Mad Concubine - Tough

Mad Concubine - Tough

5 0 5

This is the story of a "weak" daughter.This is the story of a "weak" daughter, who fights with all kinds of daddies, and falls for and is fallen for.The beauty of the temptation? I can't afford to mess with ...... Can you be more direct?The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new one, and you'll be able to do it. I can't afford to hurt ...... can you be more gentle?The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money to pay for it. I can't afford to play......Can you be more dark?The most important thing to remember is that you can't be too proud of yourself. I'm not going to be able to do anything about it. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty.The most important thing to remember is that it's not just about the way you look at it. The evil evil evil?How can she choose ......…

Divine Doctor's Little Stepmother

Divine Doctor's Little Stepmother

5 0 5

Yun Shu, a man born into a medical family.A girl who grew up in a medical family.She followed her grandfather to learn the art of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).But from the age of sixteen, she was forced by her grandfather to go into the Tianshan Mountain every year to collect medicine.This year, at the age of twenty, she finally earned her grandfather's promise.This is her last trip to the mountain.But who knew that she would just enjoy the moonlit night view of the Tianshan Mountain.She woke up to a beautiful silver fox leading her deep into the mountain forestHe met a young master who looked like a snow ginseng doll.Of course, the father of the baby.Mistakenly thought that he was trying to abduct his family's baby.…

Glass Tongue 「玻璃の舌先」[CPN]

Glass Tongue 「玻璃の舌先」[CPN]

249 0 49

[Reworked from TextNovel]Ten years earlier, she was a paranoid second-year college student and an up-and-coming pianist at one of the most prestigious music conservatories in the country, and he, in her eyes, was merely a spoiled, womanizing, third-year high school student with an intention of dropping out and a myriad of secrets. Both of them chose phantasmagoric Kikubara Station's Senko Shrine as the final resting place for their worries. Ten years after the journey to Senko Shrine, she has become a woman with infinite regrets. Before resorting to committing suicide, she remembers the offer that the eccentric high school boy made from forever ago. Despite being deeply dissatisfied with the present, ultimately, will she choose to maintain or forsake her current life?…

Chainsaw Demon's I Am the Natural Disaster

Chainsaw Demon's I Am the Natural Disaster

5 0 5

The game descends into reality,the rules of the world are subverted,and Bluestar enters the era of universal transfer!Demons,monsters run rampant,people can constantly upgrade and become stronger by plundering demons and slaughtering monsters.Lin Shen transferred to become a'Warrior',one of the'Royal Three',but my Warrior doesn't seem to be quite the same,does it?Open the talent panel."Chainsaw Demon:Pull the engine in front of your chest,transform into a chainsaw man,and all your attributes will be greatly increased.""Indestructible Soul:Whether dead or seriously injured.Whether you're dead or seriously injured,if you pull your chest engine or drink blood,you'll be able to get up and keep fighting!""Power of Fear:Your enemies'fear of you will increase your attributes slightly."…

Vitamin D Deficiency?: Natural Foods To Reverse Vitamin D Deficiency in 30 Days

Vitamin D Deficiency?: Natural Foods To Reverse Vitamin D Deficiency in 30 Days

1 0 1

✍️Author: Meenakshi Khatri🌟 Available On Amazon 📖📖 Book Description:Vitamin D deficiency is a widespread concern affecting millions worldwide, impacting bone health, immune function, and overall well-being. With an estimated 1 billion people lacking this vital nutrient, addressing this issue is paramount for optimal health.💪📘While supplements offer a solution, many individuals prefer natural sources for their nutritional needs. Thankfully, there's a wealth of foods that can effectively reverse vitamin D deficiency in just 30 days. 🍊🥚🥛In addition to dietary changes, sunlight exposure is crucial. Our bodies synthesize vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, making regular outdoor activity essential. Just 10-15 minutes of sunlight a few times weekly can significantly contribute to addressing deficiency.🌞In summary, vitamin D deficiency poses significant health risks, but it's reversible with proper intervention. By incorporating vitamin D-rich foods into your diet and embracing sun exposure, you can combat deficiency within a month, enhancing your overall well-being.🌿🥦📚 🖌️ Get Your Copy Today!🔗 Amazon Book Link: 👈👈👈🚀 Discover a holistic approach to addressing vitamin D deficiency and reclaim your health with Meenakshi Khatri's insightful guide.🌈📚 #VitaminD #HealthyLiving #WellnessJourney #NutritionTips #Sunshine #BookRelease #MustRead #HealthIsWealth #BookLovers #SelfCare #AmazonBooks #HealthTips🌱🌟…

