Hart-Breaker Next Door

Hart-Breaker Next Door

24 1 3

❝What do you want, Jordan?❞ ❝Quiero tu amor.❞❝Do you realize I only speak one language? And that language is English.❞+ Eleanor Grey. The name of the girl that everybody in the Sinclair, California thought would discover the cure to Cancer, get the Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine, go to Harvard, or something big like that, they just expected big from her and she hated it. Eleanor wanted to play piano, not do discover the cure to Cancer, (even though that would be super good and helpful), Eleanor wanted to go to Juilliard, not Harvard. The brunette didn't want a Nobel Peace Prize, she just wanted to be happy in life. But, nobody cared and didn't ask, they wanted her to be perfect. Eleanor did just that, seeing as she was Valedictorian, Captain of the Volleyball and Swim team, leader of pretty much all the clubs at school. Eleanor was a busy lady. But not busy enough that she didn't notice Jordan Hart, the silent but hot new kid. Jordan hadn't spoken a word since he got to Sinclair High School, he just stared and looked mean. Nobody tried to talk to him except for a couple girls but other than that everybody stayed away from him. He had that effect on people without even speaking. The tattoo's that marked his left bicep intimidated people. Chocolate brown eyes that always seemed to be watching, surveying you, searching out your weaknesses and straightness. Inky black hair that seemed to be messy and spilled everywhere over his head. Eleanor wanted no part of that, but funny how things don't always work out how we want them to. I mean he lives next door and she's tutoring him. There's no escape. @iridescents-, all rights reserved ©️ 2017.cover by @xinnamone.…

The challenges and possible solutions to linking Frac-NFTs to physical assets

The challenges and possible solutions to linking Frac-NFTs to physical assets

1 0 1

One of the most useful functions of NFTs is the ability to provide fractional ownership. This should be easily understood as digital tokenization by nature is fractionalization.I have been involved in the fractional ownership ventures since 2006. It has been a long arduous journey of developing the practical methods and educational efforts to convince consumers on the economic benefits of fractional ownership. From the FARJHO method on single family homes, the FARJAO method on artworks to the We Homeowners platform, I have put in much blood, sweat and tears into making it a reality. It did not take off due to a variety of reasons. The idea of developing a business around it remained way ahead of its time. The history of this personal journey has been chronicled in my speech at Asbar World Forum on Blockchains: Supporting and Changing the Future of Business and Services, delivered to an audience in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 2020.During the pre-tokenization era, the only way to accomplish fractional shares ownership is via a legal entity such as an LLC in the US for real estate properties. There was no trading liquidity, no abundant investors' interests to try out new ways of doing things and most importantly, no readily available user-friendly technologies to back it up.Fast forward to 2017, with the maturing of the blockchain related technologies from the seminal work by Satoshi Nakamoto back in 2009, all of a sudden, a whole bunch of young tech savvy kids without any banking backgrounds or legal trainings rushed to conduct ICOs and ended up with the ultimate product for fractional ownership that I could only dreamed of before then, i.e. the ERC-20 standard based digital tokens on a blockchain.…

From Sunken Graves || YTbers

From Sunken Graves || YTbers

0 0 1

𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 the paranormal may not be the craziest thing to a certain organization. And this team is about to have the craziest week of their lives. -:():-⚠️TWs⚠️-Ghosts/Paranormal Entities-Swearing-Blood-Disconnection from the body-Death/Dead bodiesPeople In This Book:-Lordminion777 (Wade)-Patrckstatic (Patrick/Pat)-EntoanthePack (Entoan)-TheOnlyRyann (Ryan) -Jpw03 (Jp)-Bird650 (Bird)-Markiplier (Mark)-Muyskerm (Bob)And tons of others, but these are the main ones! You DO NOT have to know these people to read this book. It would simply make it easier as I do not describe what they look like very much. -:():-•I am a young writer, don't expect crazy good writing. •NO SHIPS! (Apart from real life couples) •This book is inspired by and contains stuff from both Phasmophobia and Demonologist. Amazing games! Highly recommend with friends. •If anybody in this book (including game makers) are uncomfortable with this kind of fanfiction let me know and I will immediately take it down after confirmation! •Cover image may change, not too sure. Please be patient with updates as I am only one person and still in school! Enjoy! <3-:()-Started: January 22, 2024 Published: May 10, 2024Ended:-:():-…

