Randall Boggs x !Ink demon!Reader

Randall Boggs x !Ink demon!Reader

860 39 7

normal form : baby bendy, but you're not a babyWhen scaring (later in story) : ink demon bendyArt cover not mine!…

Blades (ohshc) (bxb) UNDER RECONSTRUCTION

Blades (ohshc) (bxb) UNDER RECONSTRUCTION

16,233 601 5

There are many ways to describe Connor Jace Versozski. He's a millionaire, an actor, he's hot, he's on the Top 10 sexiest man alive list, he has a lot of fan bases and well, he's very troublesome.That's why his boss had signed him up for high school--Ouran Academy. Connor is not impressed.…

Do you hate me, babe? // a.i.

Do you hate me, babe? // a.i.

40,463 3,909 34

„Nenávidím tě, Irwine." odsekla jsem drze. „Miluješ mě, přiznej si to, Lex." odpověděl mi a usmál se tím jeho božským úsměvem. Nemůžu nad ním slintat. Opravdu nemůžu. -- #70 in FanFiction - best of ♥…

Tenma ran away

Tenma ran away

84,847 2,052 22

Tenma and Shinsuke was late to go to soccer club room. Before they enter the clubroom, Tenma felt hurt hearing his best friends, teammates, family talks bad about him. He ran away ignoring Shinsuke shouting.The others ran out from the clubroom and Shinsuke started scolding them. But they didn't know why they say all those bad things, it's like it's not their own mouth. Shinsuke was kinda confuse after they said that, but he didn't say anything and just ran to search Tenma. The others also search for Tenma.When they went to his house, Aki said that he hasn't been home yet. They all shock to hear that.Where could be be?What is he doing?Please read if you're interested in this story.BTW I don't own Inazuma Eleven Go!!…

Real (bat boys)

Real (bat boys)

75,848 2,341 49

A lonely girl, a flash of light, 4 brothers who need a place to stay. Cora Sanchez, a girl left alone for much too long. Damian Wayne, a boy who hates human contact. Dick Grayson, Jason Todd and Tim Drake, 3 brothers who are enjoying the youngest's suffering. Word count: 76, 456 wordsThis is a Damian x oc book but there's just a little bit of Jaytim as well. Don't like that? Go read Real-ish. Same story, no JayTim. Real-ish Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/294461959?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=EEDASN&wp_originator=JRGuPdkkA9Zy8ps9Yn49syRSYqYUU489lfwaZJrkshMb1FPIk2ohkccGvmLWNmnuWaoarxMM%2F0%2FxwdTVkcimsff7FRG3nTULQWmNKYByBsozsB4oeO5MR7fXfYM5hao%2B I do not own DC or it's characters.Enjoy!…

Přímořskej klan the musical

Přímořskej klan the musical

3,157 331 36

Přímořský klan je kočičí klan žijící v Arizoně. Kočky zde jsou velmi nemravné a hřeší kde můžou. Jednoho dne dostane mladá učednice zdrávky proroctví od Božského klanu, jež všechny vyděsí do morku kostí.,,Klan prokvetlý hříchy bude-li, zem pod tlapkami jim bude hořeti!!" zazní, a je pouze na jedinci, jak si tuto vizi přebere. Učednice Paralelní Světlice nechce nechat klan napospas zkáze, a snaží se zabránit všemu, co by je mohlo odepsat ku Pekelnému klanu.---Warrior Cats parodie, muzikál, takže v každé kapitolce se zpívá. Každá kapitola tedy obsahuje i videoklip ke zpívané písni!!!Berte na vědomí, že příběh je plný vulgarismů a úchyláren!!…

Tenma Sick

Tenma Sick

48,655 1,172 12

Tenma was sick, and he hid it from everyone because he thought it wasnt a big deal. Plus he didn't want them to be worried about his health, but what he didn't know is that he got a very rare deadly desease called 'diephonosis'Will he survive? Is there any cure? What's going to happen?Interested?? *smirking*Then read it!!Warning: I'm a DRAMA QUEEN!! But this anime is quite dramatic soo... But still... I'm really DRAMATIC!! You dont believe me? Go and read 'the poison' <-- also a tenma fanfiction! And if u dont find it super dramatic its because I probably CHANGE some parts already! And for haters.... BUZZ OFF!!! I do not own Inazuma eleven Go!!…

Damaged Goods

Damaged Goods

312,837 8,761 31

Every girl always loves to go for the bad boy, but why not this time give the good guy a chance? •••Aurora Blanchard loved to catch every wave and live life to it's fullest. But when tragedy strikes, she now has to try to find away to start living again, after nearly three years of her life were ripped away from her. Now returning to college and to the life she once knew, Aurora has to try to find the purpose she has so tragically lost.Asher Monroe is living his best life. Being the star quarterback, he is set for the NFL, has money to burn and wins the heart of every girl of campus. But having everything doesn't mean everything is perfect, as Asher begins to realise that maybe a life without love will never be a full one.So what happens when damaged goods come together? Do they mend each other, or destroy each other completely?…

