Moonlight (Crack Chat)

Moonlight (Crack Chat)

64 0 4

These are some of the many tales of Lilly, Felicity, Thalia, and Rose, otherwise known as Moonlight. Are they high as hell, or just completely insane? They're not sure either.⚠️WARING⚠️ SOME OF THESE HAVE ACTUALLY HAPPENED YES WE ARE THAT DUMB…

A Little More Me// Nick Mara

A Little More Me// Nick Mara

4 0 1

I guess you could say I'm a little more me with him😉…

Monarch Property Management Las Vegas: The Best in Realty

Monarch Property Management Las Vegas: The Best in Realty

6 0 1

Monarch Property is one of the best full-service property management companies in Las Vegas. We specialize in the acquisition and leasing of residential properties and other realty services. For more information about our company, read this blog now!…



141 1 1

what if before the Potter have Harry and scarlett they did have an older son that was kidnapped.What If the son the son became the power ranger not a normal but a legendary ranger and what if the power rangers and hogwarts got teleported into a theatre room to watch the show about his life while being reunite with his birth family that he know Nothing about.…

This story is dedicated to Jonghyun

This story is dedicated to Jonghyun

1,463 224 27

Rest in peace Jonghyun. You have always been my ultimate bias and always made me smile. Even tho behind your smile was depression and sadness. I can't believe we didn't see this. We all thought you were fine but you weren't. I send prays to your family and friends also SHINEee. This group will never be the same without you. Our amazing leader. Rest in peace. April 08,1990 - December 18,2017. Sore high. Here is one of my favourite quotes for those that we have loved that has passed on : " Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day... unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear " - UnKnown…

Naruto Uzumaki i Sasuke Uchiha najpotęzniejsi schinobi wszech czasów

Naruto Uzumaki i Sasuke Uchiha najpotęzniejsi schinobi wszech czasów

468 0 79

Co by było gdyby przez pewne wydarzenie Naruto Uzumaki i Sasuke Uchiha dążyli aby stać się najpotężniejszymi schinobi wszech czasów. Gdyby Kurama nie zdając sobie z tego sprawy był drugim ojcem Naruto. Gdyby Naruto Uzumaki i Sasuke Uchiha trenowali a także zaprzyjaźnili się z dziewięcioogoniastym lisim biju. Co by było gdyby od dziecka Naruto dowiedział się o biju zapieczętowanym w Naruto. Gdyby Sasuke Uchiha wiedział o sekrecie Naruto.…

Power Rangers Piratas del cielo

Power Rangers Piratas del cielo

163 8 2

La Armada ha invadido, la tierra casi ha sido tomada y a los Power Rangers Megaforce les han robado sus poderes. La única esperanza que tenemos son cinco jóvenes de otro mundo con los poderes de todos los Power Rangers anteriores en el universo, ellos son... ¡Power Rangers Sky Pirates!…

Heart in my head

Heart in my head

500 24 6

Vraví sa, že človek,na ktorého myslíš ráno keď sa zobúdzaš a večer keď zaspávaš je buď tvoje šťastie alebo trápenie. Ale čo je potom on? Odbil ma márnym kývnutím rukou a škaredým gestom, ktoré som nedokázala pochopiť, pretože som mu doposiaľ nič nespravila. Áno niekedy naň ho zízam ale nikdy si to nevšimol. Alebo moje pohľady cíti? cíti keď pozerám na jeho zamatovú pokožku, ktorá sa pri slnečnom svetle akoby trblietala,cíti keď pozerám na jeho plné krvavočervené pery, ktorým by neodolalo ani jediné dievča v New Yorku. Som blázon.Myslím na chlapca,ktorého nikdy mať nebude lebo čo je ďalší háčik dal sa do kopy s Ell. Ell je moja nevlastná sestra a čo je najhoršie je o rok mladšia odo mňa. Keďže s pánom dokonalým sme spolužiaci nedokážem pochopiť prečo taký tzv. rebel si vybral práve ju. Celé dni sedí a láme na hlavu nad tým čo ako vzniklo alebo prečo to tak vlastne bolo. Áno moja sestra je knihomol. Ale teraz vyhrala. Získala to čo bolo pre mňa všetko aj keď som to nemala.…

