Whiskers ✓|TsukkiYama

Whiskers ✓|TsukkiYama

169,780 6,758 30

"Your tail sure is long, yes, but do you know what else is longer?"♡Ship: TsukkiYama♡Themes:OmegaverseHuman-Cats♡Expect grammar mistakes and loads of cringe haha…

eudaimonia | olli matela

eudaimonia | olli matela

14,778 922 52

"i'm lost in my own fantasies, i can't escape"in which a young girl is a famous musician, only to be anonymous. she grew up, used the funds to run away, finding herself in finland. •mentions of abuse and depression within the story, warnings will be used in applicable chapters.•olli matela x oc…

GATE: Thus USCA fought them (Kitsune Shota male reader washington x family)

GATE: Thus USCA fought them (Kitsune Shota male reader washington x family)

100,790 1,838 82

(A/N: I know I'm making another gate fanfic, Well if you guys want to know, Don't ask)The USCA (Or United States Continent of America) was the most powerful nation on earth, Many where given rights and equal in this world, Most their enemies want to declared war on USCA, But they were defeating by America if they attack, Any chance, until a gate open in Washington DC, A roman-like army attack them without mercy, This however made the empire make a mistake when they encountered a advanced technology that will destroy them all. How will JSDF and The special region react to this highly advanced Alter-Americans!?.…

Kuningas ja ruusu

Kuningas ja ruusu

1,784 159 50

"Sinä lupasit minulle. Lupasit, että kun aika vihdoin kietoutuu köydeksi kaulallemme, tekee meistä vihollisia, sinä et niittäisi sieluani, repisi ruumistani kappaleiksi. Me lupasimme toisillemme siellä, missä ruusut kasvavat, että päivän koettaessa laskisimme aseemme. Että emme koskaan eroaisi, kohottaisimme käsiämme toisiamme vastaan."*Krielin kuningaskuntaan syntyy joka sadas vuosi kaksi valittua lasta, mustalle ja valkoiselle puolelle. Täysi-ikäisiksi tultuaan valitut lapset käyvät taistelun, jonka päätteeksi toinen kukistaa toisen ja hallitsee kuningaskuntaa sata vuotta, kunnes seuraavat valitut syntyvät. Edelliset vuosisadat ovat olleet valkoisten vuosia; valkoinen puoli on sortanut mustat täysin alleen. Nyt, ensimmäistä kertaa Krielin koko historiassa, molemmat valitut jäävät taistelusta henkiin. Valkean Endelion jättää mustan Remin henkiin. Mitä siitä seuraa? Mitä voi tapahtua, kun molemmat valitut lapset saavat jäädä henkiin taistelemaan oikeuksistaan? Kumpi lopulta voittaa, musta vai valkea - vai onko rajaa sittenkään niin helppoa vetää?…

Oihina kicked off the team omegaverse

Oihina kicked off the team omegaverse

26,208 497 16

What happens when Hinata wants to tell his team about his secret relationship? Read to find out. Cover art not mine credits to the artist.…

انت لن تحبني ابدا || غوجوxغيتو

انت لن تحبني ابدا || غوجوxغيتو

4,230 197 12

رواية عن غوجو و غيتو من ترجمتي🤍تحذير ⚠️ حب بين ولد و ولد ⚠️ الي ما يحب هل تصنيف رجاءً لا يدخل.جميع الحقوق تعود الى @BNHAXHAIKYUUSIMP…

Inked Skin - Bokuaka

Inked Skin - Bokuaka

391,201 15,383 13

Whatever Bokuto writes shows up on his soulmates arm. An arm that belongs to Akaashi Keiji. A bokuaka, kuroken, bokuroo fic.Written: 2019-2020Cover art: @almangods…

