My Rating on all the demon slayer ships! ✨πŸ₯€

My Rating on all the demon slayer ships! ✨πŸ₯€

19,668 310 7

I'll say this once and I'll say this now, I'm not insulting anyone so please don't judge me for my ships ok? It's my opinion please do respect it...These are my opinion on all the demon slayer ships canon and non-canon! Well not ALL so I'll make a tier list for the rest of the ships that aren't so popular.And yes the tags are all my favorite ships on earth!…

Free shipping!!!

Free shipping!!!

16,926 292 110

I'm going to regret this aren't I? I will react to ships!…

Our Red String (A SabiMako AU)

Our Red String (A SabiMako AU)

827 30 1

In a world without demons, can our former demon slayers have a chance at a normal life? Will the red strings lead them to their past lovers? Or will there be complications. You cant see the red string till you find your soulmate, but what if you knew him since you were children, what if the damn string never actually became visible but was there? Or is it just because on of them is too dense to realize? This will be a One-Shot, since I don't feel like making an entire series yet. "YET"…