1 0 41

Imagine a universe filled with infinite possibilities, where the boundaries of reality are but gentle veils waiting to be lifted. In this captivating adventure, we invite you to join us as we explore the wonders of the multiverse through the lens of cosmic gateways.Cosmic Gateways: Embarking on a Journey of Multidimensional Exploration takes readers on an extraordinary quest that transcends the limitations of earthly understanding. Our protagonist, 6 feet tall, Desmond, an Aranian being, guided by a team of interdimensional beings from various star systems, embarks on a journey through cosmic gateways, discovering the vast tapestry of existence that lies beyond our perceptions.As Desmond, and his companions venture into different dimensions, they encounter diverse civilizations, each with their unique wisdom and perspectives. Through these interactions, they unravel profound cosmic truths, expanding their consciousness and unlocking the dormant potential within.This captivating exploration delves into the interconnectedness of all beings and the divine fabric of creation. It unveils the secrets of energy manipulation, telepathic communication, and intergalactic travel technology. With each page, the reader is invited to open their mind to new possibilities and embrace the infinite expansion of their own consciousness.Cosmic Gateways ultimately serves as a guide to discover one's own inner portal, assisting readers in tapping into the multidimensional aspects of their being. It encourages self-exploration and the cultivation of deep connections with other sentient beings across the cosmos.By immersing themselves in this enlightening journey, readers will gain insights into their true origins, their sacred purpose, and the interconnectedness of all existence. The book aims to inspire readers to embark on their own personal quests of awakening and empower them to become co-creators of a harmonious and vibrant multiverse.…

The tale of Zayra [in Review]

The tale of Zayra [in Review]

148 33 21

[IN REVIEW]Nerina, a young fifteen-year-old girl, has always lived in the San Giovanni orphanage, surrounded by unfamiliar faces and a constant sense of distance from people. Raised with the feeling of being different from others, she develops a deep hatred for the outside world, harboring unanswered questions about her true identity and the fate of her parents.However, one day, she is forced to "leave" the orphanage because she will discover a way to return to her family; in doing so, Nerina decides to embark on a journey to "find herself." In this journey, she encounters various obstacles, including Fedrick, a boy who will "face" this adventure with her. But will Nerina be able to make it back home?Note: This story is a work of fiction. It does not depict real people or events. All rights are reserved.No part of this volume may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or photocopying, recording, or otherwise, including cinema, radio, television, without written permission from the Publisher. Personal copies for the reader's use may be made within the limits of 15% upon payment to SIAE of the compensation provided for in Article 68, paragraphs 4 and 5, of the law of April 22, 1941, no. 633.…

The Definition of Love (PART 2 OUT)

The Definition of Love (PART 2 OUT)

794,724 42,326 113

The smooth skin of the back of his hand softly brushed against her exposed collar bone, his gentle touch sending chills up her spine. "There isn't an 'us', asshole." She tells him, hitting his hand away."Of course, there is." He says as his eyes flicker to her lips before going back to her eyes. "We're 'dating', remember?""Not really, idiot."Ross leans down close to Laura's face, causing him to press down more closely against her. His elbows rest on either side of her, strongly holding him to hover just above her. "Wow, stupid, asshole, ugly, disgusting, creep, and idiot. Six amazing names in one day." Laura smiles sarcastically up at him while he hovered over her, his hot minty breath smothering her skin. "And more to come."He smirks, crashing his lips onto hers.----------Ross Lynch is you average popular 18 year old boy: goes to school and plays on the varsity football team.High school hasn't been that great for him in the past three years, considering his mysterious past, but now, things have taken an sudden turn.Certain circumstances give Ross no other choice but to pretend that Laura Marano, who was bullied by Ross in her younger years and currently hates him, is his girlfriend.The two are thrown together in the maelstrom and have to convince the entire school that they are together. If failed, many untold secrets and lies will be dug up to come back to ruin them both.With the terrible past relationships, the dark secrets, and the big fat lie, Ross and Laura end up on their way to find their definition of love.Find out what happens in my story of school, parties, fights, drama, and love. (POVs sometimes switch, but mostly third person)…