Giyuu harem

Giyuu harem

8,428 114 5

Enjoy watching all the hashiras simp for this specific person.(uωu*)…

This night we're together

This night we're together

34,109 1,178 31

Epätodellinen olo saa vallan eikä elämä enää maistukaan hattaralta vaaleanpunaisten lasien pudotessa päästä. Olli ja Aleksi on kokenut jokaisen vastoinkäymisen yhdessä, mutta voiko rakkaus korjata kaikki haavat?Siinäpä suuri kysymys jota lähdemme selvittämään.Trigger warning-Smuth-Kiroilu -Päihteet-Itsetuhoisuus-Mt ongelmat ||En maksa terapia kuluja...||Triggeröivää sisältöä🥇#blindchannel 15.9. 23🥇#aleksikaunisvesi 11.3. 24🥈#alexmattson 1.7. 22🥈#ollimatela 15.9. 23…

Naabermaja mängur

Naabermaja mängur

17,397 2,366 52

Tark hea tüdruk ja liigagi populaarne mõneti paha poiss, kes oma kooli hierarhia redelil seisavad teineteisest samavõrd kaugel nagu Kuu ja Maa. Nad on kui märkamatu hall hiireke nurgas ja alati kõigile nähtav ning möirgav lõvi, keda imetletakse. Klassika, kas pole?Luke Henderson, ta on kooli kuumim tükk, iga tüdruku unistus ja iga korvpalli meeskonna staarmängur, kes on tõstetud jumala staatusesse. Kui Maa tiirleb ümber enda telje, siis Lukei puhul tiirlevad teljed ümber tema. Elena Meyer, see tüüpiline nohik, kelle peamine eesmärk on lõpetada kool heade tulemustega ning saada sisse parimasse ülikooli, et kindlustada oma tulevik hea diplomiga. Iga lapsevanema au ja uhkus. Neiu, kes on karmis teismeliste tüdrukute maailmas täiesti nähtamatu ja troonile tõusmiseks tuleb ohverdada paljuga, et jõuda hierarhia redeli tippu. Ometigi paljud üritavad, kuid vähesed jõuavad. Kui kahe noore teed juhuslikult ristuvad, viib see mänguni, mis võtab ettenägematu pöörde mitte ainult Lukei ja Elena jaoks, vaid mõjutab neid ümbritsevaid inimesi. Mäng, mis paneb nii mõnegi tegelase saatuse paika. NB! 16+! Käesolev sari sisaldab mittetsensuure keele kasutust, seksuaalseid teemasid, vägivalla stsenaariume, alkoholi tarvitamist.…

training camp !! t.kuroo

training camp !! t.kuroo

2,572 40 24

'dont i look like a rockstar''HOWD U GET INTO MY ROOM'☆ 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 y/n encounters a certain roosterhead at training campkuroo tetsuro (haikyuu) x fem! reader@shinmania…

WANTED: Itachi Uchiha

WANTED: Itachi Uchiha

205,422 9,898 50

AU: The Uchiha Massacre did not happen. The streets weren't lined with blood and Sasuke was not the brooding avenger Fate had imagined him to be.Itachi ate, slept and breathed for his village. Catching bad guy after bad guy made him notorious, just not in the halls of the Akatsuki.Reina found herself alone. She had a clan, yes. But her closest companions had left this world leaving her to fend for herself whilst sharks circled in the water.But perhaps she has allies in the form of a Crimson Eyed Clan.…

maailmankaikkeus katseessasi (runokokoelma)

maailmankaikkeus katseessasi (runokokoelma)

78 23 8

mietteitä lapsuusnostalgiasta, rakkaudesta, kahdenkymmenen ikävuoden kriisistä ja itsensä epätoivoisesta etsimisestä🌦️…

Shigidabi smut

Shigidabi smut

40,765 176 11

Ranked #1 story shigidabi: 11.5.22💋• bdsm (I try)intense kinky sex lmao you know shigidabi ships..…

Maybe? || DaiSuga

Maybe? || DaiSuga

8,644 216 10

suga has had a crush on daichi ever since their first year, but... what if daichi feels another way?(credits to the artist of the cover art)…

