24,689 1,625 35

PREETA ♡ KARANIN MY WORLD OF PREERAN (OS/TS)I am going to write OS and TS on preeran on shows track or if want it on any other concept you are free to tell me....• Tell me a track on which you Wants to me to write....•Tell me how you want that track it in the chapter....•Tell me about sad ending or happy ending also I will give it as per readers choice.....•I will take all people responses and their concepts but as per numerical order so be be ready guysss to witness our preeran in different style with different story background (with my tadka)❤️😉Give your all the love and support to it also....~Shreya❤️…



14,674 2,852 12

Her passion for food to be known by all She is endowed with a sweet and kind nature. Families are aware that she is unable to keep anything from her father. They fail to realize, though, that she is keeping her greatest life secret from everyone.Her love for adheer sikhand Dad's princess Her brothers' heartbeat And only love of a passionate man She is Adira Rudra Singh shekhawat A famous popstar Blessed with fame His name is enough To make millions of hearts on cloud nine and go gaga over the ever so dashing and charming personality .But Adheer has his eyes only for his childhood sweetheartAdira Singh shekhawat When he came to know that money and name are important to keep his love by his side he worked hard and After a few years, he became one of Asia's highest-paid pop artists.He can not be stopped by anything from getting his love at his side. That is the extent of his boundless love for her. He is Adheer sikand Their love story was not a usual one as they have to hide their love from many people around them As they are Hidden hearts This concludes part three and the last part of my story promised him.The Second part was Renege This book can be read as stand alone.Published on 22 / 07/ 2024…

Our Hate Tale

Our Hate Tale

4,699 352 8

"Don't pull it this way or my shirt's button will break. It's my new shirt," Madhav complained as Anuradha tried to secure her stuck dupatta from his shirt button."As if I care!" the girl retorted, making Madhav roll his eyes.For the first time in his life, a Bollywood scene was playing out, but it went horribly wrong when Madhav's enemy's dupatta got stuck to his shirt button."Aram se dheere nahin?" Madhav was about to caution, but a cracking sound interrupted him."Dupatta nikal gaya!" Anuradha almost jumped in happiness, holding her beautiful pink dupatta.But someone was not happy."Sath mein mera shirt ka button bhi," frustrated Madhav said, glaring at her.What happens when two enemies, Madhav and Anuradha fall for eachother? Be a part of their love journey and give my book a chance 💖 Starting date: 19 September, 2024Finishing date:…

тυ нι нαιη αѕнιqυι ✔️

тυ нι нαιη αѕнιqυι ✔️

6,764 778 11

Dheeshra SS꧁आपकी तारीफ में क्या कहें꧂♥︎ आप हमारी जान बन गए आप हमारी जान बन गए ♥︎…

SaiYa -Sai Satya FF

SaiYa -Sai Satya FF

17,637 1,122 12

A small story based on the current track of ghkkpm…

A Eshte Dashuria Mbi Gjithcka ?

A Eshte Dashuria Mbi Gjithcka ?

16,824 1,137 40

Dea nje vajze qe e dashuron jeten nje vajze me synime te qarta ne jet por qe papritur njeh dashurin dhe endrra e saj me e madhe eshte te jet me njeriun e zemresDuke triumfuar ne dashurin e saj ajo shnderrohet ne nje grua dhe nje nene shembullore Ajo kishte nje familje perfekt ku mbizoteronte harmonia, lumturia dhe mbi te gjitha dashuria por jo gjithcka eshte sikur duket gjithmon eshte dicka e fshehur qe ti nuk e shikon papritur lumturia kthehet ne dhimbje e ndersa buzeqeshja ne lot nje tradheti e ben ate te kuptoj se disa gjera kishin qen thjesht fasada ajo tradheti e ben te dyshoj ne gjithcka madje dhe ne dashurin qe ata kishin A falet tradhetia? eshte kjo pyetja qe cdo njeri e mendon te pakten njeher ne jet dhe ne e kemi te qarte ate pergjigje tradhetia nuk falet sepse ai qe te tradheton nje here e ben perseri Kur e mendojm na duket e thjesht ajo gje por kur ndodhe te ben te mendohesh gjate per ate pergjigje Por si do te arrij ajo te vazhdoj perpara si nje nene beqare? A do te arrij te jet e zonja e vetes? Frika nga ndryshimi dhe nga ideja e te jetuarit pa te do ta bejn te stepetpor djali I saj do te jet ai qe do ti jap kurajon qe te vazhdoj perpara sepse ajo eshte e fort dhe nuk ka nevoj per askend qe te mbijetoj ne kete bote mizore por a do te arrij ajo ta ndaloj zemren qe te rrah perseri per ate njeri ? A do arrij dashuria e tyre te jet mbi gjithcka apo tradhetia do ta vras ate ?…

All I Want Is You..... 💙 ✔️

All I Want Is You..... 💙 ✔️

136,410 6,054 53

What if this generation girl enters into the bloodied world of KGF and becomes Garuda's Sister…



30,511 2,646 41

Published : June, 2016"I'll love you until I love you again" he whispered and I tried to hold him tightly. Or where, Radhika is a doctor deprived of love. Krishna, decides to treat her. A Fiction based on Radhekrishna with some real parts of their lovestory .#1 in Transcendental - 08/08/21#1 in Hospital Romance - 09/09/21*FETUS WRITING**READ AT YOUR OWN RISK*…