125 18 7

Swedish- Den gamla världen är sedan länge borta, förstörd och översvämmad. Två grupper av människor överlevde, men anpassade sig på olika sätt. Den större gruppen hittade ett stort fartyg som dom bosatte sig på, medans den mindre gruppen anpassade sig till att leva i havet. Dom fick först simhud, sen gälar, och till sist nästan 10 gånger förstärkt hörsel. Åren gick, och till slut så hade vattnet sjunkit bort och lämnade små landmassor efter sig. Den större gruppen gick i land och bosatte sig. Dom åt nästan bara fisk, då det var den enda födan som fanns. Det resulterade i att den mindre gruppens föda försvann, och dom började anpassa sig tillbaka till att leva på land. Först försvann gälarna, sen simhuden, men hörseln var kvar. Den större gruppen stötte ut den mindre gruppen och gav dom namnet "Auralare" efter det engelska ordet "Aural" för öra eller hörsel. Till slut så utrotade den större gruppen den mindre gruppen då dom tyckte att det som var annorlunda var farligt.17- åriga Ilmarie Fine får reda på att både hon, och hennes döda far är Auralare, och det vänder hela hennes värld upp-och-ner.…



15,623 1,107 200

Author:Shen Tianyi, 神天衣Alternative names:TLE, 领主之兵伐天下Genre:Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, Martial Arts, WuxiaSource:Gravity TalesStatus:Ongoing***"Ding! Soulbinding has been successfully completed; you will now head to the Heaven Awaken World." After hearing this, Zhao Fu's vision darkened as he fell to the ground.With bleak prospects in the real world, Zhao Fu's life is turned around when countless crystals fell from the sky one night, which people could use to enter an alternate, game-like world. After obtaining an ancient Chinese empire's legacy, Zhao Fu uses his intellect and resourcefulness to develop his own empire from a tiny village. However, with enemies both in the real world and in the Heaven Awaken World, he must make brilliant decisions and use creative schemes to survive.Translator: MrVoltaire, MrVoltaire1Editor: Modlawls123…

The Forgotten Dark Tales of Negros

The Forgotten Dark Tales of Negros

583 9 5

In the southern town of Ilog, a municipality sandwiched by mountains and the sea, a powerful family once existed that was feared by everyone. The head of the family himself, Don Godofredo Vargas, was rumored to have killed ten people in his lifetime. Of course he wasn't convicted. He bribed the authorities with large sums of money. His wife, Doña Juanita, was a racist and a sadist in one cruel package. Too proud of her Spanish heritage, she was known for her merciless swearing and slashing of her poor servants.…

Riverdale Aesthetics/Graphics

Riverdale Aesthetics/Graphics

13,597 459 90

Aesthetics/Graphics of Riverdale | Accepting requests for ANY Riverdale characters/ships. | All ORIGINAL graphic designs. Do not steal my aesthetics, give credit if reused.…

Dragon Riders:Rising Again(Book 4)

Dragon Riders:Rising Again(Book 4)

593 63 69

It had been twelve years since the first of the rumors of the return of the Dragon Riders started. All of Erdas is wondering whether these rumors are real, or someone or group is making them up to make the people of Erdas believe that they are the Riders.But no one would dare do that. The Dragon Riders are-were the most powerful beings in Erdas besides the Great Beasts themselves. The question is: Which rumors can you believe? Conor had heard of these rumors but never really have thought of them. Why should he. He's just a lowly shepherd, now servant to the Earl of Trunswick's son to pay off his father's debts to the Earl. But his mind is quickly changed when Conor finally sees the real thing. Abeke is a huntress. She never really thought of dragons and Riders. But she has always been wary when going out to hunt on the savanna in case she did come face to face with one of these legendary beasts. What will happen when she does?Meilin is the daughter of General Teng. She has always longed to fight in the Empire's army but women aren't allowed to fight in the army. Her only hope of getting the chance to fight is by bonding with a spirit animal or by doing something that hasn't been done in twelve years.Rollan is a orphan on the streets of Concorba. When he was in the orphanage the old lady that came to tell them stories told them stories of the Great Beasts and the Dragon Riders. Rollan always thought that if the Riders were so benevolent then why didn't they help all of Erdas. That was if they were still alive. But he soon learns that the Riders are fighting a even bigger and more dangerous battle than the Second Devourer War.Far away across the sea hidden from all of Erdas, Alagaesia breaks out into war after Eragon, a farm boy from Palancar Valley, takes up the mantel of the Dragon Riders after he discovers a mysterious blue stone in the Spine. What will happen to Eragon and Saphira as they struggle to evade the Empire and Galbatorix.…

