI wanna fuck you girl, let me roll with youGirl I wanna fuck with you ~partynextdoor…

The intricate journey

The intricate journey

44 1 2

Bethany was the eldest child of the family. Being the eldest child,she had to do every chores and manage the households herself. Since her disrupted life was so intertwined with the family who never loved her, they even arranged the marriage for her without her permission. Her life was so disrupted that sometimes she even felt like only the suicidal was the best option till she met Liam, her childhood friend after a long gap. Is he gonna be savior for her life? Will she get the abundance of happiness?…

A bet whit a player.

A bet whit a player.

31 0 1

Historien her handler om en pige ved navn Elena. Elena er en normal pige på en normal skole.Hun har de bedste veninder nogensinde Emma & Ayla.Elena er 16 år og bor ved hendes mor da hendes forældre er skilt og hendes far valgte at forlade familien da Elena kun var 7år gammel.En dag støder Elena tilfældigvis ind i skolens player, Noah brown og siden den dag har Noah ikke kunne lade hende værre, Elena kan ikke lide den opmærksomhed hun får når han taler til hende, alle kigger ondt på hende.. ikke at hun har valgt opmærksomheden.…

My Mr Perfect

My Mr Perfect

23 4 1

"The perfect relationship does not come just like thatThe perfect relationship needs time, patience And a pair of people, who walk through all hard moments together,And after all, want to live together''.________________________________________________________________________This story is translated by me from Polish, to English. All rights are reserved for @xxsassybiebcom…

Najgłębsze wspomnienie

Najgłębsze wspomnienie

39 5 1

Gdy zauważyłam, że ktoś za mną idzie, przyśpieszyłam kroku. Wtedy on również zaczął iść szybciej, postanowiłam pobiec. On zrobił dokładnie to samo. Słyszałam jego kroki coraz bliżej i bliżej, w końcu poczułam jego oddech na moim ramieniu. Po chwili dostałam czymś w głowę i opadłam na ziemię. Nie dałam rady się ruszyć, gdy to bydlę zaciągnęło mnie we wnętrz lasu. Na chwilę straciłam przytomność.Ocknęłam się przywiązana do drzewa. Byłam całkiem naga. W głębi duszy miałam nadzieję, że już go nie ma, ale nagle wyłonił się z mgły. -Teraz będziesz robiła wszystko to na co będę miał ochotę. Zrozumiałaś? - powiedział. W jego oczach nie było widać żadnych uczuć. Nie potrafiłam wydusić ani słowa. Wtedy chwycił mnie za gardło i przycisnął do drzewa.-Zrozumiałaś? - powtórzył - inaczej cię zabiję.-Zrozumiałam - cicho odpowiedziałam.Zdjął spodnie i gwałtownie przywarł mnie do drzewa. Nie mogłam nic zrobić...…



51 1 1

O Boże, moja głowa! Nigdy wcześniej nie czułam takiego bólu. Chyba przesadziłam wczoraj z alkoholem. Jedyne co widziałam po przebudzeniu to oślepiające światło. Minęła chwila zanim byłam w stanie cokolwiek zobaczyć . Gdzie ja kurwa jestem?! Leżałam na podłodze. Próbując się podnieść poczułam przeszywający ból w całym ciele. Miałam związane ręce. Skup się Faith! Impreza, Jenny, drinki na barze i... on. Zderzyłam się z rzeczywistością. Żołądek podszedł mi do gardła. Nerwowo rozejrzałam się wokół. Byłam w małym pokoju wypełnionym skrzyniami. Zwróciłam uwagę na nieznośny szum i wtedy zrozumiałam. Nie byłam w budynku, tylko w pieprzonym samolocie. Usłyszałam trzask, odruchowo spojrzałam na drzwi. Otworzyły się, po chwili wyszedł z nich znajomo wyglądający mężczyzna. Zmierzył mnie wzrokiem.- Powodzenia piękna. Tutaj masz tylko jedną szansę - nie zmarnuj jej.Zamknęłam oczy. Moje życie właśnie się skończyło.…

𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗜 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂

𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗜 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂

521 138 19

Makena is a really nice and sweet girl. She loves writing stories and reading books. Her dream is to become a writer one day.On the other hand Rio is a motivated and talented guy. He loves playing football. His dream is to be a well known fotbalist one day.They're both work colleagues at a restaurant. They don't really socialize since they don't find each other interesting. But, an incident happens between them and one of them falls in love without realising.The bad thing is that feelings can't be reciprocated. Or maybe they can be reciprocated...? ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ ᴏꜰ ᴛᴡᴏ ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴀᴅᴜʟᴛꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴜᴘꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴏᴡɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘ.…

At The Drug Store.