4,265 688 7

JJK SHORT STORY[Don't copy this book]…



3,210 236 10

This story in on three people Dheeraj,Shradha and Manit. Manit and Dheeraj both of them were real brothers what if both of them falls for the same girl. to know peep in.…

The Cheshire Killer

The Cheshire Killer

12 0 1

Mean girls, moving, Alice in Wonder land and sharp teeth, this is the origin of the Cheshire Killer.…

Her healer

Her healer

14,169,916 870,444 75

Yaduvanshi series #1An Arranged Marriage Story.POWER!!!!! That's what he always wanted. He is king of a small kingdom of Madhya Pradesh but his power is not limited to Madhya Pradesh only. He is one of the richest men in India who holds the power of money in the market and of leaders in parliament. He is one of those chosen people who are running the country behind the curtain. Politician bows their head in front of him, businessman is ready to put everything at stake just to put their name with his company and a messiah to his kingdom's people. His soft side is for no one at least he does pretend that.But.........A small brown-eyed, honey-voiced girl entered his life. And from the very first moment he saw her, he started feeling a weird fluttering in his heart. She was chosen by his grandfather for him but he knew it was God's plan.She is a puzzle,He wants to solve her.She is scared,He wants to protect her.She fears love,He wants to spoil her.She is broken,He is her healer.Let's join Aashrit Singh Yaduvanshi and Meera Singh Yaduvanshi in the journey of love after marriage.…

You're only Mine [COMPLETED]

You're only Mine [COMPLETED]

63,074 8,083 23

jjk ff《《 කොපි කිරීමෙන් හෝ වෙනත් සමාජ ජාල වල පලකිරීමෙන් වලකින්න.》》…

Nuk mjafton vetem dashuria

Nuk mjafton vetem dashuria

14,292 1,004 44

Atehere kur mendon se cdo gje eshte ne rrugen e duhur, atehere merr goditjen me te madhe mbas shpine nga personi qe ti jep jeten..Nje histori dashurie ndrysheE cila filloi e paster si kristal dhe me kalimin e kohes u ndot nga te papriturat e jetes...Ajo Anhela Novikov vajza e bosit me te madh te mafias ruse,nje studente e shkelqyer ne Spanje teper lozonjare dhe i pelqente te shijonte jeten, por mbi te gjitha vlerat qe karakterizonin ishin te medha nje njeri me zemer te madhe dhe e ndjeshme sa po ta prekje dukej si kristal qe thyhej edhe pse ajo nuk e tregonte kete pjese por me teper ate te bishes..Jeta kishte rezervuar per te dashurine me te bukur ama do te jete po ajo dashuri e cila do ta shkateroje ne nje menyre qe ajo vet nuk do e kishte imagjinuar asnjehere...Ndersa ai Ace Fernandes nje nga biznesmenet me te suksesshem ne Spanje ama me nje te kaluar te dhimbshme,pabesisht jeta do e fuste ne nje rruge ku shihje vetem terrr dhe drita ne fund te erresires ishte e padukshme...Nje ngjarje Nje e kaluar do e beje ata pjese te dickaje qe nuk e kishte imagjinuar asnjehere...Dy njerez me drejtime te ndryshme,dy kokeforte te cilet nuk mendonin per azgje tjeter vec familjes pa e ditur do te behen pika e dobet e njeri tjetrit...Nje dashuri e cila do te zgjase vetem per pak pasi nje propozim do te permbyse gjithcka...A do te mjaftoje vetem dashuria per ta perballuar kete sfide kur mungon besimi???…

Alice In Wonderland

Alice In Wonderland

649 7 13

A young girl falls down a rabbit hole and enters a magical world of Wonderland, now she must find her way back home, through her journey she will meet allies who may guide her back home or drive her mad. Based on the Lewis Carroll original story.…

Ishqbaaz OS Jab Writers Se Writers ladhege

Ishqbaaz OS Jab Writers Se Writers ladhege

42,888 2,694 28

Read the different OS of famous ishqbaaz ff writer. Vote for the best Stories. Making your favorite writer win.…



25,219 1,167 12

Current track os collection To know more peep in😎…

A Woman of Her Own✔

A Woman of Her Own✔

6,167 364 5

Accused by her beloved once again, Preeta's eyes finally opened up to the truth - she was in a toxic relationship, and if she ever wanted to move on, she needed to face her past and permanently make it that way. She needed to move on once and for all, and she would for the sake of her deceased daughter. But in the back of her mind, there was still doubt - would she really be happy without him?…

His little angel ♥

His little angel ♥

5,089 360 17

A man who is in mafia loves a girl since his childhood and obsessed with her... In his childhood he is very stubborn.. His parents always fulfilled all his wishes due to which he became a spoilt brat.. He is very possessive for things which belongs to him.. One day he goes with his mother in toy store.. Their he saw a small girl around 5 years old.. He become mesmerize by her beauty. That is when he tells his mom that he want ' her '. He is very possessive for her.. Not even bear a boy single glance at her.. What will he do to get her..??Peep in to know..😊…