Various Imagines & Preferences

Various Imagines & Preferences

1,228 52 17

Hey guys! Here is a book of imagines, gif imagines, and preferences for all your favorite people! Just request whoever you want and I will give you your preference/imagine! This book will include people like Cato Hadley, Gale Hawthorn, Peeta Mellark, Peter Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie, Prince Caspian, Asa Butterfield, Stiles Stilinski, Scott Mcall, TMR, and SOOO much more! I hope you enjoy this book!…

Flock and Court- SoC

Flock and Court- SoC

1,715 88 11

Three years following the events of Crooked Kingdom, Kuwei Yul-Bo is found dead under unexpected circumstances. Kaz Brekker have been having dreams. Jesper Fahey and Wylan Hendriks have called it quits. Inej Ghafa has finally returned to Ketterdam after her longest stint away at sea.Forced to band together once disaster strikes, the Crows must wage a war against a hostile enemy in a city turned nightmarish: battling threats they've only ever dreamt of. A threat with whom Nina Zenik might have more in common than expected... -------------------------------------------------------------- "We used to be teammates. You, me, Wylan, Jesper, Nina, Matthias," Inej's voice broke slightly on the last name, but she persevered, "Do you remember the state I found you in last night, Kaz? Because I do." "It won't happen again," he said unfeelingly. "So that's it then," her lips twisted, and Kaz received the queer impression that he'd disappointed her exactly like this in the past. "That's all Wylan and I are to you. A domesticated demo expert and a retired spider. Liabilities. Investments turned sour." This again. "And what exactly should you be to me, Wraith?" he seethed down at her, suddenly angered. Why did he find himself staring at her mouth?He'd expected her to say friends, or to at least settle on allies, but her real response was a fist to the gut. "Was Jordie just an investment to you too, Kaz?" Kaz went still. Inej's eyes widened slowly in realization. "Kaz, I-" she started. "No," Kaz murmured, "My brother was not an investment.""I didn't mean-""-And I lost him," he snapped his gaze to her with sudden force, "But you know what I don't lose, Wraith? I don't lose on my investments. I always invest wisely. I always read the market. And I always turn a profit. I intend to do just that."…

The mystery of st.louis

The mystery of st.louis

121 23 8

In the dazzling ambiance of Las Vegas during the early 1980s, where the nights were as vibrant as the city's dreams, Nancy Reynolds, a tenacious journalist, struggled to break free from the confines of her routine assignments. The shimmering lights of the Strip seemed to cast both promise and shadows on her aspirations, as she yearned for a story that could elevate her from the sidelines to the forefront of journalistic recognition.One night, as the desert air whispered secrets, Nancy's attention was captivated by the flickering lights of her television screen. The distant city of St. Louis became the unexpected focal point of her ambitions. Two lives extinguished under perplexing circumstances, a city gripped by an enigma, and a local police force left in the dark. The urgency of the news report fueled Nancy's determination, transforming a routine evening into a pivotal moment in her career.Undeterred by skepticism, Nancy presented the idea of covering the St. Louis mystery to her editor. The reluctant approval came with a warning: "You've never handled something this big, Nancy." Ignoring the caution, she embraced the challenge, even offering to fund her journey herself. With conviction as her compass, she boarded a plane bound for St. Louis, leaving behind the glittering lights of Las Vegas for the mysteries concealed in the heart of the Midwest.As Nancy delves into the depths of St. Louis, a city teeming with history and intrigue, she uncovers a narrative that goes beyond the bounds of a routine investigation. The story she pursues unravels a tapestry of secrets, drawing her into a world where the lines between past and present blur. "Whispers in the Shadows" is not merely a quest for journalistic triumph; it is an exploration of the uncharted territories where truth converges with time, and where shadows cast by the past stretch into the present, shaping destinies and challenging the very essence of reality.…

