Writober Edition 2024

Writober Edition 2024

61 13 9

Un jour, des mots, une histoire... J'ai décidé de me lancer dans le Writober 2024 lancé par Maison Amédia Editions sur TikTok et Instagram. Alors je me suis dit pourquoi pas partagé ces petites histoires en lien avec ce défi et quoi de mieux que Wattpad pour se lancer ? Vous découvrirez chaque jour un nouveau chapitre en rapport avec l'une des deux grilles de thèmes que la Maison Amédia à créée. #Writober2024 PS : En parallèle, j'écris un projet depuis quelques mois que vous découvrirez aussi un jour ici :) (J'espère d'ici la fin de l'année mais avec les cours ça risque d'être compliqué...) PPS : Pour les curieux, ce projet parallèle tournera autour de la formule 1 et de la romance mais surtout de la guérison et du deuil. Alors si jamais ça vous intéresse, restez à l'affut !…

Recnac Transfaerso

Recnac Transfaerso

5,295 222 40

In a rash act of self-sacrifice, Harry saves a dying Muggle by magically transferring the man's cancer to himself. Now, going through his fifth year with a terrible secret, he begins to realise just what he's given up.tw: terminal illness…



34 1 5

The journal of a young girl who grew up to be the worlds most prolific psychopath serial killer.…

a dance of doves & crows ( jonathan crane )

a dance of doves & crows ( jonathan crane )

30,052 1,118 23

Julia "Jules" Lovecraft, a woman with little left to lose, throws everything she has into a revenge plot filled with fire, eldritch gods, and homicide. After losing everything and being carted off to Arkham, she is dubbed a madwoman and a witch. When Doctor Crane enters her life, it gets even stranger than it was before . . .( Jonathan Crane/Original Character )( Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley )…

The Seaside Strangler

The Seaside Strangler

81 0 5

One brave detective decides to take on the case of the "seaside serial killer". However, the plot thickens as he reveals the truth.…

Chris Wood préférence

Chris Wood préférence

7,580 200 105

Les personnages :Chris WoodAdam WeaverBrandon NorthKai ParkerJake RileyMonelLecteur Homme et Femme…

Obsession In The Shadows

Obsession In The Shadows

50 7 17

Here is a book description for the story I wrote:*Title:* Obsession in the shadows.*Genre:* Psychological Thriller, Dark Romance*Book Description:*Lily, a bright and ambitious college student, falls under the spell of Alex, a charismatic and manipulative stranger. As their relationship deepens, Lily becomes trapped in a web of lies, gaslighting, and emotional abuse. But when she discovers the dark secrets of Alex's past, she must find the strength to escape before it's too late.*A gripping tale of psychological suspense, explores the blurred lines between love and obsession, truth and deception. With its twisty plot and relatable protagonist, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.**Trigger Warning:* This book contains themes of domestic abuse, emotional manipulation, and gaslighting, which may be triggering for some readers.Note: Me being the writer is against the things i wrote in the real world . Its just a fictional story so get it as a fictional way . Enjoy the book . And comment below .…

Escape - Short Story Collection

Escape - Short Story Collection

1,381 67 9

This collection is comprised of a series of short stories, some written based on photo prompts and others for contests. Each chapter can be read independently.1- Scream (Horror) : A woman loses her boyfriend in a traumatic kidnapping in the woods. She returns two years later to mourn his passing.2- Burn Bright: Ellie is the girl standing in front of the burning village. There's more to this peasant looking girl than meets the eye.3- Fire (Fantasy/Adventure): Brittany ran away to Indonesia but finds that the fate she wanted to escape brought up close and personal.4- Secret War (Historical Fiction/Romance): Thooey lives through the bombings in Laos during the Vietnam war and shares her story with her grandchildren.5- The set up (Romance) 6- Snake (Action/Thriller) A secret service break-in gone horribly wrong. Will Snake, the daughter of an apprehended criminal, make it out alive?7- 13 word Halloween challenge8- Double trouble (adventure)…

𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐬: 𝐀 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩

𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐬: 𝐀 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩

12,983 1,162 56

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬.Closed permanently as of April 21st, 2021.…

