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Aileen adalah matahari.dan Aileen menyukai hujan.Orang orang selalu bilang kalau hujan itu selalu membawa melodi yang berbeda beda untuk tiap orang nya. Orang juga selalu bilang bahwa ketika hujan turun , setiap kenangan yang pernah kamu alami akan terputar bak rol film yang kembali di putar.tapi bagi Aileen , ia menyukai hujan karena di setiap penghujung hujan selalu ada 7 warna berpendar yang menghiasi langit yang basah."Aileen, di setiap masalah pasti akan memiliki akhir yang baik. karena di akhir hujan pun selalu ada pelangi bukan?"oleh karena itu ia menyukai hujan ia juga menyukai pria yang namanya berartikan hujan.tapi pria itu adalah hujan.dia bukan pelangi untuk Aileen.…

Lehenga dress| Designer Lehenga | Bridal Lehenga Shopping | Samyakk

Lehenga dress| Designer Lehenga | Bridal Lehenga Shopping | Samyakk

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The elegant grace of the voluminous skirt i.e. lehenga has an untold tale of allurement which puts forward its significance from the vintage era till the present epoch. It is one of the dazzling pieces of style to be flaunted that instantly bring out the lively essence in your charisma for the high spirited occasion."Samyakk "brings to you the vibrant and stunning collection of designer lehenga choli with eye-catching hues, fine ornamentation of embroideries and embellishments, in beautiful motifs, patterns and designs. Get along through the wide range of categories to choose from bridal lehenga, exclusive bridal lehenga, bridesmaid's lehenga, Jacket Lehenga & Draped Lehenga. Pick out your gorgeous piece of lehenga choli and let the crowd be astonished with your spectacular outlook at the sparkling occasion. "Samyakk" has made a remarkable network not only in India but has crossed the barriers spreading its essence internationally too connecting to our happy customers in UAE, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Mauritius & Singapore. The team feels grateful to receive such massive support & affection towards the brand and we assure to delight you further in future.Choosing Lehenga Designs According to Body Type: We offer a wide range of lehenga designs that are carefully crafted to flatter and enhance different body types, allowing you to embrace your unique features and feel confident in your ensemble. For those with an apple-shaped body, we recommend opting for wide-flared lehengas that cinch at the waist. This style accentuates the waistline and creates a flattering silhouette. Pairing it with a peplum top can help conceal any areas you may feel conscious about, while still maintaining a stylish and fashionable look.…



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Kim Taehyung. Memilih jalan keras setelah lulus dari akademi musik terbaik di Korea.Alih alih menjadi guru musik atau bahkan pemain saxophone handal, dia justru memilih pindah ke New York dan meninggalkan title sebagai pemain saxophone handal di usia yang terbilang cukup muda.Hanya berbekal kebenciannya akan keserakahan dunia, Taehyung berlari dari Korea, dia memilih profesi yang jauh dari gemerlap materi. Meninggalkan alat musik tiup yang selalu dia cintai untuk mengejar rasa dahaganya yang berlebihan akan kedamaian hidup.Kim Taehyung, lulusan akademi musik di Seoul memilih bekerja sebagai Jurnalis Ekonomi Politik dan meninggalkan gemerlap panggung musik klasik, dan juga meninggalkan pria yang mencintainya sejak 16 tahun lalu.…

the lycan king's mate

the lycan king's mate

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Romeo Fernandez is 26 year's old and the powerful hybrid king of all lycans he oldest of 5 children and the only son of the moon goddess and the most powerful hybrid in the world the former lycan king he is also the single father of twin five year olds Lucretia and Lucretius who are the Joy of his life he also owns several properties and businesses Galatea Newman is 19 and part of the world's biggest most powerful and feared pack the barbaric attackers pack and is the proud single mom of five year old twin's Socorro and Kennedy she's been waiting for her mate 5 year's one day while at a petting zoo with her children she meet's Romeo Fernandez her sexy powerful mate and his twin's both are overjoyed…