His Obsession, Her Choice

His Obsession, Her Choice

23,980 1,569 62

"Good girls always like bad boys", he said.Asad Sanjarani, the son of a multi millionaire is the guy created to break hearts. With his stunningly good looks, selective nature and an air of arrogance, he is the most stalked and most wanted boy in the University despite his pointless rudeness.Abeer Asad is the girl who has recently flown in from Lahore to Boston after getting a scholarship to start classes at Harvard and she is not interested in anything other than her studies. But fate has decided for their paths to cross and although the first encounter seemsnothing like the beginning of a love story, the spark is still there.She never hated him.He never wanted to lose her.How beautiful it would've been if it weren't a story of three people......Sahir Afridi is the one who stands equal to Asad Sanjarani in looks, fortune and popularity in the University but has a heart of gold as well which does give him an advantage over Asad when it comes to the emotional understanding with Abeer and in what started as a friendship, he feels a bond deeper than just two friends.The most difficult thing in life, a choice stands before Abeer and no matter which direction she takes it will break two hearts anyway.......…

Almonard Industrial Fan Safety Net Cover

Almonard Industrial Fan Safety Net Cover

1 0 1

We, RC Netting Solutions established in the year 2015, are perceived and dependable association occupied with manufacturing / supplying / service providing of different sorts of Fan Safety Net Cover for Finger Protection, Various kinds of Extruded Plastic Nets & Related products, HDPE Tree Guard, Garden Fencing net, protective net and proving Bird Netting Solutions. Our Products are high in demand among our clients owing to their quality, durability and environmentally friendly attributes. we have become the primary choice of our clients for procuring our product range according to their needs.we have First Time Introduce in market, Fan Safety Net Cover for Finger protection making from Virgin HDPE Plastic with UV Stabilized process Net and Design like Quick & Easy Fixing - Opening Concept for long life.'''Now days Our innovated product is high demand in Industries to Achieve Company Safety Goal and must require for ISO certified to company'''…

Legendary LGBTQ+ Women in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Legendary LGBTQ+ Women in the 19th and 20th Centuries

39 0 6

For this collection, there is special care in the selection to include women of various sexual orientations and ethnicities. Journey through the life of a poet who championed racial equality and became one of the foremost voices of the Harlem Renaissance. Discover the hidden side of the mother of modern nursing. Take an intimate look at a humble poet whose genius wasn't recognized until after her death. Be inspired by a playwright who changed the landscape of Broadway. Refamiliarize yourself with America's favorite First Lady. Experience the tragedy and heartbreak of one of America's greatest blues singers. Meet Hollywood's most beloved silent film actress. Get to know the largest financial contributor to the Harlem Renaissance and many other remarkable queer women.…

Hoshi no Tama (Hungry Like the Wolf)

Hoshi no Tama (Hungry Like the Wolf)

1,103 70 1

Loki and his son, Fenrir--Peter, on most days--weren't quite the perfect fit on the Avengers Team, their jagged edges brushing up against the others', but it was close enough to feeling of family and Pack that Peter had been missing for millennia.So he fought with his father and uncle with this team of mortals, defending Midgard from a variety of attackers. It was easy enough to fall into a pattern, fight and eat and sleep--Until a new, fox-scented vigilante appeared on the scene.Steter Week 2017 - November 27: Supernatural Creature/Fairytale/Mythology AU - We had a tie on these, and couldn't decide which to use. So we chose all three! What if Peter wasn't a werewolf, but a vampire instead? How would Snow White work if Stiles were the princess and Peter were the Woodsman? Got a favorite Greek (or Norse or Roman or whatever) mythological tale you'd like to see applied to Steter? Go for it!…