The Apotheosis of John Moore

The Apotheosis of John Moore

129 13 5

This manuscript was found on a deceased journalist's hard drive, buried among the smoldering remains of a crashed flight from Arizona to New York. The manuscript, recently declassified, details said journalist's investigations into eccentric artist John Moore, and their disappearance. The events hereby described are, according to the Pentagon, highly unreliable due to the author's apparent descent into psychosis. However, the crash site was never allowed access by the media, and rumors circulating through supposed leaks and a global onset of strange dreams suggest that, among the plane's debris, the manuscript's author was no longer wholly human.…

Soldiers [Detective Conan] [Crow series 1/2]

Soldiers [Detective Conan] [Crow series 1/2]

581 20 16

There is a hierarchy to the international criminal syndicate known as the 'Black Organisation.' Firstly, everyone is a Crow.[Black Organisation-centric Conan fanfic] [canon divergence] [OCs, not self-inserts]One such Crow is the hacker Janvier Magritte, aka Jenever. When her boss is killed in a freak bombing, she is reallocated to work in Japan under the Organisation's most ruthless. Suddenly faced with fieldwork, flashbacks, and former agents, Jen now has to navigate spiralling conspiracies and the ever-darker depths of humanity.Book 1 in the Crow series. Villain-centric. Loosely follows the anime plot. Please regard the tags & warnings within; this story does get very dark. Canon characters become centered from chapter 4 onwards, though they are mentioned before this. (Akai fans: pls find your man in chapter 5 onwards)Book 2 (Ghosts) will be posted when this one is finished.…



36 1 7

Jae-Hyun Kim, the detective, is tormented by his sister's childhood disappearance. As a Korean-American investigator, he is thrown into a terrifying investigation into a string of ritualistic murders. His investigation into the case reveals a covert organization that has been carrying out antiquated, occult rites in his city for many years. With human sacrifices as the price, these rites are intended to preserve the balance of power between the seen and hidden realms. Kim learns that a young boy, Ethan, is at the center of the society's sinister schemes when a little girl named Amaiyah reveals that her brother has vanished. Kim encounters mystical foes like the Mother of Pus and the terrifying Shub-Niggurath while breaking inside the cult to save Ethan. The startling link between Kim's background and the society is made clear in a pivotal encounter: his sister was likewise sacrificed. Kim stops the ceremony in a last-ditch effort before it establishes a portal between realms.Even though the direct threat is no longer there, Kim senses a shift in the environment, as if the lines separating the occult from reality are starting to blur. There's a Kafkaesque sensation of something always present, unseen, lurking beneath the surface while he, Ethan, and the others go about their regular lives. While the city carries on with its routine, Kim is aware that the threat has merely been postponed. He still feels the weight of society's influence and the pull of the unseen world pulling at reality, raising the disturbing question of when, rather than if, it will strike again.…

Les étoiles de l'amitié

Les étoiles de l'amitié

45 2 1

L'histoire suit les aventures de trois amies inséparables : Lilou, Amina et Sofia. Lilou rêve de voyager et de découvrir le monde, tandis qu'Amina et Sofia partagent ce même désir. Leur amitié est renforcée lorsqu'elles décident d'écrire des lettres à des enfants dans le monde entier, cherchant à établir des liens d'amitié au-delà des frontières.Leur initiative dépasse toutes leurs attentes lorsque des réponses arrivent, émanant d'autres pays. Ces correspondances lointaines déclenchent un voyage épique où les trois amies rencontrent leurs amis par-delà les continents. Les étoiles deviennent le symbole de leur amitié grandissante, unifiant leurs rêves et les histoires de ceux qu'elles rencontrent.Guidées par leur passion pour l'amitié et la compréhension interculturelle, Lilou, Amina et Sofia organisent un événement international pour réunir leurs amis du monde entier. Leurs efforts inspirent la création d'une organisation qui promeut l'amitié, la paix et l'unité à travers des échanges interculturels et des initiatives sociales.À travers les années, l'organisation continue de croître et d'inspirer les générations futures. Des projets durables, des événements mondiaux et même la publication d'un livre rassemblant des histoires d'amitié du monde entier font partie de leur parcours. Malgré les défis, Lilou, Amina et Sofia restent déterminées à faire briller la lumière de l'amitié dans un monde en quête de connexion.Le récit culmine avec un événement anniversaire mémorable, où les étoiles brillent au-dessus des jeunes leaders rassemblés pour célébrer l'héritage de l'amitié. Les étoiles, symboles de l'espoir, guident leur engagement continu à promouvoir la paix et l'unité à travers le partage d'histoires et de rêves."Les Étoiles de l'Amitié" est une histoire qui célèbre l'impact durable de l'amitié sincère, montrant comment des rêves partagés peuvent transformer des vies et inspirer un…

