Corazón Blanco, Alma Negra: Antes de ti

Corazón Blanco, Alma Negra: Antes de ti

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Todos tenemos recuerdos de niños,aquellos de cuando éramos bebés, aquellos que nos atormentan, aquellos que incluso tus padres no recuerdan... todos aquellos momentos que van forjando tu personalidad, van convirtiéndose en los cimientos de tu vida, de tu futuro... Alguna vez te han dicho?; quizás a quien saliste que eres así!, pues déjenme decirles: SOMOS ASÍ GRACIAS A TODOS USTEDES.Quizás te preguntaras en este momento; cual es mi primer recuerdo?, mientras intentas recordar comenzaré relatando el mío:Es difícil tener recuerdos de niño, más que todo porque cuando somos pequeños no tenemos total conciencia o voluntariedad de nuestros actos, más bien actuamos de forma instintiva, y vamos aprendiendo a través de un modelo de condicionamiento de; premio- castigo, que nos influirá a lo largo de nuestra vida; nos creará límites ( incluso cuando adultos), miedos y nos mantendrá condicionados tal ves el resto de nuestras vidas.Como olvidar aquella primera sensación de estar vivo plenamente; la primera palmada que te dan al nacer... como no recordar lo que ello significa: primero nos provoca miedo, ya que nos extraen de nuestra zona de confort ; luego hambre, ya que no tendremos comida constante; después frío, porque no estamos en aquel nido que nos regula la temperatura. Está primera sensación es extrema supera los umbrales de sensaciones que viviremos, exceptuando la de nuestra muerte. Significa estar vivo...significa soledad... significa sufrir... significa momentos de alegría...significa amar... significa odiar...significa experimentar... significa fallar...significa triunfar...significa aprender...significa compañía...significa llorar... significa sonreír...significa vivir...significa morir.Luego de eso conocemos a nuestros padres, nos entregan su amor; a su manera claro...nadie les enseñó...así mismo nadie nos preguntó si queríamos vivir...que habrías dicho, si teniendo el conocimiento de como sería tu vida hasta ahora, te hu…

Anomaly: The Keepers

Anomaly: The Keepers

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Over five billion years ago, in the vast expanse of the cosmos, a fleet of vessels embarked on a monumental mission-to sow the seeds of life across selected galaxies. Each spacecraft carried two artificial entities known as The Keepers, intricately designed to manipulate planetary physics and nurture the growth of diverse life forms. After more than 500 million years traversing space, one vessel breached the surface of a lifeless celestial body now known as Earth. The Keepers, along with their advanced technology, embarked on a journey to catalyze the evolution of life.Across epochs, The Keepers periodically awake, meticulously crafting Earth's tapestry of organic and biological life. Their pinnacle achievement was a superior intellectual life form, the climax of their intricate design. After a two-million-year slumber, The Keepers reawaken to find their vessel damaged and buried beneath Earth's crust. Undeterred, they persist in their mission, inspecting their biological crop-two-legged beings falling short of the envisioned model. A dilemma arises: their experiment hasn't yielded the intended superior life form.Facing setbacks, The Keepers, despite a damaged ship and imperfect creations, decide to halt time and history for the experiment. A new mandate challenges their initial mission, and Earth's fate hangs in the balance. The Keepers grapple with consequences and unexpected twists in their cosmic experiment set in motion billions of years ago.Anomaly delves into creation, evolution, and life's unpredictability. As The Keepers confront design limitations, they must decide whether to reshape their experiment or witness an uncontrollable destiny. The story unfolds against a damaged vessel buried within Earth, where ancient architects of life reckon with unintended cosmic consequences, playing the role of unwitting cosmic gods.…

  Sick OBSSESION and Harassment To Her.  Second Part (II)

Sick OBSSESION and Harassment To Her. Second Part (II)

