Star Trek: Pike's Fate

Star Trek: Pike's Fate

314 3 6

(Set in the Prime Timeline)Before she became the Captain of the USS Jupiter Kristen Lee was a Lieutenant Commander. Two decades before she becomes Captain, Kristen's parents die on the USS Edison. As of then a young Commander Christopher Pike has the task of raising an eight year old girl. A girl who just lost her parents and who happens to be his god daughter.After finishing her time at the academy Kristen leaves for the USS Jupiter. Two years later she leaves for personal reasons. She heads for Pike's location on earth. A small three bedroom apartment provided by Starfleet. Upon arrival she is met with open arms and a warm hug.But her life isn't all stars and galaxies. It's only begun for the 25 year old Lieutenant Commander.All characters belong to Gene Roddenberry. I own Kristen and any characters you don't recognize in Star Trek.…

Star Trek: Sovereign (Season 1 Episode 1)

Star Trek: Sovereign (Season 1 Episode 1) "Conversion"

524 10 10

The Year Is 2380 And The U.S.S. Sovereign Has Been Launched An Untested Ship With An Untested Crew Is Set To Journey Across The Stars With A Crew Compliment Of 3,000 People The Sovereign Embarks On It's Journey Across The Stars When It Is Attacked By An Unknown Alien Race.…

Star Trek: Academy

Star Trek: Academy

206 0 7

(Set in the Prime Timeline)Before she became the Captain of the USS Jupiter Kristen Lee was a Lieutenant Commander. Two decades before she becomes Captain, Kristen's parents die on the USS Edison. As of then a young Commander Christopher Pike has the task of raising an eight year old girl. A girl who just lost her parents and who happens to be his god daughter.Follow Kristen Lee Pike and her adventures at Starfleet Academy. From finding friends in a grumpy doctor to an energetic trouble magnet Kristen leads her life like any Pike. With good work and a whole lot of adventure. All characters belong to Gene Roddenberry. I own Kristen and any characters you don't recognize in Star Trek.…

Three Ships in Time

Three Ships in Time

1,816 37 4

March 28th, 2050. The three largest warships ever made disappear in a squall. All hands were lost. The ships: USS Illinois, USS Superior, and USS Ontario were old timers from WW2. But they never sunk, instead they appear in a timeline different of their own...Book cover image is my own photography, please do not use without permission.…

Star Trek: USS Jupiter

Star Trek: USS Jupiter

283 0 8

(Set in the Kelvin Timeline)Captain's log Star-date 2264. File under personal grievances. Captain's log Star-date 2264.6.3. File under personal grievances. Today I witnessed Myles Victorovich, my first officer, have a mental breakdown. To make matters worse he reverted from English to Russian. The universal translator couldn't keep up and decided to let him speak Russian. In all honesty, Myles hasn't slept more than 5 hours a night since we left Yorktown. The attack from the man formerly known as Balthazar Edison left his parents on life support. The attack was over a year ago. Last week when we were docked at Yorktown he found out his father had died. He hasn't taken it well.I remember when I got the news of my parents passing, I was serving on the Jupiter then. Barely an adult. I had gotten most of my training on the USS Edison and was able to skip a few years at the academy. The grief was overpowering. I was lucky to have Captain Avery and Chris to help me through, they became my family. Chris also was grieving for his best friends, I'm glad he was able to find some peace before he followed in their steps. I feel it in my heart that they are together and getting into mischief. As for Avery, she found me to be much like her and decided early I would take over once she took the position as admiral. For six years she groomed me. After turning 23 she made me her first officer after Isla Montgomery left for the USS Aries. Now I'm nearly 30...time flies________My name is Kristen Lee. I am the Captain of the USS Jupiter. These are the voyages of the USS Jupiter and its mission to discover new life.All characters belong to Gene Roddenberry.…

i be back i be back

i be back i be back

3,186 217 196

oh the posts start comin and they dont stop comin…



46,526 2,752 238

This is mah life...DERP STYLE!…