High School Heart Throb

High School Heart Throb

328 10 8

Grace Harper is attending a new school this year. She is a straight A student and is very careful with who she meets and befriends. Her parents are both pilots and are gone most of the time, meaning her and her brother are left on their own. That leads to sympathetic gestures of wealth and freedom. Grace's parents warned her about who to avoid and how to stay away from them during her years of high school. With this kind of knowledge engraved in her head, she's determined to stay pure and sober throughout high school.Caleb Kramer is in the middle of a broken family. He's an only child who had lost his sister years before. He is filled with so much worry and pain, he turns to cigarettes, girls, and alcohol. He's the boy that parents tell their daughters to be careful of. His dad his rich and sends him an allowance of three hundred dollars a month, but doesn't want to raise him. His mom is broke and works at a local gas station as the night shift. She doesn't have time to watch Caleb and remind him of his morals.When the two cross paths and their worlds clash together, good and bad comes to hand. Caleb and Grace are given the difficult choices that neither of them meant to get into. While good appears in each of their lives, bad enters it as well and creates a hurricane of disasters and problems. Grace and Caleb fight through together and find themselves falling into a pit of regret and drowning in a substance called love.…

Keto Pure UK | Keto Pure Dragons Den

Keto Pure UK | Keto Pure Dragons Den

11 0 1

Keto Pure UK stories - probably, the human physique takes carbohydrate to produce power and this may with no trouble result in the chubby. If you want to lose your weight with the aid of going through a natural process without sweating very a lot then this overview goes to be really very valuable for you and which you could get the quality information if you'll read it until the end.Reading it's going to obviously be valued at it for you and you'll be in a position to learn about an effective product which has already elevated the lives of countless numbers of humans on this planet and you could additionally come in their category if you'll learn it. Many ketogenic supplements are available in the market however they don't seem to be going to be valuable for you and this factor is known to us already.However, with the help of science, some medical professionals have produced a first-class ketogenic supplement for you and that may be fairly useful for you as well. If you are very a lot interested in figuring out about it then its identify is Keto Pure UK. Yes, that is the supplement which we have for you and it is the excellent product which can support you in changing your excess physique fats into energy through following a traditional and utterly reliable approach. VISIT HERE : - https://ketoflu.org/keto-pure-uk/https://youtu.be/FwsZaLPKkMshttp://keto-pure-uk1.strikingly.com/https://ketopureuk1.yolasite.com/https://awesomeketopureukblog.tumblr.com/post/186372566348/keto-pure-uk-is-safe-or-scamhttps://medium.com/@anandahall/keto-pure-uk-is-safe-or-scam-3b6430ab7ae7https://ketopureuk1.food.blog/2019/07/18/keto-pure-uk-is-safe-or-scam/https://keto-pure-uk-74.webself.net/…

Now What? [Mindless Behavior Story]

Now What? [Mindless Behavior Story]

441 7 2

Hai guys :) My name is Lee and I decided to write a love story about Mindless Behavior. This is my first story so don't flame me if it isn't perfect yet! A lot of stuff in this story is based on my life. But this is not your average FanFic, oh no. I'm sick and tired of these basic MB fanfics where the main character is is always light skinned with a bangin' body and loooong natural hair down to her Nicki Minaj booty. NO SHADE TO LIGHT SKINNED GIRLS AT ALL. I've realized that now a days that people sometimes affiliate being 'light' with being pretty. But all shades of black, white, brown, red, yellow, or what ever people see you as is beautiful. The main character is Dea (Dee-uh). She is just your average girl and isn't mixed with black, white, asian, indian, hispanic, turtle, the American Revolutionary War, and the struggle. No. Stop. Enough. She is an African American girl, about 5'8, wears glasses, has medium brown skin, plays sports, and has shoulder length dreads. I know huh, different ain't it? She is skinny but is still insecure about her body and sometimes suffers from mild periods of anxiety and depression. She loves Mindless Behavior and whenever she's down, they pick her right back up. Her favorite boy is Prodigy. The one time she met him, he made her feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. This story is about what happens to Prodigy and Dea. Will this average girl live the dream life? Will they meet? Will they fall in love? Who knows. All you have to do is read. :)…