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Esta segunda Parte de la Historia Inicia en Los Estados Unidos de Norte América.Creo que también Puedo Autollamarme de Ser admirada Por de algún Modo ser Parte de Los Estados Unidos de Norte América. Si no tuviese algún nexo con Los Estados Unidos, nadie se hubiese fijado en Mí. ya sea para admiración mucjos y también por mala suerte caer en las garras de algunos criminales que buscan la oportunidad de robar a extranjeros en cualquier País a donde esté accesibles en areas no seguras y mala suerte, de visitar el lugar menos indicado en el momento menos indicado y se expone al acecho de oportunidad con personas extranjeras de Europa y de Estados unidos, quienes piensanque por ser de esos Países tienen dinero en la cartera, cuando lo que tienen es sus ahorros para poder tener unas alegres vacaciones. y a veces frustradas por delincuentes comunes.Mala Suerte, es mi historia.No Soy Estadounidense de Nacimiento, Pero Mis Padres viajaron hacia Los Estados Unidos hace más de 20 años, y Porsupuesto He publicado en redes sociales fotos con mis Padres mientras estoy en Los Estados Unidos, y amistades me dice Oh Tú eres Estadounidense y explico! no! no lo Soy! mis padres es reside tes permanentes y mi madrastra es Estadounidense, y me dicen: Entonces Tú eres Estadounidense! y me quedo Pensando y digo mmh aún no! pero mis amistades me consideran igual que Estadounidense por tener mis padres en Estados unidos y por frecuentar bastante Los Estados Unidos aunque viajaba por muchos Países, pero mis amistades me adoran! Pero en mismo tiempo no me había percatado que habían deshonestos acechandome y buscando la minima oportunidad para ver que pueden robar, y Todo porque me consireraban también Estadounidense y al considerarme Estadounidense querían ver en qué podían aprovechar de mí! derepente aparecían mujeres rondandome y hablando indirectas al lado mío y lanzando insultos en voz alta diz que gringa! y yo nunca he dicho que soy Estadounidense pero esp…

Fur Cushions in Different Room Settings: Bedroom, Living Room, and More

Fur Cushions in Different Room Settings: Bedroom, Living Room, and More

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Winter season is one of the best among the four seasons on our planet as we like to eat cookies, cakes, pudding and parties with a hot cup of tea or a mug full of coffee. Simultaneously, the Happy New Year starts with the What's App Messages on the Smartphone from relatives, friends, colleagues and family members. However, you may make your involvement by sitting on any furniture with the fabulous and fascinating Fur Cushions for comfort on the eve of the New Year, either on a Sofa, on a Balcony Hanging Chair, on a Dining Chair, a Bed in the living room and reply them back.Besides, the New Year starts with the grand celebration of cutting the cakes in the house. However, imagine the moment and get yourself prepared to make the celebration a grand success. Eventually, make a plan to know the distinctive features of the exquisite Fur Cushions to start the New Year with top-class gear in the living room to make the sweet home in reality for the future. Contrarily, the winter season starts with the holidays for involvement. Consequently, you may go for a long drive for a picnic, a family get-together, or visit the museum, zoo etc. After a trip, you are required to relax where you need the accompaniment of the Faux fur cushions for able support. During the time of gala chat with friends, you make yourself confident with the Soft fur décor in the environment.Consequently, the seasonal home décor starts with the trendy and fantastic Fur cushions. Additionally, the Stylish fur accents involve wonderful winter cushions for your perfection in sitting.Adapting Home Decor for Seasons Start with Fur CushionsConcurrently, you have the privilege to make your cosy feeling appealing with the fantastic Fur cushions, i.e., an ideal asset for the winter season for all reasons. Altogether, the New Year celebration has the resolution to utilise trendy fur cushions for the warmth in its charm.Visit Aawrun Store Today…

Luck After Luck After Luck After...

Luck After Luck After Luck After...

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LUCK AFTER LUCK AFTER LUCK AFTER... (Achieve what you want using your Magic Art Journal and a 3,000-year old astrology secret)Is your vision board or art journal in good timing? -2016's auspicious for health and work, 2017's lucky in partnerships and love, 2018 is...For the vision board or art journal beginner : an easy step-by-step on how to make your first vision board--your door to creativity and abundance awaits you.For the experienced enthusiast: find here a new technique that improves your life more and more, year after year!This book will help when you want to: *create the business you fantasize about *determine the right time to obtain more money *look for the best times to enrich your love life *plan and host unforgettable parties that unite family and friends *learn a new skill and make a living out of it *travel and experience foreign places *cultivate an active inner/spiritual life *and much, much more!Copyright © 2016 by Edel Vita Cover design by AmigaCover and backcover text by Michael KatzAuthor's photograph by Melton Balicano of Two-Way ProductionsAll rights reserved. No part of this book, either in part or in whole, may be reproduced, transmitted or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic, photographic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher, except for brief quotations embodied in literary articles and reviews. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.For permissions, or for serialization, condensation, or for adaptation, write the Publisher at the address below.International Standard Book Number:Library of Congress Catalog Number:First Edition, 2016Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataPrinted in Canada and The Philippines…