At The Drug Store.

97 6 1

"What! No!" I said back. Is she crazy? I'm a boy I don't deal with that girly crap. "Elijah, just do me this one favor! I have to pick up Selena and there's not a store anywhere close to her school!" My mom yelled back. She was obviously already stressed about something. We couldn't ask dad to do it, he was held up at work again, and he wouldn't get back until late. So, before I knew it I was driving to the drugstore to pick up some... womanly things. ```````````````````````` Elijah was only suppose to buy his mom and sister some tampons and headache pills, but along the way he meets Mia. Mia is buying condoms for her sister, the popular and beautiful Britney. Along the way, she crashes into Elijah. After encountering each other at the drug store, both teenagers find themselves wanting to know more about one another. The problem is, Mia is an M.I.A, a student that no one knows or sees, and Elijah isn't far from it. They can only find each other at the drug store.…

A Summer of Firsts

A Summer of Firsts

23 1 9

Luka is different than your average person. He's deprived of a normal teenage life. Malia is tired of the small town. She's tired of living a normal teenage life.Together, the two find that they're not so different at all and maybe they're closer than what meets the eye.A quirky, teen romance comedy is what the world needs to be brought back to normalcy. This short story is what you need to believe in true love.I NEED A COVER PLEASE!!! ANY AND ALL CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS WELCOMED⚠️TW: depression, anxiety, PTSD, self harm: TW⚠️…



69 3 3

Młoda dziewczyna żyje własnym światem. Życie Laury przeplata się z dziwnymi problemami, uzależnieniami i innymi ''używkami świata''. Każdego dnia dziewczyna męczy się z czymś innym. Czy Laura odnajdzie właściwą ścieżkę w swoim życiu ? Dowiedzcie się sami! Historia o patrzeniu w siebie i o otaczającym nas świecie. __________________________________________________________''Wypuszczam z płuc koleją chmurę dymu, który drapie mnie w gardle. Zaczynam kasłać, a słodko-kwaśny zapach unosi się w całym pomieszczeniu. W dłoni trzymam fifkę nabitą trawką i podaję ją Sebastianowi, który patrzy na nią jak na wspaniałą nagrodę, którą udało mu się zdobyć. ''…

Reborn (The Vampire Diaries)

Reborn (The Vampire Diaries)

102 5 1

Gracelynn is a 17-year-old girl who loves The Vampire Diaries. What happens when she gets put in The Vampire Diaries as Bonnie Bennett?- What will happen?- Will she be friends with Elena?- How powerful will she be?Read to find out!(Disclaimer: I don't own the vampire diaries! ONLY GRACELYNN'S STORY AND HER STORY LINE!)…

Pick up lines (VKOOK FANFICTION)

Pick up lines (VKOOK FANFICTION)

92 3 3

"You don't need a key to drive me crazy ""Well..." Jungkook smiled awkwardly completely lost for words as never did he ever expect to hear that from someone just after asking for a mere pencil and that also on the first day of university.******************Pick up lines (VKOOK FF)In which Taehyung is too shy to strike up a normal conversation with his crush and always ends up blurting stupid copied pick up lines from internet. ********" He will never fall for you if you continue like this "" I don't expect him to either"Without expectation there is no pain right?A story by parkmymochi95.…

His Brat - taekookff

His Brat - taekookff

9 0 2

cold × stubborn.Jeon Jungkook*A high schooler who lives alone, has been feeling paranoid for a while, looks adorable but secretly loves Mafia boss fanfictions. Is very stubborn, sarcasm at point. Childish. Loves biting very much*Kim Taehyung*A 24 year old who is known as the most dangerous, powerful and brutal Mafia boss, he never gives mercy. Cold, rude, always gets what he what. Recently got an obsession.*Top- taeBottom - kook…

Cliché Claire

Cliché Claire

69 6 4

Claire is in love with the schools heartthrob, Logan.She knows it's pretty much pointless.. So why even try?What makes it even worse is the fact that he's her sisters boyfriend. Yea...Pretty Cliché right? Just wait until she runs into the bad boy who works at Starbucks and has to live with Logan. Can you love two different people? And can she keep her dull hands to herself with her sister's boyfriend?Let's find out..…