poor girl and rich man

poor girl and rich man

1 1 1

Title: "Unexpected Connections"Genre: Romance, Contemporary FictionSummary:"Unexpected Connections" is a captivating novel that intertwines the lives of two individuals from vastly different backgrounds, highlighting the power of chance encounters and the beauty of unexpected relationships.Lily, a resilient and determined young woman, navigates life's challenges with unwavering optimism despite growing up in modest circumstances. Her dreams of a better future drive her to work hard as a waitress while nurturing her passion for writing and education.On the other side of the spectrum is Alexander Kingsley, a successful and driven businessman who has built his empire through ambition and perseverance. Despite his wealth and status, Alexander finds himself yearning for something more meaningful in life, a void he cannot seem to fill with material success alone.Their paths cross in a moment of crisis when Alexander saves Lily from a dangerous situation on the busy streets of the city. This chance encounter sparks a connection neither of them expected, leading to hours of heartfelt conversations and shared dreams.As they delve deeper into each other's worlds, Lily and Alexander discover common ground in their aspirations and the resilience that defines their characters. Their bond grows stronger with each passing day, challenging their beliefs and pushing them to confront their deepest desires."Unexpected Connections" is a story of love, growth, and the transformative power of human connection. It explores themes of resilience, ambition, and the beauty of finding companionship in unexpected places, reminding us that sometimes, the most meaningful relationships come from the most unexpected encounters.…

Bored Ramblings (Book of random thoughts)

Bored Ramblings (Book of random thoughts)

1,213 268 200

The title says it all..I ramble, I rant, I question.…

Darren Huston

Darren Huston

4 3 1

Hello from Trent," I say. It's late January and, talking to a Trent alum who's work-ing abroad, I figure I can jog a few memories and start a conversation by adding: "It's going to negative 16 degrees tonight. Do you recall those chilly walks across the wind-whipped Faryon Bridge?" Darren Huston '85 chuckles with instant recognition and replies, "It doesn't get that cold in Tokyo. It's five degrees celsius here." From his office in the heart of Tokyo on a Thursday morning, the president and CEO of Microsoft Japan is showing his Canadian roots. Darren Huston, the Trent grad with an honours B.A. in economics, isn't just comfortable talking about the weather; he's also about as gracious and self-effacing as an all-round Canadian guy can get. And, oddly enough, he uses similar terms to describe the new culture in which he finds himself immersed. "Japan is a wonderful place and almost Canadian in many respects," he says over the phone more than 10,000 kilometres and several time zones away. "Individuals in Japan are polite, understated, and self-critical. They see themselves as being in one boat more than in North American society. Everyone's lives here are very symbiotic. If anyone fails, it feels like they're failing family. As a foreigner, you can never really be a part of that."This might seem like pretty deep talk at 9 a.m. for the North American businessman guiding the destiny of Japan's number one brand and its 2500 employees. But there's an easy-going quality to conversation with Darren Huston.…

Under The Crescent Moon: Power, Corruption & Lies/Laughing Stock

Under The Crescent Moon: Power, Corruption & Lies/Laughing Stock

162 1 46

Power, Corruption & Lies: "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc". The priori; with the bad moon rising at the horizon, beyond the heavy and mysterious sea of Mist, no blood is thicker than the ink belonging to a collection of stories, tails, vignettes, thoughts, reckonings, short poems of a world who revolves around the tip of the spear, gray alike the clouds that lightened and obscured of their own history. Laughing Stock: "If faith is what driven us together in search of ourselves, then we must try to do it on a leap". The posteriori; from the idyll to the youth to the decay of substance, life goes on and on in this real life fantasy, alike the path taken by the Crescent and her ancestors, who once shared of same blood ingrained on that red coat. While her youth dreams are kept alive, only the fear, the failure and the spea can block the way to achieve a purpose in a life under the rain.Thanks: Myushu for Practice Medicine and Prince of Thieves, Meriko for Duty and Honor, Ayrith for Sum Of Memories, Guardian1 for Thirteen Ways To Say Goodbye, and JotaTe for The Last Cherry Blossom, among many other authors and their stories who had influenced me over the time.…