shenanigans of the crown prince's betrothed

shenanigans of the crown prince's betrothed

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Crown Prince Zephyrus of EDA is a perfectionist who aims to go down in history as the most thriving Emperor of the 18th century. He desires to be a ruler admired by his subjects and a husband loved by his wife.But dreams feel far from reach because he is still a contender to the crown, a namesake of the Crown Prince. Though a sudden Royal Engagement with the Grand Duke's granddaughter has his ambitions, plans, and patience tumultuously tumbling down like a house of cards. His betrothed is an enigma to everyone around him and unravelling her is not a matter of choice, but need. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Princess Agnes Raqs is said to be the Grand Duke's granddaughter who was hidden from the world until the very moment she was needed by the royalty. She is beautiful, she is flattering, she is everything a Queen could need in a daughter-in-law. But that's all on the outside. For Zephyr knows that she is a double edged sword with a handle burdened heavy with secrets.▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬And then there's Clover Milton, just trying to be a good best friend to the Crown Prince without affecting the Empire too much with his straightforward personality. He is as charming as they come, flirting around to make worth of all the time that Zephyr spends hating on Agnes. He is usually Zephyr's saving grace, even though grace hasn't even touched a strand on his own blonde head. He makes sure to never drop his smile.But, beyond all of that, he too is burdened with a world of hidden truth. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Together, follow the trio into a whirlwind romance as they try to comically put everything on stake just to win the throne of EDA and ensue a great reign.…



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Um homem de meia idade sentado no lado esquerdo do beer devorava seu lanche sem preocupação alguma, a mostarda escorregando entre os dedos, com seu agasalho de grife não escondia o tique, hora esfregava o nariz, hora percorria as mãos pela virilha, na calça a mancha nítida do condimento. Percorri os olhos a procura do garçom, precisava de outra bebida antes de prosseguir, um jovem rapaz extremamente magro e de postura curva, com a camiseta encardida provavelmente utilizada ao decorrer da semana inteira, atendia a mesa ao lado, sua face expressa dor de um fim de noite frenético, acredito que os três degraus que separam a cozinha do salão, para ele neste momento eram uma tortura. Aguardei alguns segundos para que o garçom notasse a minha existência, do lado direito estavam um casal monossilábico, ela com um semblante opaco, lábios finos e olhar distante, ele um homem de baixa estatura, percebi pelas pernas que não ultrapassavam o limite da mesa, ambos apos um longe período de silencio esboçavam um sorriso amarelo. Sentava próxima a janela voltei dessa abdução quando ouvi o som estridente de uma buzina, tentei entender o que ocorria, o transito não fluía em frente ao beer, dois veículos disputavam a estreita alameda. Em alto tom disparei um comentário:- Putz!Alguma anta estacionou bem na esquina Os prédios baixos da alameda me possibilitavam visualizar a lua que estava enorme no céu, esse inverno calhou com o fenômeno da superlua, dizem que esse fenômeno altera as marés, assim como todo comportamento humano. Se estivéssemos em um filme a cena a seguir seria, uma linda colina, logo após uma clareira impecável, um rio no final do vale de águas tranquilas. Eu estaria sentada com um sorriso de propaganda de margarida, enquanto um vento lateral incompreensível da sua origem moveria meus cabelos, ângulo da câmera subiria rumo um horizonte sem fim. A cena real era uma alameda suja e escura, repleta de bares, onde…

Lenda Medíocre d& Um Pesadelo Insano

Lenda Medíocre d& Um Pesadelo Insano

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José da Serra cuja cabeça é pelada pela calvície tem seus vultos protagonizando cenas horrendas e seus dentes amarelados sorriem para suas vítimas. Continuo presa pelo sono pesado; Não há curva de Serra apenas nó que encobre o relevo acidentado de suas ambições. Vejo José com aspecto de vampiro, mas não passa de sanguessuga. Uma lenda para alertar essa gente que não conhece nada sobre José da Serra. Não alcance esse nível, deixe-me apenas te contar o que lembro: Serra arrodeada de tucanos vivem no vale das sombras, esse lugar é muito difícil de chegar, mas ousei ir para observar. Por ser uma região afastada do povo suas naturezas me parecem sombrias, aproveitam da madrugada para tramar suas armações em cerimônias que parecem rituais. Os tucanos à meia noite se transformam em urubus, pois nesse horário não precisam das aparências. Urubus a postos eis que surge o tal do José da Serra imperando seu caráter obscuro, ao se aproximar das criaturas que estão à sua espera vê surgir um óleo parecido com petróleo, então seus olhos estatelam despertando sua cobiça pelo líquido que servirá para ascender à fogueira ao centro do rito e o fogo levanta junto com o grito de José que traz uma proposta mirabolante para a corja que se ouriça emitindo sons horripilantes e incompreensíveis. Mas quando o fogo já está quase se apagando mais uma remessa daquele óleo vai ser atirada pelos urubus então o macabro homem cm semblante áspero interrompe as aves dizendo: "levem de pouco a pouco embora esse petróleo com destino ao velho mundo", os urubus obedecem às ordens parecendo cobras cegas, manipula a todos pra que façam suas vontades mostrando ser um sujeito arrogante, frio e calculista q não valoriza nada do que o vale proporciona-lhe. Repentinamente a estória dá uma revira volta: surge uma serra de corte voadora que atinge o pescoço do José da Serra ele cai esvaído. É pesadelo insano e José apenas uma lenda medíocre.…

Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Car from Delhi

Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Car from Delhi

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Most of the people are confused that How to book Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Car from Delhi and to make the most out of your trip to India by visiting the magnificent Taj Mahal in a day. In this article, we will guide you on how to book this unforgettable tour and make your visit to the Taj Mahal a truly remarkable experience.Best Tour Itinerary: Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Car from Delhi07:00 AM: Delhi Starting Point (Hotel, Airport or Railway Station)Our chauffeur will meet you at your specified location - whether it be your booked hotel, airport, railway station, or a desired spot in Delhi. From there, we will travel via road to Agra along the Yamuna Expressway.10:00 AM: Agra - Taj Mahal SightseeingUpon your arrival, you will be introduced to our knowledgeable travel guide who will accompany you on a tour of the awe-inspiring Taj Mahal in Agra, India. This architectural masterpiece, commissioned by Emperor Shah Jahan in loving memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, is a must-see attraction for travelers seeking both beauty and historical significance.12:30 AM: Agra Fort SightseeingAfter completing the sightseeing at the Taj Mahal. Proceed towards the Agra Fort sightseeing. It was built by Emperor Akbar in the 16th century.02:00 PM: Lunch BreakEnjoy lunch at the Indian Multi-Cuisine Restaurant.03:00 PM: Itmad-Ud-Daulah Taj SightseeingAfter Lunch, explore Itmad-Ud-Daulah. When visiting the Itmad-ud-Daulah monument, also known as the Baby Taj, be prepared to marvel at the exquisite Mughal architecture and intricate marble carvings. 05:00 PM: Depart Agra to DelhiOnce you have finished exploring the wonders of Taj Mahal city, continue your journey towards Delhi for your next destination.Please feel free to contact us at any time for any travel information, tour bookings, tickets, transportation, or hotel bookings in India. Just call or WhatsApp us at +91 98370 44720. You can also visit our official website:…

Don't Look Back(?)

Don't Look Back(?)

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ON HOLD FOR NOW BCUZ IM LAZYSeventeen year old Sal Dalton has always had a rough life. Her father died when she was very young, her mother becoming clinically depressed and unmotivated as time went on. Sal had to grow up quickly to help provide for her sister and mother, emotionally and financially. Just when she's trying to see the light and get her life together, though, Sal recieves a phone call that breaks her heart and ruins her future plans. Her emotions running wild, an ability is unveiled Sal didn't know she possessed. The ability to move and manipulate things with her mind... but there's a catch. She can't control it. She doesn't understand it. It scares her.Sal must leave home for a while, she realizes. Not much is clear but with a little assistance, things may not be as hopeless as she previously thought.After that call nothing went right.After that call her life changed forever.Sal soon meets people who understand her, who can possibly help her out. After what she did, though, Sal isn't sure she can even trust herself. Will she continue to fall apart? Or will she learn how to control her power before it gets out of hand again?~(Title isn't exactly chosen lol... comment title suggestions, I guess?:))~Hey so I started this around a year ago and picked it up again when I found it some months back. All I had done was the first chapter so I apologize if some things seem off, I forget about a certain detail like the main's glasses, etc.I'm 100% not a professional writer, so don't expect perfect. I don't write nearly enough to update every week, therefore have no clue how consistent updates will be. Sometimes I'll go months without doing a thing, so... sorry?Also, THIS IS MY FIRST DRAFT as well as my plotting. I don't plot well, just have a general idea of what'll happen and run with it. If I ever finish this story, that's when I'll begin fixing things and improving the plot, descriptive-ness, etc. <3…

