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Nathan Ranger is your everyday, average teenager - or so he thought. Shortly after his sixteenth birthday his life is turned upside down when he begins to manifest incredible, yet frightening powers. Aided by his best friend, Cody, and a nosy girl from their school named Beth, Nathan sets out to explore the mysteries of his new alibies, and find the answer of their origin. What they discover is far more complex, and infinitely more dangerous than they could have ever imagined. Nathan finds that nothing about his life has ever been normal. His parents are members of a secret organization who have sworn their lives to protect him from a dark and powerful enemy who seeks to destroy Nathan in order to fulfil his own evil agenda. Meanwhile, Russell Gates and Walter Stinton are federal agents with the Violent Serial Crimes Unit investigating a string of bizarre and violent murders. Their investigation leads the agents headlong into the middle of a private war whose sides and motivations they can't even begin to guess. Yet the mounting death toll leaves one thing very clear: both sides will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Elsewhere in the country a team of viral specialists lead by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's lead virologist, Doctor Michael Shiflett, seek to contain the outbreak of a new, highly deadly, and utterly unexplainable illness: the Enigma Death. Quickly though, Enigma proves to be nothing like a disease at all. It can't be contained, it can't be felt, and it is one hundred percent fatal. Worse yet, the entire world has it. The clock is now counting down to extinction! Join the large cast of characters in The Children of Hyndal as they battle to save humanity. Find out the secrets of our past as you follow Nathan Ranger on his quest to answer the question of whether life for all can be saved... or not...…