𝒪𝓊𝓇 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝒾𝓇𝑒 {𝒢𝒾𝓎𝓊𝓊𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑜}
My Knight and Shinning Armour [GIYUSHINO FANFIC] KNY

My Knight and Shinning Armour [GIYUSHINO FANFIC] KNY

89,439 2,038 15

Living as a princess might be almost everyone's dream, but not for Princess Shinobu here. All she wanted was freedom for herself outside their mansion, despite her King and Queen aren't that strict, they still forbid her from going outside alone.What will happen when a handsome general was assigned to her? To look out for her or to take her hand and marriage?…

[✔]The Challenge || H. IwaizumixReader - Soulmate! AU

[✔]The Challenge || H. IwaizumixReader - Soulmate! AU

123,596 3,147 24

"𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲?" "𝗟𝗲𝘁'𝘀 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀."oh my god please don't read this it's so bad. okay, I warned you lol. have fun ig~Soulmate AU where when you write anything on you skin shows up on your soulmate's skin as well. You can't erase what your soulmate wrote. Proper nouns only appear when you know exactly who your soulmate is, even if they don't know who you are yet. Once you erase whatever you put from your skin, it disappears from the other's skin as well. In this story, you are a girl with pronouns she/her. Disclaimer, all media and characters I use are not mine and I, in no way own them. There is vulgar language being edited into the book as of now, because Iwaizumi and the other's using censored curse words is just... no.I know it seems like just a reader insert at first, but I promise that there will be more Iwaizumi in it. It IS a slowburn so please be patient. It is also under editing at the moment.By the way, if you haven't watched or read Haikyuu, I HIGHLY suggest that you do so. Come join me this this chaotic community we call a fandom~Highest Rankings:beginnerauthor - 1 [9.27.2020-2.27.2022]havefun - 1 [1.6.2020-2.27.2022]iwaizumixreader - 1haikyuusoulmate - 1iwaizumihajime - 1haikyuu - 1 [2.16.2022-2.17.2022] (my proudest ranking, it was out of 69.1k stories T^T)soulmate - 1 [2.17.2022] (out of 21.4k)haikyuufanfiction - 4iwa - 4oikawatooru - 5haikyuuxreader - 4 [2.17.2022] (out of 10.9k)soulmateau - 7oikawa - 8 [2.28.2022]haikyuxreader - 10 [6.12.2021-2.17.2022]iwaizumi - 10…

Amare Ignis Fatuus [Devil May Cry 1] [Dante x Reader] [Book 2]

Amare Ignis Fatuus [Devil May Cry 1] [Dante x Reader] [Book 2]

159 4 5

Dema was now 25, but looked like she was 20. She still lived life on her own terms, and her terms were to so whatever the hell she wanted, regardless of the consequences.She was minding her own business one day when a demon lady with blonde hair and pretty blue hues asked her to help her with something. She refused at first until she learned of the woman's plans to involve Dante one of the sons of Sparda.She stopped the woman from leaving and accepted the offer. She was determined to keep Dante from whatever the woman was planning, and at the same time, she may have still had feelings for him. But, as far as she was concerned, those feelings were merely an illusion...or were they?…

Savior in HI3rd: Houraiji Kyuushou reader x Honkai Impact 3rd

Savior in HI3rd: Houraiji Kyuushou reader x Honkai Impact 3rd

39,661 2,161 43

Y/N is reincarnated in HI3rd as her/his favorite character, Houraiji Kyuushou.She finds herself in Nagazora, and starts to explore it, trying to find a way out, she finds some familiar faces, and with their help, they escape Nagazora, and enrols in ST Freya Academy.What adventures will Y/N, (Now using the name of Houraiji Kyuushou) find herself in, what dangers will she face? Will she turn into the Savior of this World and defeat the Honkai?This story is inspired in another one that i read called "I reincarnated as Houraiji Kyuushou in HI3???" from "Ipandechi", unfortunately, the story haven't been updated, but in either case, if possible, go and subscribe in his profile.…