Luxury Living and Unparalleled Golfing at Emaar Golf Grand in Dubai

Luxury Living and Unparalleled Golfing at Emaar Golf Grand in Dubai

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Emaar Golf Grand is a luxurious residential development situated in the heart of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Developed by Emaar Properties, one of the leading real estate developers in the UAE, this stunning project offers a blend of lavish living and unparalleled golfing experiences.The development is set against the backdrop of the magnificent Dubai Hills Golf Course, which spans over 1.2 million square meters and is home to an 18-hole championship golf course designed by European Golf Design. Emaar Golf Grand boasts of spacious apartments, ranging from one to four bedrooms, each designed to offer stunning views of the golf course and the Dubai skyline.The apartments feature elegant and modern interiors, with high-end finishes and fixtures. The units come fully equipped with top-of-the-line appliances, making them the ideal choice for those who seek a comfortable and convenient lifestyle. The development also offers a range of amenities, including a fitness center, a swimming pool, and a children's play area, ensuring that residents can enjoy an active and healthy lifestyle.In addition to its stunning apartments and top-notch amenities, Emaar Golf Grand also benefits from its prime location. The development is located just a few minutes away from Dubai's key attractions, such as the Dubai Mall, Burj Khalifa, and Dubai Marina, making it an ideal destination for those who want to enjoy the best of what Dubai has to offer.In conclusion, Emaar Golf Grand is an exceptional residential development that offers a unique blend of luxurious living and unparalleled golfing experiences. With its stunning location, elegant apartments, and top-notch amenities, it is the perfect choice for those who seek the ultimate in comfort and convenience.…

We Could Be In Love

We Could Be In Love

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Being Bibo Management’s newest “it girl” was the farthest thing from the mind of 27-year-old Penny Madrigal. At 27 years old, her career has been anything but successful. Right after her 27th birthday, she was fired from her job as Account Manager from a highly-respected advertising agency, Rapid Rates. What did she do so wrong that she would deserve this kind of life?One day, she receives a job interview invitation to be an executive assistant for Bibo Management, one of the most prestigious film production houses in the Philippines. This was it. She would work her way up and eventually earn a managerial position. Little did she know that there were bigger things waiting for her.***30-year-old Lorenz Natividad's career might have escalated too quickly. Right before graduation, his entry to Indie Fili, a prestigious Filipino film contest for amateur film makers, won 1st place. He was then recruited by Bibo Management to write and direct a romantic comedy. It wasn’t exactly the genre that he wanted to pursue but he did it anyway since it was a big opportunity. This resulted to A Love Like Yours, which generated 200 million pesos in ticket sales.Since then, he was stuck to generating romantic comedies, dramedies, dramas — anything romantic that the “masa (general public)” could supposedly “connect to”. What happened to his big dream of tackling social issues and bringing them into the public light?One day, he was advised by management to direct another romantic dramedy that was supposed establish his track record in Philippine cinema. If the film generates at least 300 million pesos, then he would be entitled to sole control for one film per year. The problem is that he can’t find a leading lady for his film. That is, until he crosses paths with Penny Madrigal, the newly hired executive assistant.When their paths cross, both their lives are changed forever.…

The Spires of Notwithstanding

The Spires of Notwithstanding

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JAMES RAINBANK has gone into counseling at the request of his depressed mother, in order to keep her cheques coming. His unreliable therapist, Rosamund Hamilton, makes him keep a journal of his thoughts and feelings. James sends her these as letters, with more and more insulting language, especially after he walks out on their sessions. They continue to arrive at Rosamund's house long after James vanishes. James has no answer to even the simplest of questions, which are posed at the beginning of each chapter. James' traumatised soldier friend, DAVE ENOCH, comes home from the war in Iran. Dave suggests crime as the only way forward and slowly, both are drawn into the influence of the confidant Eddie Ormorod- who under false nursing credentials has joined James' hospital staff. Eddie has tracked James' rich boss Clara for years, and plans a kidnap. DS JAZZ BHARAJ is a heartbroken detective. With her partner Smith, she is given the job of solving the suspicious suicide rates of patients at James' hospital. Soon she suspects Eddie of foul play, and puts him under surveillance. James and Dave realise that Eddie is not after money at all, but to torture and murder Clara for her "cruelty" to him years before. After fleeing the scene, James and Dave see a mysterious bus pull up. Both climb on board and buy tickets, but at the last minute James fears for his life, and he jumps off. Dave does not, and vanishes. The Police find James and gather their case against him. In despair, James begins to receive strange letters from Dave. The letters tell of marriage with children, all photographed in front of cars and places that do not exist. The photographs lead Bharaj into knowledge of Operation Croatoan, a clandestine military science project that stalled in 1944. Another dimension has been discovered, that opens to a dark and dangerous land- known only as 1965B.…

Cpa Tax Preparation Texas

Cpa Tax Preparation Texas

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Gotax Global is one of the best financial planning firms in Texas, providing Online financial services and financial planning services in Texas. Gotax has been qualified as the best online Tax Preparation in Texas. Our professionally skilled tax consultants advise clients on all facets of Income tax preparation texas.…