Blind Love

Blind Love

120 4 4

Prologue:Love InspiredHeartwarming Inspirational Romance "Blind Love"John Holloway Junior is thirty-seven years of age. Born to a railroad tycoon; lives in the plush suburbs of Seattle Washington. John has a physique that renders most women powerless in his presence. One cannot help but ask where did this Greek god come from? The Holloway family has a little secret. Money marries money. A tradition of arranged marriages runs through the family. John faces insurmountable odds. On one hand he wants so badly to be a sole estate heir but on the other hand he faces the reality of American culture especially in the 21st century; people get to choose who to marry and who to love. Knowing his mother's wishes to choose his future wife, John has to battle to win over both sides of the equation. Does he finally prevail or does his mother years of manipulation causes her to triumph?What starts off as a temporary eyesight issue creates a mountain of a challenges no one signed up for. So where does the family go from here? If at all possible to believe in fairy tales, this fairy tale is a sure thing. If all that starts well ends, than one has to ask, 'Does the rich also cry?' If so, then how do they? All is not lost, for in deep tragedy it is also possible to find deep faith. John finds true self-worth and faith through an unlikely candidate. Cast:John: Wealthy BillionaireEleanor: John's older sisterHenry: Eleanor husbandMarty: John's older brotherBecky: Marty's wifeCamilia Jessica: The daughter of JohnMrs. Holloway: The mother of JohnCamil: PhD/Blind specialistMs. Kelly, Nanna: Camils' GrandmotherAmy: Camils' Best FriendJake: Amy's husbandCheryl: John's by the way girlMr. And Mrs. Shaffer: Amy's parentEvett: John's Ex-girlfriend Greg: John's college friendBilly Mattis: Amy and Camils' high school friend…

Blood Festival - Volume 1

Blood Festival - Volume 1

82 21 3

"What is life?"Kyo Sasaki, a fifteen-year-old boy suffering from Coronary Heart disease, began contemplating his life while sitting on his deathbed. He navigates the challenges of his condition while cherishing moments with his loving family. Despite his condition, his mindset is that everything will be alright as long as he is with his family. However, a sudden tragic turn takes place when Kyo experiences an excruciating pain in his chest, a moment between life and death in the middle of the night.When the clock strikes midnight, Kyo surrenders to the gripping pain and soon finds himself floating in a mysterious void. In that space of nothingness, a mysterious gigantic hand reaches out to him and transports him to another dimension. Clad in a white robe, surrounded by others in similar attire, Kyo is informed by a cloaked figure that they are participants in a deadly game-Blood Festival. The objective is simple: survive, with the last person standing earning the chance to return to the world of the living.After explaining the festival's rules, the figure snaps its finger, teleporting Kyo into a different world filled with magic. Thrown into a desolate landscape of snow-covered mountains, Kyo grapples with the harsh reality of his new existence. The frigid surroundings mirror the chilling nature of the game, where alliances are uncertain, and deception becomes a powerful weapon. As Kyo confronts the challenges of this otherworldly game, he must navigate the treacherous terrain, engage with the unknown identities of his fellow participants, and grapple with the morality of survival. His adventure promises a thrilling exploration of life, death, and the complexities of human nature, with Kyo at the center of a gripping tale that transcends the boundaries between worlds. It's kill or be killed.Written by JiyuuIllustration by Hirano Follow their Instagram: hirano.101 ^^…

Christian Music

Christian Music

979 48 112

All your favorite Christian Song from Casting Crowns, The Newsboys, Francesca Battistelli, Ryan Stevenson, Matthew West, Jordan Feliz, Chris Tomlin, TobyMac & For King & Country.These songs will make you want to dance, sing, feel joy and maybe even sadness. I hope you love them as much as I do!…

Life In The Sky

Life In The Sky

2,011 363 168

Because I need a book/something to expresss and say some crap…

The One Percenters

The One Percenters

7 0 6

" Where is Michael?" With these words, siblings Ellen and Brendan must take on the brutal enforcers known as the ""Bluecoats." It will be a desperate fight for their lives. Ellen is 17-years-old and helping support her California-based family while her father is away trying to find work. Besides her mother, she has three brothers-Michael, Brendan and Sean-and two sisters, Mary and Jenny. When Michael is arrested by authorities, Ellen and Brendan form a desperate plan to rescue him. They join forces with Jay, who is looking for his younger brother Harry, who has fallen into the hands of the Bluecoats. Jay is a Canadian, who, with his brother Harry, is looking for the mother that abandoned them to move to Orange County for a better life.This book, aimed at the young adult reader, is a dystopian reimagining of a world where everything does not go back to normal post-pandemic. It is a bleak world where the authoritarian rulers called " The One Percenters" consolidated power in the United States and Canada while the nations struggled with a pandemic. They are a mysterious group of the super-rich, the seriously wealthy-the top one percent of financiers, and owners of social media platforms, shopping platforms and search engines. Their goal is control over every aspect of life.The book highlights the fact that these teenagers live in a world of climate emergencies, global pandemics and economic inequities. It reveals humans at their worst-authorities separating families, neighbours reporting on neighbours, guards starving and beating imprisoned workers. It also shows the strength of sibling loyalty, the determination of young people to resist injustice and especially the capacity for teenagers to work together to overcome obstacles.…