Monarch Property Management Las Vegas: The Best in Realty

Monarch Property Management Las Vegas: The Best in Realty

6 0 1

Monarch Property is one of the best full-service property management companies in Las Vegas. We specialize in the acquisition and leasing of residential properties and other realty services. For more information about our company, read this blog now!…

Unexpected friends

Unexpected friends

24 2 4

Emma and Mia were the best of friends who stand Prettymuch. They never met them till one day it all changed.... unexpected friends…

Power Rangers Piratas del cielo

Power Rangers Piratas del cielo

163 8 2

La Armada ha invadido, la tierra casi ha sido tomada y a los Power Rangers Megaforce les han robado sus poderes. La única esperanza que tenemos son cinco jóvenes de otro mundo con los poderes de todos los Power Rangers anteriores en el universo, ellos son... ¡Power Rangers Sky Pirates!…

Heart in my head

Heart in my head

500 24 6

Vraví sa, že človek,na ktorého myslíš ráno keď sa zobúdzaš a večer keď zaspávaš je buď tvoje šťastie alebo trápenie. Ale čo je potom on? Odbil ma márnym kývnutím rukou a škaredým gestom, ktoré som nedokázala pochopiť, pretože som mu doposiaľ nič nespravila. Áno niekedy naň ho zízam ale nikdy si to nevšimol. Alebo moje pohľady cíti? cíti keď pozerám na jeho zamatovú pokožku, ktorá sa pri slnečnom svetle akoby trblietala,cíti keď pozerám na jeho plné krvavočervené pery, ktorým by neodolalo ani jediné dievča v New Yorku. Som blázon.Myslím na chlapca,ktorého nikdy mať nebude lebo čo je ďalší háčik dal sa do kopy s Ell. Ell je moja nevlastná sestra a čo je najhoršie je o rok mladšia odo mňa. Keďže s pánom dokonalým sme spolužiaci nedokážem pochopiť prečo taký tzv. rebel si vybral práve ju. Celé dni sedí a láme na hlavu nad tým čo ako vzniklo alebo prečo to tak vlastne bolo. Áno moja sestra je knihomol. Ale teraz vyhrala. Získala to čo bolo pre mňa všetko aj keď som to nemala.…

A Little More Me// Nick Mara

A Little More Me// Nick Mara

4 0 1

I guess you could say I'm a little more me with him😉…

~ Hetalia Zodiaki 2 ~

~ Hetalia Zodiaki 2 ~

24,168 1,347 59

Oto 2 część zodiaków z hetali ! ~ Miłej zabawy ~…

Proper Introductions

Proper Introductions

30 0 10

Some proper introductions of Trash Society XDDisclaimer: The Young Elites (referenced in the book) is by Marie Lu. Cover photo is by Draw with Jazza.…

Courtes histoires et réflexions

Courtes histoires et réflexions

64 18 3

Cette histoire servira de recueil à divers one shot et nouvelles. Les genres peuvent varier totalement, le tout dépendra de mon humeur du moment. Ce recueil s'adresse à tous les curieux qui sont prêts à lire de tout.Photo de couverture by Jonas Verstuyft on Unsplash…

Huma-i: Advanced Portable Indoor Air Quality Monitor Manufacturer

Huma-i: Advanced Portable Indoor Air Quality Monitor Manufacturer

2 0 1

Huma-i has thought about the major concerns of the mothers over and over, especially moms with young children, whose immune system is a little bit weak. One of their concerns is, definitely, to bring up their kids with safety and health.…

A Collection Of Poems From A Dark Mind. 🥀

A Collection Of Poems From A Dark Mind. 🥀

273 21 4

Poems mainly comprising sad shiz.~[On hold]~…

Babybird (Hawks x Reader)

Babybird (Hawks x Reader)

5 0 1

You're climbing the ranks of pro hero, fighting villains and saving people, maybe even catching the eyes of the flighted hero hawks, what will happen when he can't seem to stop looking for your attention, will you give in and give him what he wants? Or will you stop it before it gets too far. Explicit TW: Sex suggestive content, cussing.…

My Hot Neighbor

My Hot Neighbor

9 1 1

A BL about two models who met on a yacht and soon found out they were neighbors. Did our ML find the one that will mend their broken heart or will they get heartbroken once again? TW: Might have some themes of NSFW in the future or it could all just be fluff(This is my first story and I'm still learning so please help me improve)…

COD oneshots (M!reader & Character Ships)

COD oneshots (M!reader & Character Ships)

288 3 3

This'll be a oneshots collection of random things I write that are cod. Will have ships n stuff like soap and ghost BUT will also have male reader once shots because there are NOT ENOUGH OF THOSE UHGGG!!! I hope u enjoy :D…

Pet Shop [Ddankong/Binsan]

Pet Shop [Ddankong/Binsan]

30 1 3

Sanha likes Moonbin. A lot. But he's just an awkward college student who doesn't really have any special talents but maybe drawing. He doesn't know how to flirt. Luckily, Moonbin does. And Moonbin has definitely got the hots for him.…

Wolne strzały. Kaliber .55

Wolne strzały. Kaliber .55

270 61 7

W tym miejscu znajdą się wszystkie tytułowe wolne strzały, opowiadania które nie będą miały kontynuacji. Będę tu zamieszczał różne gatunki opowiadań, więc każdy znajdzie tu coś dla siebie ;) serdecznie zapraszam :D…

Maori Short Stories

Maori Short Stories

235 9 2

❝We all got stories to share. Whether they're fiction or non fiction, we all have a story where we can share them.❞In which I, sarcasticbitxh share you Wattpadians my own stories for you to read in a world where I come from. Whether it'll be fictional stories, I've got plenty to share. I own my own stories so that means stealing stories is unacceptable. This work of mine is purely fictional.…

,,Czarny Kupiec

,,Czarny Kupiec"

97 9 4

Minął rok od pokonania wojowników czasu. Ninjago stało się spokojne jednak nie na długo, w naszym świecie pojawił się nowy złodziej. Nie był to Ronin. Był on na tyle sprytny, że nie zostawiał po sobie nic poza kartą z napisem "Czarny Kupiec". Czy ninja dowiedzą się kim on jest? Czy uda im się go złapać? Żeby się dowiedzieć przeczytajcie opowieść pt. Czarny KupiecP.S. Na tym koncie nie będzie wszystkich rozdziałów. Po pierwszą część tej historii wpadnijcie do @Black_NinjaGirl co kilka dni ;)…

Fakty o mnie

Fakty o mnie

3,915 622 97

Na okładce kot Marian. (pozdrawiam @who_needs_you) Nudzi mi się w życiu, ok?…



26 4 3

Harper Black has always lived in the shadow of her father. Well, how could she not. Say the name Black and the first thing people think of is the alleged mass murderer Sirius Black. So, when Sirius escapes, Harper's world is rocked as she tries to balance friendships and OWLS with dementors and the constant fear of her father being out to get her. How will Harper react when what she believed is proved to be false and she has to adapt to her knew reality?…