

3,837 233 5

She's never had love and always been a BAD girl. Will one man slow her down?โ€ฆ

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6,014 497 28

third graphics shop- status : completed ! - current batch : none !- simple graphics !cover inspo @swetaerPLUMRENE GRFX ๐Ÿฅ€โ€ฆ

๐—‡๐—ˆ๐—Œ๐–พ๐–ป๐—…๐–พ๐–พ๐–ฝ | ๐—Œ๐—Ž๐—‡๐—„๐—‚ โฐโด
Voltaic Falling

Voltaic Falling

170,902 3,783 54

Beatrice Rose Black; a name that provoked enigma. A fierce Gryffindor who has a past that she wants to change desperately. Being the daughter of Regulus Arcturus Black and Aurora Rose Lupin never came easy. She had shoes to fill and a reputation to turn askew."Tris, you are stubborn, strong, fierce, but yet every time I look into your eyes, I see a voltaic enigma that I need to solve. It's always been you, Tris, I am completely and utterly enticed by you". Cedric Diggory/Bill Weasley Love Story(BW/CD X Fem!OC)โ€ฆ

Attached | Malum

Attached | Malum

222,691 8,880 28

Michael and Calum are keeping a huge secret from their band members. But how long will it last?โ€ฆ

It's Only Money

It's Only Money

210,556 3,863 30

What happens when a drunken Camila accidentally stumbles into Lauren's apartment?โ€ฆ

Torn In Three | Malum, Muke, Mashton

Torn In Three | Malum, Muke, Mashton

473,061 22,498 35

Have you ever been torn between two people, of whom you truly love, and not been able to choose? Many people have. But what if there's a third? And what if they're all your band members? Then you know how Michael Clifford feels.โ€ฆ

OatSW: Short Stories

OatSW: Short Stories

2,487 51 13

Following the events of Ori and the Spirits Within, this is a collection of shorter stories depicting the daily lives of the family and the many moments they go through. What tales will be spun within them? Only time will tell...- Spoilers for Ori and the Blind Forest, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, AND Ori and the Spirits Within (obviously)- I do not own any of the Ori characters or locations, who belong to Moon Studios and them alone.- You may have noticed the tag "canondivergence" on this story. I'll let that speak for itself.- Although thought was put into these stories (unlike the actual story where I mostly just winged it), some short stories may have different levels of emotion/plot in them than others. Some may be happy stories, some may have sad parts. Some may have emotional tension, and others may just be dumb and goofy stories. Some are light-hearted, and some can be kind of dark. Just be warned that these stories are slightly varied in their tones and relevance to overarching plot lines.- As of writing this description, at least one of these stories deal with a topic that may/may not be sensitive to particular readers. Stories like these, I feel, need to be expressed and talked about in a safe and clear environment. Nobody should have deal with criticism on these matters regardless of their stance or viewpoint. This is a warning: No disrespectful/disgusting comments, or threats/criticism towards other readers, should ever be made when addressing these matters. I will not tolerate it in the slightest. That goes for this story, as well as in real life. It's absolutely disgusting.โ€ฆ

Another Place To Be Hurt...

Another Place To Be Hurt...

184,847 5,907 11

Harry Potter's home life was never the best. Neglected, beaten and betrayed; little Harry prayed for a savior, but who? Who could save the defenseless young wizard from the hands of his abusive relatives?โ€ฆ



8 1 1

Kres ลผycia.. Korzystaj z niego..โ€ฆ

On A Wire [B. Hargrove]

On A Wire [B. Hargrove]

18,329 676 19

Nancy "Drew" Wheeler & Noah "Nosy" Wheeler. The worst names they would have gotten from the school but Steve came up with it so everyone ran with it. But god was he right. The set of twins lived up to their nicknames, if you could even call them that. Nancy feeling the need to always find out the truth. Mainly for justiceWhile Noah found out for his own gain. Black mail. So god forbid he suspects you have a secret.Unluckily for Billy, he had one. One that he hoped to have taken to his grave. And he would have, if only he had never moved to Hawkinsโ€ฆ

