Tags: poemrandom
Who are you? (undercover Naruto )

Who are you? (undercover Naruto )

1,516 45 17

"Is your real name really Uzumaki Naruto?""No, it's Namikaze Kiiya."Uzumaki Naruto is actually Namikaze Kiiya and kitsune. He is the leader of the Anbus and second prince of the Namikaze clan. But when his clan was massacred he was left with a big responsibility. I don't own anything, except the story line, but I got ideas from other stories 😉 so credits to .... I don't know their names hahaha 😅😅😅Yes, I'm sorry your author is weird.!!Note: not edited, this story has plenty of grammar and spelling mistakes…

Soulmate System

Soulmate System

66,364 1,765 24

When your born you are given a necklace. He necklace is half of a unique shape. Everyone is given one. It's the soulmate system. The necklace fits into the necklace of your soulmate. It gets warmer the closer you are. Once your 18, you are set on a quest. To find your soulmate.WARNING: Contains mentions of self harm and rape. Contains death. Contains cringy writing.…

A lonely wolf's days

A lonely wolf's days

14 1 2

Hi :3This is a (short)story/ fairytale (???) I came up with, I have been smothering the idea in my brain for the past weeks but now I finally had the courage to write it down. I have no clue if this makes sense to anyone, so uhh yeah.…

Abe Lincoln loves George Washington?!

Abe Lincoln loves George Washington?!

3,985 42 5

It all started with a time machine…

my crappy exo fics

my crappy exo fics

1,236 20 4

enjoy peasants.…

Falling for the Moon

Falling for the Moon

26,340 344 12

"You love her very much, don't you?"His broken body lay sprawled on the ground. His gaze, much like his mind, was far, far away."Yes," he blinked, a lone tear slid down his grimy, blood-smeared face, "Yes I do."In a world of gods, magic and monsters, Percy Jackson must fight. He fights to protect, for survival, and for love. But when everything he fought for suddenly turned against him and all that he loved was lost, Percy is left alone with a broken heart, a lost soul, and a mission. As a hero of Olympus, and the newly appointed Guardian of the Hunt, he must complete one last quest. Side by side with the goddess of the moon, he must once again, save the world.The Cyclopes are rising, and nothing will stop them.…

just random things about a history i want to animate one day

just random things about a history i want to animate one day

29 3 7

just making a story and storyline lol (bad grammar)…

Good Person

Good Person

22 2 1

What does it mean to be a "good person"? Why can't I get a clear answer on this? How do I be a good person? Why can't I get a clear answer? //// Just a think piece on what it means to be a a good person in which those questions are never answered, but I speculate a lot.…

Tiny! Creepypasta X N/B Reader

Tiny! Creepypasta X N/B Reader

165 5 11

Um... I don't know what to write for the description so... Also, I'll be adding true facts about the creepypasta. So basically, I'm mixing theories and fax about them. (I'm a cp researcher)language may contain gore and blood. Y/n is 20-25 years old. I'll be using they/them pronouns. I will try to update at least once a month. I'm a student so school is taking my time.…

The Child

The Child

10,712 373 34

a sequel to 'The Girl' - The Mortal Instruments FanFiction Emelina ran away after she found the body of her dead lover. Working in cafés and bars so that she could support herself and her daughter, Imogen. Story is set about 4 years after their separation (set in CoHF) Emelina noticed some strange traits in her daughter and seeked help. After years of meeting with the Clave, Consul, Council and Silent Brothers Emelina and Imogen have been relocated to the New York Institute for Imogen to be taught and raised into the Shadowhunter ways by other ‘unique’ Shadowhunters, Clarissa Fairchild/Fray and Jace Herondale/Wayland/Morgenstern. With Sebastian/Jonathon/Christopher sending threats and being behind many attacks will the lost lovers ever meet again? And Can Emelina bring back the humanity he lost long ago or will the darkness win?…

The Girl (Undergoing Editing)

The Girl (Undergoing Editing)

8,926 213 22

I got the idea when reading The Mortal Instruments:COLS when clary is going through Sebastian's/Johnathon's thing and she noticing a note that says 'to my love' but she shrugs it off. this is the back story to that note: The story of when and how Sebastian/Jonathon found and lost his only love and how he found and lost his humanity...…

Dear, Hamilton

Dear, Hamilton

219,501 7,916 66

"A pleasure to meet you. I'm-""Alexander Hamilton," I finish for him. "I know who you are." ***September 25, 2018, started out as an ordinary day. Eliza Schuyler went to school, took some notes, and went to a party (at the behest of her best friend). That is until she finds herself in the year 1778.Confused and disorientated, she meets Alexander Hamilton, and his friends and comrades, where she lays witness and becomes a participant to the events of the Revolutionary War. What she doesn't expect, though, is her growing feelings for Alexander Hamilton, the dashing Patriot officer and aide-de-camp of General Washington, and the feeling that perhaps she's been in 1778 before...**FIRST PLACE WINNER OF THE 2019 SUMMER AWARDS**** FIRST PLACE WINNER OF THE 2019-2020 FREEDOM AWARDS**…

I'm just here to post random stuff.

I'm just here to post random stuff.

403 24 24

If your here then you either got bored and ran out of stuff to read, or you just needed to laugh at someone who has no skill or idea of what they are doing.(B.T.W. Sorry for any spelling errors, I am incredibly stupid.)…

☁️Magical Girl Journey/Journal

☁️Magical Girl Journey/Journal

1,151 84 13

Umm hi! My nickname here shall be Flying Prism for now and this is my Magical Girl journal thingy. Anything with ☁️ before it is to do with becoming a magical girl!Enjoy!…

He makes her happy.

He makes her happy.

122 5 1

He may get annoying at points but he makes her happy and that's all that matters…

I watch him look at her, the way I look at him.
My Story Yet Untold [Star Wars]

My Story Yet Untold [Star Wars]

90 15 1

[Winner of The Force Of Fanfiction's Jedi Week]I promise I'm not trying to make your life harder,Or return to where we were.-----But, I will go down with this ship.I won't put my hands up and surrender.There will be no white flag above my door.I'm in love, and always will be.Padmé guides her daughter in a moment of despair, allowing her a rare glimpse into a story yet untold.…

Make it stop.

Make it stop.

269 7 1

That moment you realise what you've done... You want it all to go away... You can't handle it anymore... You just want it all to stop... Finally... It stops...…