Her blue eyes

Her blue eyes

11 2 1

A man finds his wife possessed by a mysterious entity and ends up in a bizzare world of darkness, immortality and eyes.…

Bilal dans l'espace ou sauvetage intergalactique 2 - Retour sur Mars

Bilal dans l'espace ou sauvetage intergalactique 2 - Retour sur Mars

1,794 143 27

INFO : HISTOIRE EN COURS DE MAINTENANCETéo Dambeck s'est échappé de prison et va s'en prendre de nouveau à Marie. Cette dernière va être séquestrée à la Zone 51, avec ses amies fans de Bilal avec qui elle est allée sur Mars. Une nouvelle mission attend le trio Bilenadise...Info (importante) : Cet histoire a été écrite vers fin mars/début avril 2020 et modifiée en octobre 2022...!…

Les Échos du Destin

Les Échos du Destin

55 0 9

Julien, un écrivain dans la trentaine, est à la dérive. Autrefois promis à un brillant avenir littéraire, il s'est éloigné de sa carrière suite à des conflits déchirants avec sa famille, notamment avec son père, un célèbre éditeur qui l'a toujours rabaissé.Dans une petite librairie de Paris, Julien croise le regard d'Ava, une jeune femme en études d'infirmière. D'origine sarde, Ava a grandi dans un village pittoresque du sud de la France avec son grand-père, un ancien pêcheur. Entre ses cours à l'université et ses stages à l'hôpital, sa vie est bien remplie, mais sa rencontre avec Julien bouleverse son quotidien.D'une nature bienveillante, Ava se rapproche de Julien, qui trouve en elle un réconfort inattendu. Cependant, la famille Montclair ne voit pas d'un bon œil cette relation. Aux yeux de ses parents, Julien doit rester fidèle à l'image que l'on attend de lui dans la haute société. Mais entre l'amour et les obligations familiales, Julien est pris entre deux feux.Dans une lutte entre les attentes écrasantes de la famille Montclair et un amour naissant, Julien et Ava devront affronter des secrets enfouis et des choix difficiles. Entre ambitions, trahisons et espoirs, sauront-ils se libérer des ombres du passé pour construire leur avenir ensemble ?…

My Step Sister is a murderer

My Step Sister is a murderer

164 38 10

Reese is a medschool student studying in the US. As the investigation for the person who is connected to her mother's death is re-open, she decides to stay close to home to participate.She's reunited with her friends and family but the longer she stays, the more she discovered about the dark truth. Each one of them holds a dark secret and my step-sis is among them.I just want to thank IcyInsnowy WP for the book cover. (~ ̄³ ̄)~…

At the Edge of the Sea

At the Edge of the Sea

7 1 1

A regal young woman in mourning leaves the comfort of her manor to face unimaginable terror above the crashing waves below the cliffs of her estate. She knows she must turn back but in the hopes of getting back what she lost, she will sacrifice everything.…



1,694 42 21

It's not easy being an eldritch abomination in the 21st century, and when Monroe is kidnapped by strangely dressed and weirdly upfront government agents on a rainy September night, the whole thing becomes that much more complicated. For one, Monroe has never heard the term "eldritch abomination" before, which makes being referred to as such by the aforementioned kidnappers that much more confusing. Pulled into a web of conspiracies that envelop all of society, and the machinations of the agency that tries to keep the machinery oiled, Monroe is given a choice: co-operate using those particular eldritch abilities, or be killed. Only one problem. Monroe has no idea what they're talking about.…

The Jar of Nephren-Ka

The Jar of Nephren-Ka

216 41 34

'Rev' Parata is a PI stuck in the orbit of the Big Easy in the 1980's. Life is rough, and he's barely fending off racists and criminals when a member of the British aristocracy offers him a case that is too good to be true. Chasing down his mark, Rev finds himself face-to-face with powers beyond understanding and turns to his people's medicine to guide him through.…