ArtiRelax | كريم طبيعي لتخفيف آلام المفاصل - ArtiRelax Tunisia

ArtiRelax | كريم طبيعي لتخفيف آلام المفاصل - ArtiRelax Tunisia

4 0 1

✅انقر هنا لشراء ArtiRelax على الموقع الرسمي👍👍تم صنع كريم طبيعي يسمى ArtiRelax لتخفيف آلام المفاصل وتقليل التورم. يخفف الألم والانزعاج في المفاصل الناجم عن النقرس والتهاب المفاصل وغيرها من الحالات المشابهة. يحظى المنتج بشهرة كبيرة في تونس، حيث يستخدمه عشرات الآلاف من الأشخاص يوميًا لتسهيل حياتهم. لقد تم إظهار الاحترام لـ ArtiRelax في الأعمال الصحية المشتركة لأنه تم تصنيعه بعناية من قبل مجموعة من الأطباء. تشير القراءات والتعليقات من العملاء ومنتديات المناقشة إلى أن استخدام المرهم كل يوم يمكن أن يساعد في علاج آلام المفاصل. أيضًا، لم يتم الإبلاغ عن أي آثار جانبية أو موانع معروفة.ليس من المستغرب أن الكثير من الأطباء ينصحون باستخدام ArtiRelax لأنه يعمل على تخفيف آلام المفاصل. يقول هؤلاء الأشخاص أنه يمكن أن يساعد في تحسين نطاق الحركة وتخفيف آلام المفاصل. ثبت أن الخليط المليء بالمكونات الطبيعية مثل زيت القنب والصبار، يعمل بنسبة 95% من الوقت في الدراسات السريرية الصارمة.تخبرك هذه الدراسة المتعمقة بكل ما تحتاج لمعرفته حول ArtiRelax. "ما هو ArtiRelax وكيف يعمل؟" هو سؤال واحد يجيب عليه. وما هي إيجابيات وفوائد استخدام هذا الكريم؟ ما الذي يتحدث عنه الأشخاص في المجموعات عندما يتركون تعليقاتهم و…



5 0 1

Its a story where a dirty minded naughty girl meets 7 hot mafia lords Who get obsessed with her but didn't know each other's reality... .... so the qusetion is .. WHO ARE THEY.....…

30 YouTubers, 2 Options, 1 Enemy

30 YouTubers, 2 Options, 1 Enemy

623 28 4

Way back in 2014, YouTube was the most popular video sharing website known to man.Now. 2019. Five years later. Famous YouTubers started to quit. Move on. YouTube started to become less and less popular by the day. Until it became more or less a flat line.Well, for YouTube? They got pretty darn annoyed. They consistently lost more money. They couldn't just ask for them to come back. They've obviously tried that. There was just one option left. Force.In order for YouTube to get the great deals of cash they've lost, back, at least 25 YouTubers have to be willing to surrender the ordinary lives they crave, and go back to being mauled by eager fans.If YouTube forced the YouTubers to come back everything will be perfect right? No. Some are willing to put up a fight, and will not be backing down any time soon.So YouTube gave them 2 options.1. To surrender their lives as an average human, and once again, become a YouTuber.or 2. To keep their lives as they are, but to be put through pure torture until they, well, yet again become a YouTuber.I guess no one will go back to there regular lives.Friendships are ripped apart, and in some cases, made stronger.30 YouTubers, 2 options, 1 Fierce Enemy.Introducing you to,The YouTube Games.…



79 2 2

The requests box is open. So, throw your requests at me. But, I might be slow at uploading because I mostly focus my attention on my YouTube channel if you want to subscribe, here is the link:, I apologize before head.…

ᐯᕮᑎᑌS - BTS

ᐯᕮᑎᑌS - BTS

28 6 2

Los siete chicos, algunos con la mirada baja, otros mirándose entre si, con un tono de voz calmado, casi susurrando dijeron:- VENUS~VENUS: "amor, belleza, deseo"==================================================================================== Esta es mi primare historia que publico, al igual que escribo, así que si hay algún error tanto de redacción o de ortografía les pido disculpas.Esta historia esta basada en un pequeño pensamiento que haciendo un dibujo me llego y pensé que sería una buena idea , pero no para ilustrar en un dibujo, sino en una historia.BTSMafiaAU!Pueden tomarlo como BTSXTN si quieren pero esta historia la personaje principal tendrá nombre , cual es : Gyeong-Hui…

Nuestra inocente niña

Nuestra inocente niña

260 6 1

Tn es una chica que cuando tenia tres años sus padres murieron en una accidente de auto, quedo huérfana eso fue hace 12 años ahora ella tiene 15 años pero mas no sabe que siete chicos inteligentes, fuertes y guapos serán quienes cambiaran tanto su vida como su manera de pensar tan inocente ¿que pasara con ella? averígualo en esta historia.precaución -contenido sexual-…