The Warden Daughter

The Warden Daughter

150 7 4

The Warden has three rules1) Never Cheat2) Don't Steal Stuff From Her3) The Most Important One Never and I Mean Never Fall In Love With Her DaughterSo which one did Carlos break? All of them especially the third one. Why did he have to fall in love with the blonde beauty?…

Environmental Air Quality Monitoring Systems - Air Quality Monitor Manufacturer

Environmental Air Quality Monitoring Systems - Air Quality Monitor Manufacturer

1 0 1

Huma-i portable air quality monitors are simple tools for air quality professionals and enthusiasts alike to gather real-time information on the surrounding air…

Shark Tank ACV Gummies

Shark Tank ACV Gummies

1 0 1

Shark Tank ACV Gummies are a type of dietary supplement designed to harness the benefits of apple cider vinegar without the harsh taste or potential stomach irritation associated with drinking it straight. The concept of these gummies is rooted in simplifying wellness practices by making daily supplementation both enjoyable and convenient.…

A Treatise on Arborvespoidea

A Treatise on Arborvespoidea

16 0 1

This is a fictional, wasp-like species I have created in my spare time as a writing exercise. It takes elements and observations from my hobbyist studies into entymology. If you wish to use this species for any purpose, you must contact me with that purpose so that I am made aware of it and can be prepared to answer questions you may have about it. Thank you for reading.…

Sam Wanda and the Seven Midgets

Sam Wanda and the Seven Midgets

22 0 2

This is a modern day rewrite of the classic fairytale, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. (if you haven't guessed already) I wrote this with a classmate for a school project, so it's kinda funny and cutesy, not deep or that creepy or anything.(I mean, it's Snow White! It has to be a little creepy), hope you like it!…

Skinny Love

Skinny Love

372 60 15

"She was mine... She just didn't know it". Hazel is a 18 year old girl who has never left England... Until her childhood friend Harry invites her to go on tour with him. Harry has loved Hazel since the beginning but friendship is something he is to scared to risk for love.…

Arrivederci, Cornelia

Arrivederci, Cornelia

17 0 4

Cornelia to studentka Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Cremie, w północnych Włoszech. Studiuje tam ze swoim chłopakiem - Elio. Na tym samym uniwersytecie uczy się również Valentina - żywiołowa dziewczyna, która namiesza znacznie w życiu Cornelii i Elio. Jeśli ciekawi Cię, co się wydarzy w trakcie ich nauki na uniwersytecie to zapraszam do lektury!…



2,420 30 20

Mya Porter is moving to LA. She meets up with her brother and his friends. The boys don't know her rep of being a heartbreaker, or a city girl. She's playing with their mind. Her friends are trying to help her settle down with one person but Mya doesn't want that.... Not just yet.…

Reuniting the Nation: A Blueprint for Unity and Global Identity

Reuniting the Nation: A Blueprint for Unity and Global Identity

5 0 2

Why does progress feel impossible in the wealthiest, most resourceful nation on Earth? Why are we still grappling with challenges like healthcare access, economic inequality, and cultural division? And most importantly, what can we do about it?In Reuniting the Nation, the author delves into the forces tearing us apart-political polarization, economic inequality, media-driven division-and exposes how these fractures stifle our collective potential. Through a blend of powerful storytelling, in-depth research, and practical solutions, this book challenges readers to rethink the systems and narratives that perpetuate inequality and division.From the role of media algorithms in shaping public opinion to the shared struggles of diverse communities often pitted against each other, Reuniting the Nation uncovers how inequality and polarization harm us all. Most importantly, it offers a roadmap for change: universal healthcare, affordable housing, and cross-cultural solidarity that unite us around shared economic goals.Whether you're a student, activist, policymaker, or simply someone searching for hope, Reuniting the Nation will inspire you to see beyond divisions and work toward a more equitable and unified society.Together, we can move past the fractures of today to build a future where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.A must-read for anyone who refuses to accept that division is inevitable.…



66 2 1

Imagines about PRETTYMUCH! Nough said! Enjoy!💜…

Unitymedia Store Zeil Uni
The chosen one

The chosen one

36 1 2

YN meets Zion & his brother at the club for YN's birthday, but Zion & Elom like the same girl...who would YN fall for?…