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Nathally Stiuller.Esse é o nome de uma garota que desde pequena tem sofrido.Ela nunca pode conhecer seu pai e se força á pensar que ele esta morto para não pensar na possibilidade de que ele tenha lhe abandonado.Sua mãe morreu em seu parto,e Nathally se culpa por isso.Sua família adotiva a odeia com todas as forças.Uma mulher beirando a meia idade e uma jovem pouco mais velha que Nathally.Essa era a sua ""família"",mas não era quem ela amava como uma família,só uma pessoa tinha seu amor familiar e essa pessoa era Wade Wilson,o mercenário tagarela,ou deadpool,ele era como um pai para ela.não um pai muito bom,mas era a unica figura paterna que ela tinha.Ela descobrirá mais sobre si e o passado de sua família.Irá sofrer,mas irá também amar como nunca amou antes.…

Aminta of the Damned

Aminta of the Damned

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In the sleeping town of Rhodsen, Aminta Ton Kataramenon lives a boring, backwards life.Going to a abusive inn, and tending to her destitiue grandmother, she feels her life will never change. Her life is altered forever when a horned demon destroys her home and attacks her. before it could kill her, she forms a bond with the monster, who calls itself Agamemnon.Her grandmother revealed that she was now a Warlock, a form of wizard that controls demons. As of late, Warlocks have been hunted and killed by the Arclight faction, a military faction that seeks world domination. Aminta must find other warlocks like her. She must find out who she really is, and who she needs to be.…

[ Cherry Blossoms ] Taekook!Vkook

[ Cherry Blossoms ] Taekook!Vkook

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{ Taehyung!tops | Jungkook!bottom } {adult content, pelas cenas yaoi} ೃ-A Coréia, mesmo em 2017, ainda é um país extremamente conservador. Eles se opõem claramente contra relações homoafetivas, isso não é surpresa para ninguém. ೃ-Kim Taehyung e Jeon Jungkook são membros do grupo BTS, cujo tem grande influência na Coréia. Jungkook sempre sentiu atração por Taehyung, isso não é um sentimento novo para ele. Uma ideia errada sobre um abraço ou um olhar colocaria a fama do grupo em grande risco. ೃ-O que ele estaria disposto a fazer para assumir esse amor, tendo em vista que tudo poderia ir por água abaixo a qualquer momento? ೃ-E o maior medo dele, e se ele não fosse o único a sentir atração pelo garoto?…

Femeia de la geam

Femeia de la geam

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In 2006,impreuna cu familia mea,traiam fericiti intr un conac din America New York.Sotia mea suferea de cancer pulmonar,si avea de suportat un tratament foarte groaznic. In 2010,sotia mea a decedat.Fiul meu de atunci devenise foarte distantat de viata sociala.Asa ca,intr o seara m am decis sa discut cu el despre problema asta,la care el adauga ca in fiecare seara apare mama lui la geam zicand:Va rog sa nu ma uitati.El spunea ca ea avea un corp destul de distorsionat,si o fata plina de sange.In Iulie 2011,la ora 00:46,am inceput sa investighez fiecare detaliu adaugat de fiul meu Thiago.Terminand investighatia,apare cineva la geamul din dormitor.Fiul meu,speriat ma striga.-Tata,a venit mama-Thiago,este imposibil,pune te la somn.-Dar tata,uite-te la geamM am uitat la geam,ce am vazut nu este de descris.Am incercat sa fac o poza,dar a disparut.23 August,pe la ora 23:32,Thiago imi spune ca bate cineva la usa.Eu,am mers sa deschid,crezand ca este vecinul meu,care avea nevoie de ceva.Deschizand usa,descopar o silueta neagra,care imediat dispare,lasandu-mi un bilet.,,Thiago este bine,de cand am plecat,v ati cam distrat".Am decis sa-l arunc,crezand ca este o farsa,dar fiul meu Thiago,imi spune repede ca cineva a batut in geam.Eu i am zis sa se linisteasca,si sa vina sa doarma cu mine in dormitor.28 August,m am decis sa fac o deshumare,ca sa facem o sfintenie mormantului,dar cand am deschis sicriul,acolo era sotia mea care era neagra,plina de sange,si avea unghile rupte.Am decis sa ne mutam din oras.28 octombrie,era ora 13:30,si eu am mers sa l iau pe fiul meu de la gradinita cu masina.Cand ne am intors acasa,fiul meu imi spune:-Mama,iar a aparutEu am decis sa nu ma mai gandesc la sotia mea,crezand ca este doar imaginatia noastra ce s a intamplat.27 Iunie 2017,primesc un telefon dintr o tara straina,dar am decis sa nu raspund,asa ca persoana respectiva mi a trimis un mesaj vocal:-Stiu ce sa fac..... (By a real story)…