Rich 2 moms family

Rich 2 moms family

192 0 16

it's about 6 sets of lesbian families. who are adventuring thru mother hood and celebrity life…

The Gangleader's Girl

The Gangleader's Girl

68,174 1,986 12

Ethan Ford. He's the leader of California's most wanted gang; a ruthless killer; a heartless lawbreaker and a notorious criminal that the police just can't seem to catch. When his attention is drawn to Kelsey Reynolds, things aren't as easy as they seem - Ethan's rival gang will do anything they can to tear them apart and ruin him.After all, a cold-blooded killer can't care. Anyone he cares for will only end up dead.…



165 8 3

War destroyed the old world, nothing remains the same. We call the new world Alya, a realm in the sky tied together by strange magic that had unusual effects on our world: Creatures of unusual sizes, trees as tall as skyscrapers, waterfalls that never end. It seemed to be a mystical dream, but it came at a cost. Changes brought about devastating results- the near extinction of humanity. Humanity has once again recovered, but it has become apparent that lack of resources will drive the world back into war. The Island of Arcadia hosts the annual Cadmar Tournament as a show of might to remind the other Islands of what's to lose and ease tensions. However, dark forces are conspiring behind the scenes threatening to break this wavering peace. Everyone's got their story, a side the world doesn't get to see. They each followed their own convictions. They chose their own paths, but at what point will they cross the line between hero and villain?…

White Lotus | VegasPete |

White Lotus | VegasPete |

51 2 1

vegaspete oneshot; Biely lotos. Oh bože, tak zvrátené, kruté. Každý by vedel, čím Pete pre mňa bol, symbol čistoty, vernosti, oddanosti, božskej posadnutosti. Lotos sa vynára z bahna a neustále rastie smerom k svetlu a teplu, čo predstavuje akt túžby po svätej čistoty. To, po čom tak túži a vďaka mne nikdy mať nebude.…

Soldier's  secret

Soldier's secret

348 95 12

~"You do," I whispered back. "You deserve happiness, Enzo. You deserve a second chance."He pulled back slightly, just enough to look into my eyes, his face inches from mine. "You're the only one who's ever made me believe that," he said, his voice thick with emotion.~Zoe has always worked hard, with one big dream in mind-to join the army and become a soldier. But her parents didn't agree with her choice. Determined not to give up, she started training by herself. That's when she met Enzo Fereano, a man who noticed her hard work and gave her new hope. As time goes on, Enzo begins to share more about himself with Zoe. But can she trust him? Will he be there for her when things get tough? And most importantly, will Zoe finally reach her dream?✨Join this slow-burn story of hope, trust, and fighting for your dreams. Not all chapters are out yet, so follow to stay updated! 🔥 🤗(Fun fact, we are Zoe,the reader is the main character so we don't have a name. Thats why no one will call the main character by their name)…

Strážkyně duší (ff Avengers)

Strážkyně duší (ff Avengers)

322 38 6

Pokračování Potomek temnoty - !Pozor spoilery! Potomek temnoty byl poražen, ale bohužel se jednalo o Pyrrhovo vítězství. Cenu však nezaplatili největší pozemští hrdinové, nýbrž jejich dvě mladé učednice, které si až donedávna žily poklidný život bez schopností, mimozemšťanů a housenek, Tori a Sky. Kaecilliova dcera Lilia lituje svých činů a ze všech sil se snaží napravit, co způsobila. Ačkoliv jí Avengers nevěří, je přesvdčená, že její kamarádky jsou stále naživu. Proto se vydá na výpravu po stopách záhadného artefaktu, čímž nechtěně probudí starodávné zlo. Je Liliina domněnka správná? Může jí její matka pomoci v záchraně Tori a Sky, nebo to spíš ještě zkomplikuje? Zvládnou podstoupit oběť, která je k vítězství nutná?…

Jen polobozi pochopí

Jen polobozi pochopí

19,551 2,501 149

Vtipy na tématiku Percy Jackson, Bohové Olympu a Magnus ChaseUmístění:1. místo v kategorii vtipy…

R.i.p Ryan Sumozski

R.i.p Ryan Sumozski

1,194 28 5

Sumo kills himself…

Versek(?) Vagy valami olyasmi

Versek(?) Vagy valami olyasmi

455 79 8

Most mit írjak ide? A cím mindent elárulA borítót @Asiry04 csináltam. KÖSZÖNÖÖÖÖÖÖM TwT…

İmparatoriçe ' ki şarkılar( Kitap Bitti)

İmparatoriçe ' ki şarkılar( Kitap Bitti)

466 122 23

İmparatoriçe ' ki şarkılar…

And July

And July

178 17 7

We all have crushed on someone in our life time right? Well two friends Dean and Hayli are in this "stage" of their life. While ones mind is full of imaginations of the other the other one gets super nervous when they see the person that they are in love with. They both want to confess their love but they keep waiting, hoping that the other confesses. They just keep waiting. January. February. March. April. May. June. July...…

Liceul Waterson