My Sweet Angel

My Sweet Angel

343 2 4

Just a plot.โ€ฆ

Na koล„cu tej ksiฤ…ลผki umrฤ™

Na koล„cu tej ksiฤ…ลผki umrฤ™

158 11 9

Zastanawialiล›cie siฤ™ kiedyล› jak to jest wiedzieฤ‡ kiedy siฤ™ umrze? Ja siฤ™ przekonaล‚em o tym na wล‚asnej skรณrze. Zostaล‚o mi 48h ลผycia, a skoro i tak mam zniknฤ…ฤ‡ z tego ล›wiata to opowiem wam mojฤ… nietypowฤ… historiฤ™ zanim to siฤ™ wydarzy. Nietypowฤ… historiฤ™ nietypowego nastolatka, ktรณry umrze zanim skoล„czy 18 lat. Zanim zrobi tyle rzeczy, o ktรณrych zawsze marzyล‚ leลผฤ…c w ล‚รณลผku i nie bฤ™dฤ…c w stanie siฤ™ ruszyฤ‡. Ktรณry ลผyje w sierociล„cu, a prawdziwy ล›wiat zna jedynie z opowieล›ci, ksiฤ…ลผek i telewizora.Opowiem wam historiฤ™ o wyjฤ…tkowej kobiecie, ktรณra dokonaล‚a niemoลผliwego. I o skutkach jakie to za sobฤ… niesie. Mam nadziejฤ™, ลผe posล‚uchacie moich przemyล›leล„ i wspomnieล„ przed ล›mierciฤ…, ktรณra do tej pory nie przyszล‚a po mnie, mimo ลผe nie raz miaล‚a do tego okazjฤ™. Jednak wiecznie mnie omijaฤ‡ nie bฤ™dzie. Teraz juลผ o tym wiem.โ€ฆ

Funny Puzzleshipping-Stuff

Funny Puzzleshipping-Stuff

36,477 2,179 47

Everything related to Puzzleshipping!Pictures,Videos,Jokes,Funny Stories, Facts and a lot more!You love Puzzleshipping? Yes! Then that's the right book for you!โ€ฆ

Return of Voltron: The Next Generation

Return of Voltron: The Next Generation

710 10 8

Years after the war, Earth and the rest of the universe were in peace. The Paladins going on with their lives finds out that not all of reality was fixed. Without Allura the Paladins cant fly all the lions to form Voltron. With Pidge, the Holts, and the entire Garrison running around to find the next Legendary Defenders, they stumble into some teenagers with the potential to become Paladins. Alongside eachother they all return to space to train and restore peace once again.โ€ฆ

Not just a phantom pilot

Not just a phantom pilot

24,036 366 9

Y/n L/n an 19 year old US Navy pilot that is assigned to the world's first nuclear aircraft carrier along with his friend and rio pilot james. Together they both will be tested in a new world and they have no idea of itNOTE: azur lane isn't mine and the F-4 ALSO isn't mine. They belong to their very epic owners. absolutely NONE of these pictures i use are mine. None of them is mineโ€ฆ

Pranks | Muke

Pranks | Muke

177,993 11,320 26

Michael likes to prank Luke. Luke likes to prank Michael. Michael has a reputation at his school as the "Prankster". So when Luke starts messing with him, what will the result be? Because, everyone knows that revenge is a dish best served cold.โ€ฆ

Fate brought you to me

Fate brought you to me

16,604 829 38

This is the story about two people whose fate brought them together. Adrina is beautiful, smart girl whose parents decided to get her marry with their close friend's son. But fate has something else decided for her as she met Nolan accidentally in mall and feel something for him.Nolan is best friend of Caden with whom Adrina is supposed to marry. What is in their fate? Let's read to find out...โ€ฆ

Normal, or Man?

Normal, or Man?

148 13 1
